-[Chapter One]-

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Dark, everything is dark,

He could not understand why he can't see through them, he opens his eyes and yet again it is still dark,


His voice, it sounded like his own and yet not so much,

He hears voices, hope, he felt hope when he heard those voices, the darkness still surrounding him, he look where the voices are but they were multiple,

But there is one thing he notice, the voices are feminine,


He hears a cackle,

The feminine voices cackle hysterically, wicked, and more,

It became to much that he had to cover his ears and yet, it wasn't enough.

As he starts to run blindly through the oppressive darkness, his breath grew ragged, each footstep echoing hollowly in the void around him.

The laughter of the feminine voices pursued him relentlessly, growing louder and more unsettling with each passing moment.

Desperation clawed at his chest as he searched for any sign of escape, but the darkness seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction, trapping him in its suffocating embrace.

His heart pounded in his ears, drowning out all other sounds except for the haunting laughter that seemed to surround him from all sides.

But as he runs the laughter fades and slowly he stops running,

He breathes taking deep breaths that would've hurt his chest and yet he doesn't feel tired but cold,

Cold, he feels cold now, why is it suddenly got cold all of a sudden? He shivered and hugged himself trying to warm his body from the cold and yet still, it wasn't enough.

He walked this time, no longer running from the laughter, no longer hearing the mount of voices instead he felt nothing but cold,

His teeth chatter, his body shivered, he touch himself to feel any kind of clothing and he did,

He felt a cloth over him, he felt a weight behind his neck, he touch it and it was a hood, he put it on to give his head some warmth,

And he walked and, walked and, walked and, walked once more.

He doesn't know how long he had been walking but it felt like hours,

The cold air washes over him, he shivered and buried himself under his hood, pulling his sleeves and covering his hands from the cold,

Cold, he hated it and yet, somehow it felt, comforting,

Warmth, he wanted warmth, he wanted to get away from the cold,

He look over from the beyond and felt a glimmer of hope,

Orange, light, something waving infront of him,


He shake,

Not from the cold but from the word,


It scares him, it scares him more than the cold, he wants to move closer but he doesn't want to,

His body shivers once again,

His body needed warmth, he has to or he'll die, freezing to death,

He doesn't want to but he has to,

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