3.Same Routine Different Day

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The gunshot knocks her backwards, blood quickly spreading across her shirt

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The gunshot knocks her backwards, blood quickly spreading across her shirt. The man looks at her with cold eyes, then walks away, convinced he's killed her.

But he hasn't. With searing pain and labored breaths, Elena manages to grab her phone and call an ambulance. Her vision blurs, but her will to survive is stronger. The sound of sirens grows closer, blending with her ragged breathing. The scene fades to black.

When she opens her eyes again, she's outside the hospital. The scars are still fresh, but the pain of loss cuts deeper. She knows she can't let the people who destroyed her family go unpunished. Revenge is the only thing keeping her alive now. With fierce determination, she decides to take down the cartel that annihilated her family. She knows exactly who to turn to: a man she met a while ago, a mercenary with military training.

The scene shifts again. She's at an isolated training camp, surrounded by desolate mountains. The man, a battle-hardened veteran with a steely gaze, looks at her.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asks, his voice rough and cold "Yes," Elena replies, her face resolute. "Train me and don't hold back."

The training is brutal. Every day is a fight for survival. She's woken at dawn by cold water splashed on her, her body exhausted but forced to continue. She runs for miles with weights tied to her ankles and wrists until her legs give out. She's made to fight against men twice her size, every blow making her tougher, every fall a step towards her transformation.

During shooting practice, her hands tremble with fatigue, but she has to hit the target perfectly every time. The mercenary yells at her, pushes her to her limits, drills into her that failure isn't an option. Each shot that rings out is a promise of vengeance.

The guerrilla tactics lessons are grueling. She has to learn to move in the shadows, use the environment to her advantage, become a ghost. Her nights are a hell of endurance tests, spent crawling through mud, avoiding traps, staying awake for hours without rest.

Her hands are covered in calluses and scars, her body bruised all over. But Elena doesn't stop. Every pain is a step towards her goal. The scene ends with Elena looking at herself in the mirror after months of training. She's not the same woman anymore. Her eyes are cold and determined, her body hardened by suffering and discipline. She's become a human weapon, ready to execute her plan for revenge.

The dream ends, and Elena wakes up suddenly, her heart pounding in her chest. She tries to breathe deeply, to calm down. She knows she can't let revenge consume her. She's already completed her mission. Now she has to start living again.

She gets out of bed, pushing aside the sweaty sheets. She looks out the window, the morning light starting to filter in. She has to leave the past behind, even though it's hard. She has to find a way to move forward, to live a life they would have been proud to see.

~Caminos Cruzados~ Ez ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now