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Today's Question: Which book of mine is your all-time favorite?

This news acted as a hot and melted coal over his heart. What happened all of a sudden? The girl who brought so much comfort and happiness in his life was seeing darkness for herself. He dreamt of living a very peaceful and loved-filled life with Unaiza and now she wasn't waking up. Her life was at stake and he didn't know whether he would even see her again or not.

No, this couldn't happen. Life couldn't be this unfair to him. Huzaifa knew he was might be a jerk, an asshole, and an irresponsible prick but he never meant to hurt Unaiza like this. She was suffering because of him. She was fighting with life and death because she was his wife. He didn't know what to do. The doctor announced the fact of Unaiza being in a coma like an everyday thing but who knew what it did for him? It slashed his heart more than even a dagger could do. It hurt him and he felt a physical pain associated with it too.

Huzaifa got a strong desire to shout. Soon the sorrow changes into anger and frustration, urging him to take it out on anyone. This anger drove him crazy and he wanted to find Inaya and make him suffer the same way she did with his Unaiza.

"Huzaifa..." He heard his brother's concerned voice and a sense of touch over his shoulder.

"This can't happen, Haider Bhai. How can Iza do this to me?"  He whispered, more to himself.

"Let's not lose hope. She will be fine, In Sha Allah. We need to become her strength," Haider said.

He stared at the twisted lines on the wall behind his brother. It gave off very much the impression of his own life. "It's because of me. I am the culprit of this state of her. My name made her weak like this. On her own, she always showed strength but my love made her go through this."

Haider stared at him silently at this. Huzaifa had disclosed his love for Unaiza to his brother. The whole thing which led to this day, Haider knew every bit of it now. However, he still didn't tell Huzaifa the fact that Unaiza loved him too even though he itched to do so. Unaiza's wish was was very pure when it came to her feelings. She wanted Huzaifa to know it himself that she was in love with him. He promised her this and he couldn't break his promise.

"That wasn't your mistake, Huzaifa. That was what was written in the fate. As like the fact that you were meant to love Unaiza in the end although she was in front of eyes, living among us for all her life. You never knew that you would eventually realize someday that she was your soulmate and she was someone who would be your first and last love. Exactly the same way, you couldn't undo what happened. That was bound to happen in one way or another way. But don't lose hope. Unaiza will come out to be way more stronger after this battle. We just need to pray for her well-being. She is strong and our given strength will strengthen her more. Especially the support and love you will give her," he told him, as a matter of fact.

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