A false reason

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The council president walked towards Ise and said, hey commander, the king fish squad finished repairing and cleaning our tanks, can we return to our office now? 

Ise's face got very serious and he said, good job. now let me ask something, student council president. "He lifted his hand and thee three behind him froze in fear upon seeing ise being this serious" He asked her, Do you seriously think I would let you leave basic training just because you finished first?! 

She began to tremble and said, no sir. 

Ise lowered his arm and said, give me one good reason why I should let you go.

She stuttered the principle called for me. 

Ise bopped her head and said, oh really? I didn't hear him do that. so wait by your- 

Amani fell asleep against Ise's arm and he exhaled and said, you have ten minutes.

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