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"Is this what you call a start?"

He scolded once again, and I despised it, even more than that sting in my wrist.

"Is this how you plan to play my game?"

I slowly rose from the bed, my eyes barely able to open fully.

"And what are you doing now?" he questioned as I approached him.

"I already told you that you're not getting out of bed toda--"

I abruptly stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his while my wounded hand gently rested on his cheek.

This feels right.

The pain fades away.

I want to scream for a response, but this is important too.

Taking a small step back, I admired him.

"I never said that was the beginning, nor did I agree to play your game. Because the one you won't be able to handle will be mine."

A smile spread across my face.

I love him this way, rendered speechless and maybe... breathless too.

Because whenever he speaks, it reminds me of how much he hates me. And how much I hate it.

"Now, it's a start. Move."

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