-[Chapter Four]-

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Jaune opens his eyes to see nothing,

Nothing but pitch black, confused, he tries to move his body, to stand, to sit up but he could not,

It felt like chains are weighing him down, not allowing him to move, his breath shaken, where is he?

He tried to call out into the darkness but no response,

He could see no shadows, no shapes, no anything,

He tried to hear but again, he was met in silence, he screamed out once more, nothing once again,

His body is shaken, feeling shaken somehow felt relieving, he finally feel something around him, warmth,

A warm sensation all over of his body, he looked around to see no darkness but a sprinkle of light, immediately,

He gets up, he sat on something, something grainy, he looked down to see a pile of sand circling him, he shoveled his fingers against the grains and they flow out just like sand,

His ear twitch, that sound, is that—the sea? He look over and sees a small patch of the ocean, he smiled in relief,

He slowly stands up, as he stands so did the images following his movement, he did not see that however,

Instead he looked at the sky, a blue sky covered in painted clouds, painted, that word cane to him because the clouds look less like the clouds he knew and more like something he would have drawn when he was a child,

He looked behind to see a spot of yellow, curious, he walk up to it and sees that small spot of yellow turns into a very long brick path, he heard a soft tune somewhere from the abyss but its faint yet musical,

He starts walking up the path and following its direction, strangely it was odd, the road continues on and on, through the forest, it look nothing like the forest, the leaves are far bluer yet greener the tree trunks are either grey combined with a bit of blue,

He continued on, he walked past a large bunch of flowers swaying not from the wind but by there own body,

And for a moment he heard them sing,

Follow the yellow brick road~🎶

Follow the yellow brick road~🎶

Follow, ~🎶

Follow, ~🎶

Follow, ~🎶

Follow, ~🎶

Follow the yellow brick road~🎶

They sang in echo like tune, fainted voices that he could only hear for a short while, he followed what they say and continues on the yellow brick road,

From tall singing flowers, to trees twisting and mixing, roses that are either red or white, creatures he had never seen and yet he could not,

He continues to follow the road but stops when he hears a whisper,

Words he couldn't hear, he looked forward at the road wondering if the whispers is where the road is leading him to,

And so he continues,

To walk, and walk, and walk.

As he walk he continues to hear whispers but yet again it was faint, its loud for sure but unintelligible, words mixed and garbled together but he did hear a few words,

His—Closer—Join—Us!—Here!—Weakling!—Patience.—Afraid—He Must—Us—It—Stronger.

A few words without a sentence or a phrase to continue,

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