Batman v Joker

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Ra's & Hugo Strange defeated and killed Vandal Savage and finally opened up Arkham City, and pit down everyone in there and Batman met the Mortal Enemy of his - The Joker & Harley Quinn, unknown to everyone, Quinn was working for the Batman this whole time and Batman recruited a small gang of people on his behalf to battle down everyone, Batman knowing the Illness Joker spread, defeated Ra's and using his blood sample, failed to make a cure, but with saving Mr Freeze, found a cure and worked down, Joker burnt Mr Freeze and Nora Fries, Batman is now in Present Day. 

Selina Kyle was killed by Joker & Victor Zsasz and Harley Quinn saved Jack Ryder and escaped somehow and now, Batman decided to use Jack Ryder and Located down Deadshot, Victor Zsasz & The Joker, Nightwing & Harley Quinn became friends as Batgirl began dating Red Robin as Spoiler began dating some other hero, Batman defeated Ra's and killed Bane by cutting off his Venom and suffocating him, and recruited gangsters on his behalf and now, Batman declared War on Arkham City, Batman did not declare war on Crime but also on Terrorism and Bullying plus Corruption, allowing Con Artists to walk away and now, Batman infiltrated Steel Mills and began taking the thugs out, killing every single one of them and finally, Jim Gordan died from Illnesses and Gotham Saviors took out everyone in Gotham City, the released inmates joined Blood Haven instead. 

Batman finally defeated the Joker, making it look as Self Defense killed the Joker down, as GCPD now under Harvey Bullock did nothing against him, Carmine Falcon & Penguin joined forces with the Batman and finally Victor Zsasz was found and killed with The Riddler, Batman married Talia Al Ghul, when Darkseid invaders killed Gotham City, Harley Quinn and Deadshot who began a relationship together were killed in the crowd, and now Batman and Talia needed the League to help them. 

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