Aiden & Riya become allies

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(Based on the new trailer(ep 10, s3))

Aidens pov:

The challenge just ended. We had to shoot with paintball guns and all. Everyone had left camp.  I was looking towards Riya, the woman who tried to kill me. I was sitting on a log, just thinking about everything that had happened so far. I really miss James.

I had been thinking for a while. I had started to play more strategic, and i wanted to keep it up. I wasn't sure about joining the villains alliance, but i did want to do some 'villainous' things.

Everyone was minding their own business, even Tom, who was talking to Jake.

Riya looked at me. "What do you want?" She asks, not sounding the nicest.

"Oh, nothing." I say in a rude tone.

She looked at me. "Listen, I have to tell you something." She says. "What's up?" I say, expecting some shitty apology or something.

"Listen, I just wanted to apologize. I know it sounds stupid, and it's probably too late, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you off a cliff AND even a plane. I was just so desperate for money at the time that I didn't think. I'm so sorry." She says, sounding serious this time.

"Oh, uhm. I don't know what to say." I say.

It stays quiet for a little. "I accept your apology." I say. "Thank you." She says.

Suddenly, we notice the others coming back. "Since when do you two talk?" Alec asks. "I apologized to him." She said. I nod in response. "She did, and I accepted it." I say.

"Oh wow." Jake says. I just ignore it. "Why would you apologize to Aiden?" Yul said. "Shut up, Yul." Riya said. I'm starting to like her.

Tom gives me a dirty look, but it's not like I care.

"I'm going to bed." I say. "Okay." The others say.

Riyas pov:

I'm starting to appreciate Aiden more. He is not as bad.

I thought about everything for a while, zoning out. "Riya? Are you okay?" Alec asks. "Oh yeah, I'm okay." I say. "We're going to bed. how about you?"

"Uh, sure." I say. 'I need to have a chat with Aiden tomorrow.' I think so myself.

I get ready for bed. Aiden and some of the others were already sleeping. I just lay down, thinking about what I was gonna say tomorrow. I wanted to form an alliance with him in some way. I don't care how or who else will join. I need Aiden as an ally.

The next morning

I wake up, noticing Aiden is already gone. Yul was voted out last night. I make sure to get ready before leaving the tent. Aiden is sitting there. He is also in his clothes.

"Hey Aiden, can I ask you something? In private, please." I say. "Yeah, of course. What's up?" He asks.."Just follow me." I say.

We walk further into the woods. Nobody would easily find us here.

"So what did you want to ask me?" He asks. "Do you want to make an alliance together. Just me and you. Maybe some other people, too." I say.

"Yes, I do. I don't think Tom really likes me that much after yesterday, so I need a new ally." He says. "Great! Who are we getting out next?" I ask.

"How about Tom? He is good in challenges, so he might be a big threat." He says. "You're right! we can vote him out." I say.

A few weeks later

Aiden and I had reached the final 4, again. The only ones left were Gabby and Ally. One of them was going home for sure.

Aiden and I decided to vote for Ally.

Finally, we hear the words. "Aiden, Riya, and Gabby. You three are the final three. Riya and Aiden for the second time."

Aiden and I smile at each other. We wouldn't care if neither of us won. At least we got far and I got a new friend.


I really like this duo, and I wish they were actually on good terms. 💔 Riya needs to apologize so that they can be allies.


- Sander, 700 words.

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