their only warning

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She saluted him and rushed inside the school. Kagamine tapped Ise's shoulder and he looked at her as she said, "you've got eight more recruits." Ise looked at the field and said, the more, the better. He walked up to them and looked at their tanks for a moment and asked them, you train daily? 

The girl in the middle steps forward and said, everyday sir. wait, I think I've seen you before... Ise looked at them a bit closer and asks them, me too, do you perhaps play the tank simulator at Ichihara's every Tuesday morning? The girl on the left dropped a wrench and said, I thought I noticed you! those girls you bring with you to play the simulator on PVP! your him!? 

Ise said, those girls are my tank crew. I bring them there everyday to train them when I'm not doing maintenance on panzer. "Ise pointed at his tank" the girl on the right said, apologies commander, we were transferred from another school to join the panzer division. Ise looked down and saw a paper being held out by the girl in the middle and she said, " I was told to give you this." 

Ise grabs the paper from her hand and reads it. "I see, so you're special task force from the military academy? don't expect special treatment just because of that. Everyone here is equal, therefore they get treated as such. any mistreatment in the ranks of the panzer division will result in extreme discipline, everyone here is well aware of that already, You get this one warning only. 

"Ise's green eyes glowed blood red as he said that." 

The Panzer Division [Serious Basic Training]Where stories live. Discover now