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Disclaimer: Islam is perfect. Muslims are not. The characters in my story may or may not be practicing Muslims. Rest Allah knows better. ❤

Standing on the other side of the door, an innocent pair of blue eyes were staring at her curiously. Unaiza smiled and held out her arm for him.

"Iza," he murmured as his lips formed a cute pout.

Her nickname never sounded this adorable from anyone's mouth other than him.

"Azan..." She said lovingly and got out of her chair.

As she walked towards him, he too followed her movement. Unaiza crouched on her knees and grasped his tiny shoulders.

"Let's play, Iza," he grinned and his face lit up.

She realized that he was nothing like Nisha as far as habits were concerned. He was even different than his elder siblings too. Nisha often said that he loved socializing and mingling with people and he perhaps got this from his Aunt Rahmeen.

She kissed his cheek. "What do you want to play?"

He clapped his small finger on his chin. "I will make a house for you."

Unaiza chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Let's go then."

The time which spent in Azan's company was beyond amazing. He was so keen on making a house made of plastic sticks and other stuff and a cute blue cloth with having Batman picture engraved on it.

And then all of them go for a cozy day out. She loved the ten days she spent at Sufiyan's Mansion. Nisha and Ruhaan were so welcoming to her while the kids had her heart. She even spent her time in Dadi Jaan's company as well. While Rahmeen was only seldom seen at home as she was so engrossed in her new work which was event planning. But whenever she saw her, it gave her Inaya's vibes. She was the same beautiful, confident, and bold as her.

Unaiza was back at her house after spending wonderful days with Nisha and her family. And now she felt herself very fresh and optimistic. That put the foundation of a new start for her. A beginning that she perhaps would love to have.

That night, she again took out her diary.

The time I lived at Nisha Api's place was wonderful. Aliyan couldn't stop saying Khala and pulling me along with him to play his video games while all Eshal did was show me her clothes, sandals, and books. And Azan. That cute boss baby called me by my name. The way he says Iza makes me want to kiss both of his cheeks hard. I don't know what anyone will say about Ruhaan Bhai. But for me, he was like that elder brother whom you would feel proud to confess to the whole world. He was sweet, gentle, and soft and he made me feel good around him.

While Haider Bhai...He was my strength. He was like a strong wall for me which was there to protect me. If anyone wanted to hurt me, he would have to deal with my Haider Bhai first. It became obvious once again when he was so eager to catch Sarim and his whole gang. He didn't come for home for many hours and had to stay at the police station to make reports.

A while ago, Huzaifa had came and gave me a present wrapped in a beautiful piece of paper claiming that it was my gift from him in happiness for his second salary. When I opened it, it showed a gorgeous locket having a U written on its pendant. My heart moved with another rhythm at this. And a weird wish germinated inside it.

Should I milk my dreams? What was the loss in living in those dreams? Huzaifa wasn't going to be mine but I could think that he also reciprocated my feelings. Just for twenty-four hours. Not more than a day. Could I enjoy an unspoken date with him? Just him and me and no one else. This would be my ultimate memory regarding him. Huzaifa and I as the fake couple maybe? But perhaps it wasn't possible. We couldn't pose as one even though it would be a fake one. He didn't like me.

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