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She's been home for a while now, still haunted by the image of those burnt bodies in her mind

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She's been home for a while now, still haunted by the image of those burnt bodies in her mind. "Trouble seems to follow me," she sighs, flopping onto the couch with a bottle of vodka in one hand and a glass in the other.

She settles in her pajamas, starts a movie on Netflix, fills her glass, and tries to relax.


One movie later, and just as she's starting another one, someone suddenly rings the doorbell.

Elena frowns, looking at the door, puzzled. The only person who knows her address is Felipe, but he would've given her a heads-up if he was coming over. Given everything that's happened, she's decided that after seeing two burnt bodies, she's had enough surprises for one night. So she'll talk with Felipe tomorrow.

Still, she gets up and slowly approaches the door. Peeking through the peephole, she becomes even more confused. She opens the door, "Ez?"

"Uh... my dad gave me your address," he laughs, scratching the back of his neck. "When you didn't answer right away, I thought I had the wrong place."

Elena looks at him, still confused, but quickly steps aside. "Sorry, come in." The guy walks in and looks around. "Nice place... cozy," he comments. She smiles. Ez's eyes land on the nearly empty vodka bottle on the coffee table. He raises an eyebrow, amused, and for some reason, Elena feels the need to explain. "I didn't drink all of this tonight," she says, grabbing the bottle and heading to the kitchen.

Ez stands in the middle of the room, hands in his pockets. "So, everything okay?" she asks, coming back to him.

To be honest, Ez has no idea why he's here. But after that night and especially after talking to Emily again, his feet had just led him here, and now he finds himself standing in front of her, lost for words.

Flashback to the butcher shop about an hour earlier

After Emily left, Felipe approached his son. "Everything okay?" Ez couldn't take his eyes off the spot where her car had disappeared. "I don't know."

"What does your gut tell you?" Ez looked at his dad, and Felipe understood immediately. He walked away and returned with a piece of paper with Elena's address. "Go to her." Ez didn't question why. His legs had started moving before his mind could catch up.

End of flashback

And now he's here, in front of her, not knowing what to say. Elena obviously notices. "You know what? Let's sit down," she says, taking his hand and leading him to the couch. There could be many things bothering Ez, and Elena knows that... but she suspects one of them might be the burnt bodies.

She wants to make him feel better somehow.

Ez just sits there, silent, glancing at the TV and around the room. Elena decides to take the initiative. "Things are that bad at the club?" she asks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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~Caminos Cruzados~ Ez ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now