The End

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I ran out the front door and drove to my house. When I got home I greeted my pig Elvis Pigley. I held him and sobbed. I think Stan killed Ford. I ended up visiting Gravity Falls a few times, but Stan never recognized me. I had seen that he called his place the Mystery Shack. In the year 2012 I saw that he had two grand nephews. I walked up to him once when I had visited in the summer of 2012.

"Stan, you can't put these children in danger."

"Carla? How have you been?"

"Stan, listen! If you put these kids in danger I will call the cops."

"Carla, they are in the safest place in Gravity Falls, don't worry."

"Well, I wanna see them."

"Why don't you trust me? God, almost everything I've done well was for you or for Ford, and you just hate me!"

"I don't hate you! Do you know how hard it is for me?! I love you but you killed Ford!"

"I didn't kill him! I accidently pushed him in a portal!"

"You really think I'm that dumb? I know I'm not smart but I can't believe you think I'm that dumb. God!"

"No, really! I'll show you."

We walked into the Mystery Shack and walked over to the vending machine. Once we got in Stan punched the two top vending machine buttons, then the left second highest, and then the two second row buttons. The vending machine door opened and he grabbed my hand and led me down the staircase and when we went down stairs I saw a small dimly lit room with a window on top of a button station. On the other side of the window was a big triangle with a circle and it looked like an experiment.

"Stan, what is this place?"

"This is where I lost Ford."

"Is he dead?"

"No, just lost but ima get 'em back."

All of the sudden I heard two kids upstairs running.

"Oh shit. I should go and take care of 'em, huh?"

He was still grabbing my hand and I couldn't help but feel the feeling coming back. I pulled his hand towards me and grabbed his other hand. I looked up into his eyes and saw the familiar hungry look. I ravenously put my lips on his and our tongues started to wrestle. I started to take off my shirt but he pulled away. He gave me this hungry look.

"Are you sure we should do this?" he said in a deep husky voice.


We resumed as though nothing had stopped us before. I took off my shirt as he took off his pants. I could hear people on the other side of the vending machine door but I didn't care. I quickly took off my skirt as he humped me valiantly. "Oh Stan," I said continuously, louder and louder. When we had finished he got up and said,

"Oh shit I really gotta take care of the kids for real now!"

I saw him as he left the room and thought over our previous actions. I really did love him. I had left Gravity Falls for a trip to Hawaii for a year and in June of the next year I saw him. But there were two hims this time Ford and Stan. I ran up to them and hugged them both but Stan said,

"Hey lady, are you okay?"

I looked at him puzzled. He talked to me as if I didn't know him. I turned to Ford and he gave me a warning look.

"What's going on, Ford?"

"He lost his memories in an accident."

I looked at him and fell to the ground. He had forgotten me completely; we could never remake all those memories. Between sobs I said,

"Oh, well, what are you guys doing? Did you make up?"

"We're doing the only thing he ever really wanted to do. Go on the Stan 'o War trip."

"Do you mind if I join you?"



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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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