Mahō and Light chapter 4

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Start of chapter 4
Deimos and the others start running through the base trying to find the leader of the monster breach and as they keep running they see a giant chunk of the facility missing and a large trail left outside. Everyone followed the trail as it started to rain. Deimos picked up the pace before the rain washed up the tracks. The trail led out of the city so Deimos, Mark, and Jaden jumped off the floating city and landed in junk city, then ran off to the mountains in the distance. Eventually, the tracks lead them to the mountains where they see thousands of Lizards bowing to a Large Robot Dragon with ruby eyes that looked to be 350ft, possibly Larger. Mark and Jaden hid behind a rock and looked over at the dragon. "Deimos, how about you take on the dragon? Me, Jaden, and the Bandage guy will keep the lizards off your back Right gu- wait, where is the guy with the bandages?" Asked Mark. Deimos looked around and facepalmed. "Damn! He ran away while I wasn't looking. And he got away. Who knows what Benji is doing? Well, that doesn't matter right now. We need to hurry up and finish the job." Deimos thought to himself. Deimos pulled out his sword which was 6 feet long with a gray aura enveloping around it. "I don't need your help but if you want to feel free," Deimos said with a smirk. Deimos walked up to the dragon and past all the lizards. All of the lizards started shaking and instinctively moving back. The giant dragon let out a robotic roar as it slowly backed away from Deimos. "What's wrong? Scared?" Deimos says as he disappears. The dragon looks around in a panic until suddenly Deimos appears under it and with one kick, he sends the dragon flying in the air. Deimos flew up and landed another swift kick, sending it into a nearby mountain. "Clear," Deimos said as the mountain the dragon sat on started to be cut into quarters and giant lashes appeared on the dragon's body. The dragon launched a beam of energy that surpassed the speed of light at Deimos. Deimos flew right through the beam, then kicked the dragon's jaw shut and punched the dragon, launching through 3 mountains. Mark saw this and looked in awe. Until suddenly, he got slapped in the back of the head. "Focus! We need to kill the rest of these jump lizards" Jaden said. "R-Right! Mark said as he pulled out his sword. Meanwhile, Nyx and Natsu sat outside bored. Nyx was fiddling with her necklace and Natsu was practicing turning objects into 2d from long distances with varying success. "I'm worried. They are taking too long" Nyx said. I'm sure they are fine. As long as they are with Deimos I doubt anyone could touch them" Natsu said. "You're probably right…but a triple breach is scary. The last triple breach caused the deaths of millions, maybe more. I would hate for more people to-" Nyx stopped her sentence and saw a large blue beam of light in the distance. "That came from the middle of the city," Nyx said. "That's probably the third breach…" Natsu said nervously. "Natsu and Nyx get a notification from their phones, They look at their phones and the message. "All guardians. Please evacuate the city or help others evacuate. Please do not attempt to fight the monster. It will lead to your instant death." Nyx after reading the message decided to run into the city with Natsu following behind. Back with Mark: Mark was cutting down the lizards left and right. Mark started spinning around cursing a tornado as Jaden grabbed Mark's hand and started firing his gun. Every Lizard in the vicinity was wiped out. "Hm? Do you see that bright light?" Mark asked Jaden. Jaden looked over and saw the same beam of light. "That's in the city. We should check that out. Deimos is probably fine. " Jaden said as he ran to the city with Mark. "So while we make it there how about we talk about our abilities and more info on each other so that we can partner up easier?" Jaden said. "Sure. Basically, I can use MahÅ to create a wave of energy, I can cover my blade in electricity, and create a tornado by spinning." Mark said. "Great. I'm part of the gun guild. I have the ability to snap my fingers and it will cause a shockwave. I can't also use MahÅ to grab things from far away. And I have an anti-realm technique." Jaden said. "OK, great! Let's hurry up and see what's going on." Mark said as the two picked up the pace.Mark and Jaden jumped up to the city and ran toward the middle of the city. As the two finally made it they saw piles of dead bodies spread across the street, Buildings crumbling and destroyed, and a blue aura enveloping the area. "What the hell happened?" Mark asked. "Seems like whatever did this must be very powerful. I recognize these bodies…some of these are S-class guardians." Said Jaden with disgust on his face. Mark started shaking and walking away. "We should leave," Mark said. Jaden looked back at Mark to see him sweating and him breathing heavily. "We can't just run now," Jaden says. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! If all these S-ranks died what are we supposed to do? I'm a C-rank! What rank are you!?!?" Mark said in a panic. "A rank" Jaden responded. "Exactly! We are dead if we stay here!" Mark yelled. "Are you scared?" Jaden asked. "YES!" Mark yelled. Jaden looked at Mark's panic state and hit him on the top of his head. "Ow what the heck?" Mark yelled. "You're a guardian! It's your job to help those in danger or scared." Jaden said as he backhanded Mark. "Can you not hit me?!?" Mark shouted. "It's fine to be scared. But letting it control is not alright. You must be brave and sometimes you need to act against your fears." Jaden says. Mark took a deep breath, he was still disturbed by all the dead bodies but did his best to keep his composure. "Psst get your ass over here!" someone whispered loudly from behind a building. Mark and Jaden turned to see Zachary gesturing them to follow him. Jaden and Mark ran toward him and turned around the corner to see Zachary, Nyx, Akira, and Natsu. "Guys! What happened?" Mark asked. "Me and the other S-ranks were trying to fight off the monsters that came out of the portal and we did a great job… until the leader came through a wiped out almost everyone. Any S ranks still alive are either playing dead or ran away." Zachary said. "Then these idiots came to try and help. "Zachary said as he looked at the other. "Where is Dimitri?" asked Jaden. "Nyx pulls out Dimitri's hammer with a sad expression on her face. "I see," Jaden said with a serious face. "He was vaporized…." Natsu said sadly. "What the hell were you guys fighting?" asked Mark. Zachary sighed and walked down the street then behind another building and pointed at the sky. Everyone followed as Mark and Jaden looked up in confusion. "What are we looking at?" Mark said quietly. In the sky, there was a 7-foot-blue humanoid figure made completely out of MahÅ. and above the monster, there was a portal that was as big as the city block and slowly growing and cracking reality. "I…have no idea…" Jaden said. Everyone suddenly heard pitter and patter behind them and turned to see a small robot spider. "Bianca?" Asked Zach. "Yep, it's me! I'm currently at HQ using my spy units." She said. "Deimos won't pick up my calls and Jack is busy!" she said. "What with the portal?" Mark asked. "It's trying to create another portal to the monster's dimension! We need to kill that thing ASAP but someone needs to check on Deimos and see what's taking him so long!" Bianca yelled. "Is there nothing we can do?" Jaden asked. "Well if he's distracted he won't be focused on the portal opening." Bianca said. "I'll go find Deimos or Jack. you guys should either hit and run or just go home." Zach said. "Wouldn't it be better for you to fight since you are the only S class here?" asked Natsu. "My abilities didn't work on it. When I tried to stop time it just turned to me and said something about transcending my concept of time or some bs. Either way, just get its attention and run. Don't take it on in a head-on fight. Every attack I tried to land on it went right through it. Zach said while running off. "Welp, I'm going to ask Andre to contact the United States and China to help out." Bianca said. The mini robot started crawling away. As Mark held his sword tightly feeling an intense pressure on his chest. "OK guys let's go!" Mark said with uncertainty in his voice. "We should come up with a plan before jumping in. Huddle up everyone and listen closely.." Jaden said. While they were forming a plan, somewhere in the city Benji sat on a destroyed building. Benji was playing with his knife and running the blade down his hand until he heard footsteps behind him. "Took you long enough Andy," Benji said he got up and looked behind him and saw a man with short black hair, a long top hat, a suit and tie, black shoes and a monocle. Well hello Benji my old friend," The dapper gentleman said. "Did you do all of this?" Benji said as he looked up to see the portal getting bigger and bigger. "Yep! And I had a little help!" The dapper gentleman said as he clapped his hands as Eva and Zip came out of hiding. "You befriended monsters?" asked Benji as he started twitching a bit. "Yep. Our plan will still come to fruition. We just need to help the monsters. Speaking of monsters, where is Kindle?" asked the dapper gentleman. "He's Fighting a S-Rank. I think hell be fine." Eva said. "Just in case go check on him I'll look after Zip." The dapper gentleman said. Eva walked off as Zip sat on the floor looking up at the portal in the sky. "You know…that thing you sent…it isn't going to be strong enough to kill Deimos." Benji said. "He knows. We just needed to wipe out a ton of S-ranks and take their MahÅ" Zip said as he pulled out a baby bottle full of apple juice. "Wait what?" Benji asked. "What did you say, kid?" Benji said while crouching down to his level. "Umm, when people die…MahÅ starts to leave your body and travel around the earth. But we are using the blue guy over there to transfer it somewhere else." Said Zip. "Where then?" Benji asked. The dapper gentleman chuckled in the background. "That's a surprise, my friend. Now..make a contract with me." the dapper gentleman said with a smirk on his face. "Contract?" Zip asked. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot you were literally born yesterday. Listen up Zip. AHEM!" The dapper gentleman said as he cleared out his throat. "He was born yesterday? He looks at least 8." Benji said. "Monsters' life spans vary. And their age speed is also varied. Now let me finish explaining" The dapper gentleman said with a slight annoyance in his voice. "My bad," Benji said. "As I was saying. A contract is a deal that you make that is tied to your soul. If the deal is broken the consequences that were listed on the contract shall fall upon you or you just die. You can also make a contract with yourself to gain abilities or something you want. But in return, you have to give up something or nerf yourself in some way that you see fair in your eyes".The dapper gentleman said confidently. "Wow, that's cool! I wanna make one!" Zip said. "Not right now kid. Anyways, what's the contract?" asked Benji. "The contract you made with Andre will be broken and you will still be able to stay on earth. In return, you can never under any circumstances go against me." The dapper gentleman said as his hand stretched out with a red aura surrounding it. "Deal," Benji said as he shook his hand. "We are going to have so much fun! Now let's head to Junk City. Our new hideout is there. There are a few more members I want you to meet." The dapper gentleman said as he started walking off with Zip. Benji followed behind and wondered if making the contract was a good idea. Meanwhile, Zachary ran out of the city and into the mountain ranges to see Deimos flying through the sky, fighting the dragon and throwing it by the tail into a forest. "I was hoping for an early Warm-up," Deimos said. "DEIMOS!" Zach yelled. Deimos looked over and flew over to Zachary. "Hey, buddy! It's been over a year since I've seen you!" Deimos said happily. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Can you hurry this up? We need your help back in Nobility City and we need you to help Jack afterwards." Zach said. Oh alright…I was getting bored of this toy. Deimos said as he charged up a small blue fireball the size of his hand. Deimos threw it at the dragon and as it made contact with the dragon, A giant explosion of fire came out of the ball, setting the dragon on fire. The dragon screeched in pain as the armor started melting to reveal the dragon's scales. "Hmm. You are more durable than I thought. Well then…" "Reality cut," Deimos said as he swiped his fingers and the reality around the dragon split. Causing the dragon to split in half. "But no matter how durable you are, if reality falls you will too." Deimos" said with a smirk. "Alright let's go help other Deimos said as he flew off and Zach tried running to catch up. Meanwhile, Mark was climbing a building to stand at the top and stared at the blue monster. Maho shot out an energy wave and the attack went right through the monster as it turned over at Mark who was sticking his tongue out at it. The monster shot out an energy blast at Mark who jumped off the build to get out of the way. While the monster's back was turned Nyx summoned Ra and it attempted to enter the monster's mind. Ra's eyes turned red as it went into the monster's head. Suddenly an infinite flow of information flew through Ra's head. Ra stopped flying and was left paralyzed. The monster shot out an energy beam that vaporized Ra. Jaden got behind some rubble and snapped his fingers to send it at the monster, but the rubble went right through the monster. Suddenly the monster snapped its finger and a blue thunderbolt came from the sky. Everyone scattered and dodged the thunderbolts. "It still hasn't moved…" Akira said as he ran up the building and sent an air slash at the monster. But it went right through it. The monster then fired a ball of Raw MahÅ at Akira. Akira used petal dance to suppress the damage he would take. But the attack still sent him flying through the 5 buildings and knocked him out of the fight. "Akira!" Nyx yelled as she summoned Bes. As Bes ran to Akira the monster sent out a wave of energy to grab Bes and pull him close. Nyx tried to kill Bes but for some reason it was unaffected and Bes started Glitch as if he was in a video game. The monster pulled Bes close and grabbed it by its neck " Cosmic judgment" It said as Bes violently started twitching as it faded to dust. Nyx felt a sharp pain in her chest and fell to her knees. "Bes he's gone…I can't sense him." The monster shoots a ball of MahÅ at Nyx but Mark grabs Nyx and runs with her. Then hid behind a building. Akira got up and saw them running and shifted his way over there. "Mark.. when my summons dies they become unusable for the next 24 hours and return to me. But I can't feel Bes…" Nyx said while crying. "Crap…" Mark said while looking around the corner to see the monster still flying in the same spot. "I had warned you humans to leave and hundreds of you have died. And now one of you has been erased by justice! All of your existences shall disciple if you choose to stay! I have been going easy on you helpless apes! Now leave!" This monster shouted. Its voice was loud and echoey and it was heard across the entire city. "You smell like cheese curds!" Natsu said as the monster looked over and spammed energy beams at Natsu who went 2d and ran towards Mark and Nyx. "Yeah, I don't know how long we can last against that thing. It hasn't moved and it's casually overpowering all of us." Natsu said while sweating and laying back on the building. Jaden had also run back for safety and was looking around the corner. Mark looked over to see the small robot crawling over to Mark. "Hey, it's me, Bianca! I have new info on the enemy! According to my research, That monster is a higher-dimensional being. That's why you can't hit it." Bianca said. "Well, shit. What the hell do we do then? The portal is still growing and at best, we are just flys trying to bother a god!" Mark yelled. "I have an idea!" Natsu yelled. "And that is?" Mark asked "My ability is to change the dimensions of an object by anchoring to the second dimension. So why don't I try pulling him down to ours? Which is the third." Natsu suggested. "Even still. We aren't strong to fight that thing off. And if we piss it off that it could kill us all instantly." Akira says. "Well it's either that or every monster from another dimension comes falling into this one and we get brutally slaughtered." Natsu said. "Oh, what the hell…Let's just try," Jaden said. "I'm in," Mark said. "I'm in," Nyx and Mark said at the same time. "OK, good luck guys!" Bianca said through her robot as it started crawling away. "I need to concentrate if I want to do this. Someone needs to stay behind and protect me." Natsu said. "Leave that to me." Jaden said. Mark, NYx, and Akira ran towards the monster as Nyx summoned Griffin and the trio jumped on top of it to fly up to the monster. Natsu sat crisscrossed and closed his eyes. MahÅ emanated from his body and suddenly the monster felt himself being pulled. As he left his guard down, Mark and Akira swung there swords at the monster as Nyx landed a kick to the side of the monster launching it to a nearby building. "Odd. It didn't hurt…no I'm too powerful for them to hurt me. But how were they able to make contact with me?" the Monster wondered as Mark, Akira, and Nyx stood around him. "Fine then apes, if you wish to die then DIE." the monster said as it shot out a beam of MahÅ. The trio doges as the monster flies up in the sky and puts an immense amount of power into a small ball the size of a penny. The monster dropped the small ball, and when it hit the ground it caused a giant explosion that was bigger than all the nearby buildings. The blast was slowly growing bigger and bigger, consuming everything nearby. Akira grabbed and wrapped his arms around Nyx while using pedal dance to shield her from the attack, Jaden used his anti-realm technique to try shielding Natsu. Mark put almost all of his Mahō to amplify his durability to shield from himself from the attack. The explosion sound rang out for miles. The aftermath left everyone unconscious and Natsu was unable to keep the monster anchored and it returned to its higher state of being. "I Tried to warn you all. But you didn't listen. Nyx and Akira got up barely conscious and looked dazed. "Nyx you have to go now.." Akira said as blood started leaking from his head, mouth, and eyes, and his back had severe burns. "No, I can't just leave you." Nyx said. "Just go" Akira yelled. "You should listen to your friend…" the monster said. Sounding more annoyed if anything. "Shit. I can't summon my twelfth summon…I'll risk killing everyone here. But at this point, we'll all die." Nyx thought to herself. "Twelfth summon.." Nyx said as the Monster felt a spike in MahÅ. "What is she doing? I Can't let her finish whatever she's doing." The monster shoots a beam of light at Nyx. Akira stood in front of Nyx and was willing to sacrifice himself. Nyx tried to stop Akira but suddenly Mark grabbed his sword and stood in front of the beam and closed his eyes and swung his sword. The beam was then cut in half. "I'm alive?" Mark opened his eyes in shock to see Deimos standing there with a smirk on his face staring at the monster. "Sorry I took so long. I was looking for Jack and just gave up. But who cares? I'm all that you need." Deimos said proudly. "Oh…thank god." Mark said as he felt lightheaded and fell back. Akira caught Mark and carried him out of the field of battle. "Begone mortal! You can't touch me and I am far stronger than you." The monster said. "Hey let's move our battle, the city is already fucked up as it is." Deimos said. "Who do you think you-" The monster suddenly stops as Deimos uses reality cut to slice the portal in half and destroy it. "What…." The monster said. "Like I said." Deimos grabs the monster by the face, flies him out of the city and slams him to the ground. "We are fighting somewhere else," Deimos said as he grabs The monster by the neck, swings him around, then threw him into a large rock. "You…insignificant FUCK!" The Monster yelled. "Oh looks like someone grumpy. Well? Come at me! I need a new toy to play with." Deimos said with a grin across his face.
End of Chapter 4

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