Mahō and Light Chapter 5

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Start of chapter 5
The monster charged after Deimos while turning its hand into an energy blade. Deimos pulled out his sword and parried all of the incoming attacks. The monster fired a point-blank energy beam at Deimos. Deimos dodged it and swiftly kicked the monster in the jaw. The monster was knocked off his feet, but before the monster was sent flying, Deimos grabbed it by the leg and swung it around and threw it. "Clear," Deimos said as 4 slashes appeared on the monster's body. The Monster instantly regenerated all the damage. "Is this all you got? Deimos asked. Deimos was overconfident and looked down at the monster. The monster charged up another small ball, but Deimos interrupted him with a punch to the face. The monster was sent back and shot a beam at Deimos, who blocked the beam with his bare hand. "Hmm, cool attack. Let me try." Deimos said as he shot out an energy beam at the monster. The monster was blocking the attack and pushed it out of the way. But not even a second afterward, Deimos appeared in front of it and uppercut it and followed up with a stab from his sword and cutting it in half. The monster's two halves reattached to each other as Deimos ran up to it and placed his hand on the monster's chest. "Impact," Deimos says as the monster suddenly gets pushed back. "Reality cut," Deimos says as the monster gets cut in half. But once again, it regenerates. "You apes have done nothing but annoy me with your futile attempts to kill me!" The monster yelled. "Kill you? Heh. No, I try to kill my opponents. You're not an opponent. You're just my little punching bag." Deimos said with a smirk on his face. "Not your opponent huh? Well then... Well, this makes you take this fight more seriously?" The monster said as it put its hands together and slowly separated them to reveal an inf symbol forming in the middle of its hands. "Realm shift," The monster said. Deimos heard this and quickly dashed to the monster and sliced it in half, but suddenly he teleported into the monster's realm. Deimos looked around and saw he was seemingly in space, but everything was much more colorful and bright. "Damn…I can't breathe…there is no air in here." Deimos used MahÅ to create air around him. "I Have to constantly create the air using my limited MahÅ supply. So I should probably end this fight soon." Deimos thought to himself. Deimos looked up to see the monster floating. "This shall be your end, mortal. I'll admit you were a powerful opponent. The strongest I've ever faced maybe. But this is your end" It said as he summoned 7 Celestial Objects. "Hmm. Maybe you should have taken this fight just a little bit more seriously. Oh well. This should still be easy" Deimos said with a smile."Easy huh? This is the biggest realm in history! It's the size of the infinite universe and now I have every planet and star at my command!" The monster said as he threw the celestial objects at Deimos. Deimos uses his reality cut to slice right through all of them. "That was cute," Deimos said while chuckling. The monster fired a ball of energy as Deimos dodged it. "H-How? Attacks in realms only come into existence when they have already made contact!" The monster yelled in confusion. "My speeds are includable my friend," Deimos said with a smirk. "No human, monster, or god in the universe can match me!" Deimos proudly announced. "NO……NO!" the monster said as it summoned a sun and slammed it on top of Deimos. Deimos created a shield bubble using MahÅ. "Are you done with your temper tantrum?" Asked Deimos while sitting in the sun. The monster simply responded with a growl as Deimos caused his shield to explode, destroying the sun in the process. " I will rip you apart, spread every organ in your body across the stars, I will keep cutting you down until every cell in your body cries for mercy! I will end this fight HERE and NOW!" The monster said as he used MahÅ to create the infinity symbol in his hands and then crushed it, suddenly you shot out a blast that was too huge to dodge and it hit Deimos directly. Suddenly, an infinite flow of information flew into Deimos mind causing him to be paralyzed and just float there. "HA! Not so tough are you?" asked the monster who was mocking Deimos. The monster turns its arm into an energy blade and stands over Deimos whose pupils are dilated. "Goodbye fool," The monster says as he swings for the killing blow, But Deimos caught the blade with his bare hands and looked up at the monster. "I-Impos-" "Nova" Deimos said as he cut off the monster and with his other hand, he created a small ball of light. The light rapidly grew in size as it started consuming the entire realm, vaporizing the monster and giving Deimos 2nd degree burns. The realm was destroyed and Deimos was transported back to Earth. Deimos then held his head in pain. "ahh…I got a headache." Deimos said. He then called Bianca on the phone. "Deimos are you alright?" Bianca asked. "Third and first breach taken care of. Just hope Jack can take care of the second one…I need a nap." Deimos said as fell on his knees and fell asleep. "Deimos? Deimos!" Bianca yelled. Meanwhile, Jack was still fighting Kindle in his realm. Kindle has sustained little damage, while Jack has burn marks on his body. "For an S class you're kind of pathetic." said Kindle. "For a monster, you're kind of talkative." Jack responded as he used MahÅ to leap to Kindle at high speeds kindle simply jumped in the air and summoned a wave of lava from underground. "Whirlwind," Jack said as he created a gust of wind and blew the lava back at Kindle. Kindle walks on the lava and breathes fire as Jack blocks it with his sword then circles around to try to cut Kindle's head off. Kindle ducks the sword slash and backs away then pulls out pieces of magma off the ground and launches it at Jack. Jack envelops his blade in a green aura and deflects the magma back at Kindle, who leans back and dodges the incoming attack. Jack fell on one knee as he felt himself getting tired, along with the realm's intense heat, Jack realized that if he didn't win in one strike he'll be worn out. Jack stands up. "Sorry Mark but imma have to steal your move real quick." Jack said to himself. Jack shoots out a wave of energy at Kindle. Kindle jumped in the air to dodge as Jack jumped in the air with him and threw his sword at Kindle, Kindle dodged it but while his eyes were off of Jack, Jack enveloped his hand with MahÅ and created an energy blade and cut Kindle in half mid-air. As Kindle was cut in half, the realm was destroyed and they were transported back. "You little…" Kindle said in anger. "You're still alive? Impressive for a weakling" Jack said wanting to taunt the monster. "Weakling?" Kindle said as his lava veins were beginning to glow even more. "Well, time to finish the job. "Jack lifts his sword in the air until suddenly a gas fills the area causing Jack to feel sleepy. Jack runs out of the gas cloud and sees Eva picking up Kindle and running away. Jack used a whirlwind to blow away the gas but she had already made her escape. "Well, shit...Andre is going to be pissed." Jack said as he ran back to nobility city. Jack looked around at all the Damage done to the city. "What the fuck happened! I was gone for an hour!" Jack yelled. The next day, D-ranks and C-ranks were helping construction workers clean up any damage done to the city and save any survivors. Mark woke up in the hospital on a hospital bed. He turned the corner and saw Nyx and Akira sleeping with Nyx lying on Akiras shoulder. Mark smiles and sits up. "Oh you're awake," said Bianca as she walked into the room. "Umm hi…who are you?" Asked Mark. "I'm Bianca. The one who was talking through the spider robot. The robot was recording the entire fight and it's on the news." Bianca said with a small smile forming on her face. "Oh, that's cool I guess." Mark said. "Your act of bravery inspired people across the world and people across the globe are sending resources to help us repair damages. Oh also here is your paycheck" Bianca said as she typed something on her phone and Mark's phone's notification went off. Mark reached for his phone and it said he was paid 8 million pounds. "Dear lord…Thanks!" Mark said. "If you wanna take the week off, feel free." Bianca said as she started to walk off. "Wait! How are Jack and Deimos?" Asked Mark. "Jack is fine, but Deimos's brain has been damaged. His recovery time is estimated at 3 months." Bianca said. "He can still move and fight, but doctors said it's recommended he should rest." She said as she finally walked out. "Hmm. well, now what…" Mark thought to himself. Nyx started to wake up and gasped. "Mark! You're awake!" She yelled happily as Akira jumped a bit. "Oh shit you're up," Akira said with his voice sounding a bit deeper. Mark spent most of the evening chatting until the doctor said Mark could leave tomorrow morning. Mark sat in his bed and played games on his phone for a while. Mark then saw an ad for a gameshow for guardians. Mark suddenly had an idea. He went online and bought tickets to America. The next day, Mark left the hospital and went home, packed up his stuff, and started to walk out. Mark ran across the entire city until he made it to the airport and went in line for his flight. "Ok…lets see… I have a one-week break…I'll just be gone for a few days and make it back soon." Mark thought to himself. Mark looked over to a man eating a cherry ice cone. The man accidentally drops the ice cone and as it splats on the ground Mark's memory flashes back to the destroyed city and the dead bodies for but a moment. Mark's heart skipped a beat and started to panic. but he shook it off and walked onto his plane. Mark sat down in his seat, put on headphones, and sat back as his plane took off. While Mark was lying back, his eyelids felt heavy and he suddenly fell asleep. Mark later woke up after a few hours as the plane had landed. Mark walked out and left the airport he was in, then went on his phone and used a GPS. Then Mark transferred tons of MahÅ onto his feet and jumped hundreds of feet in the air and made it to his destination in a flash. Mark landed in front of a large studio. Mark then walked in and saw a woman at the counter. "Hello, I'm M-" "Oh your Mark right?" The woman said, cutting Mark off. "You know me?" Mark asked. "Yes. you were on TV. Mr Spruce would love to interview you." The woman said excitedly. "Are you available tomorrow night?" she asked. "Umm yeah sure. I have something to do anyways." Mark said. Mark signs a few papers, walks out, and pulls out his phone. Mark types on his phone for a bit while walking around the city until he eventually walks in front of a Large mansion with security in front of it. "Hello sir. Please state your business or leave." the guard on the right said. "Hello, I'm Mark. A member of the Trident Guild. I came here to meet Jaden." Mark said. "The trident guild? May we see some ID?" Asked the guard on the left. Mark pulled out his phone and showed him his guardian ID. The two guards open the door and allow Mark to enter. As Mark walked in he saw many people talking and socializing in the living room. Mark walked around until he saw Jaden talking to 6 other people. Mark walked over and waved at Jaden. "Oh! Hey Mark. I didn't think you would come over. Well, welcome to the gun guild." Jaden said proudly. "Yeah. I heard there was a talk show going on here for guardians. There was a guy there who wanted to have an interview with someone who survived the three-breach incident. And your guild was close by so I wanted to say hi." Mark said. "Well welcome! We are glad to have you. The gun guild is the 3rd Largest guild in the world and it's in the top 10 strongest guilds in the world." Jaden said. As he turns over to the people he was talking to. "These are the strongest people in the guild. Besides me of course. Over there is Robin." Jaden said as he pointed over at a man wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans with blue shoes, with a bow and many arrows behind him on his back. Who stands at around 5 feet 7 inches. "He rarely misses a shot. And he's ranked B. Over there is our healer, His name is Lone. He is the weakest out of all of us but he got the A rank since he is one of the only people in the world who can use MahÅ to rapidly heal himself and others. If you didn't know, MahÅ slowly heals your body Naturally. But it's not fast enough to matter in a fight. Using MahÅ to rapidly heal yourself is an extremely complicated ability." Jaden says as he points to a boy who looked to be about 13 wearing all white clothes, had white hair, and wore a white flower in his hair. Lone nervously waved at Mark and hid behind Jaden. "Over there is Evan. he's new here and replaced one of the main 7 of this guild. "Oh hey, Evan! Remember me?" Mark asked with a smile. "Yes, I do." Evan said unamused. "Oh, y'all know each other? Are you friends?" asked Jaden. "Acquaintances," Evan said. "Over there is Rose. She's the oldest out of all of us. She's 30 years old and has been a guardian for 15 years. She has an A rank just like me and arguably the second strongest out of all of us." Jaden said. "You don't have to hype me up, dear." Roes said as she blushed in embarrassment with a smile on her face. Rose has brown hair in a ponytail, Large chest, brown eyes, and brown glasses, and is wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, brown jeans, and brown shoes. She also stood at 6 feet. "Wait a minute…do I know you?" Mark asked as he tilted his head. "Oh, I remember! You were that child I met at Junk City." Rose said with a hint of surprise in her voice. "I'm not a child... I'm seventeen." Mark said a bit annoyed. "Over there is David. I'm guessing you have already met him since he's always following Rose around like a lost puppy." Jaden says while pointing and teasing David. David said nothing and just sat there looking at Mark. "And last but probably not least, May. her last name is Kek and she is part of a powerful family known for their powerful guardians. She's B rank." Jaden said. The woman looked like Nyx but with her hair slightly shorter and being black. "Hello there cutie. I saw you on TV fighting that scary monster. You must be very brave!" she said with a small smirk on her face. "Nah…I was scared beyond belief." Mark said with a light blush on his face. "Acting against your fears is what makes you brave Mark." May responded. "Oh, I saw you with my sister on TV. Thanks for protecting her." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Hey, who's prettier, me or my sister?" She asked while getting closer to Mark. "I umm well" Mark didn't know what to say and started stuttering. "All right all right. Let's show our guests around." Jaden said. "Yeah sure I'd love to look around," Mark said. Jaden and everyone else showed Mark around the entire upper floor of the guild base and even gave him free food. Mark after walking around the place abruptly stopped. "Hey, Jaden I have a request." Mark said. Jaden turned to look at Mark and crossed his arms. "I wish for you to train me. I feel like I'm too weak to do anything productive and I'm tired of feeling helpless." Mark said as his fist balled up. "Sure, in fact we can start now! There is a training room downstairs. But I'll do it under one condition." Jaden says. "And that is?" asked Mark. "You have to call me boss from now on." Jaden said with a smirk as he put on sunglasses. "Sure boss." Mark said. "Great! Come with me." Jaden said as he walked down to the basement with Mark following behind. As Mark went into the basement with Jaden, He saw a Large open gym with hundreds of people exercising. Socializing, or sparing with each other. Suddenly Jaden clapped his hands loudly and suddenly everyone lined up on the other side of the room. Jaden clapped his hands again and all the equipment was pulled by robotic arms from the ceiling and put away, leaving a wide open space. "Now let's see what ya got kid." Jaden said. "Wait…you mean me and you are going to…" Mark said unconfidently. "Yep no swords, no guns, just our fists. Let's see how strong you've gotten since the incident." Jaden said as he backed away from Mark. "Ok, I'll judge the fight. No weapons are allowed and any MahÅ attacks that will destroy the stadium completely or a huge chunk of it are banned. Sounds good?" Robin asked. "Fine with me," Jaden said. "Alright that's fine," Mark said nervously as everyone in the guild started to come downstairs to watch the fight. "Suddenly, without warning Jaden dashed to Mark and swung at him, Mark ducked the blow as Jaden turned around and punched down to hit Mark, as he then jumped back. Jaden snapped his fingers and caused a shockwave that knocked Mark off balance. Jaden took this opportunity to use MahÅ to create an energy hand to grab Mark from far away, lifted him up, and slammed Mark to the ground. Mark got up to see Jaden running up and charging up a punch. Mark put his hands up to block and enveloped them in MahÅ. The punch landed and pushed Mark back a few feet. "Shit…If I didn't use MahÅ to block the attack my arms would have snapped in half. Worst of all… most of my attacks involve my sword. What the hell do I do?" Mark thought to himself. Jaden snapped his finger, sending another shockwave at Mark. Mark stood his ground and fought against the shockwave push. "I have to end it with one strike.." Mark said under his breath as he charged up as much MahÅ as he could into his right hand. Jaden saw them and dashed over at blinding speeds. Mark then used his spell accelerate to zip past Jaden. As Jaden turned around, Mark punched Jaden with all his might and sent Jaden flying back and slammed to the ground, but Jaden quickly got up. Mark suddenly felt weak and fell to the ground and started coughing up blood. Mark looked up at Jaden who only had a nosebleed. "Ok I'm calling off the fight," Robin said. "Not bad. But what you did was incredibly dumb. MahÅ is your very life source. If you use all of it at once you could risk dying instantly." Jaden says. "Yeah, yeah I know. I just hate losing" Mark says jokingly as he coughs a bit and stands up. "Lone!" May yelled. "Oh sorry!" Lone said as he dashed to Mark and placed his hand on his back. Lone's hand glows green as Mark's body starts rapidly recovering from the damage. Meanwhile Jaden was drinking a red potion to heal his wounds. "Lone can heal your wounds but your MahÅ supply still needs to recover. You got anywhere to sleep tonight?" asked May. "Yep...I have a place. Thanks I'll just head out…" Mark said. "Leaving so soon? You just got here." Rose said. "Yeah…but I need to sleep…see ya." Mark said as he grabbed his sword and ran outside and started walking down the street. Mark kept on walking and started kicking rocks in frustration and sat on the sidewalk. "I'm a C rank…thinking I could be anything better was stupid. Mark says as he lays back. "And Im famous just because I was a C rank fighting an S rank Monster….what a fucking joke," Mark said in frustration. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him. Mark sat up to see Evan looking down at him. "How much of that did you hear?" Mark asked. "Enough," Evan said. "Well, what do you want?" Mask asked. "Just checking up on you." Evan says while sitting next to Mark. "Instead of beating yourself up for doing terribly…why don't you try to stop and think about how to improve? It's fine to look at the negative but if it's all you looking at you can never do better." Evan said. Mark took a deep breath and got up. "Your right…I just feel like a small fish in a big pond with even bigger fish." Mark says "That's fine. You can keep growing and growing until you match or surpass the bigger fish. Don't you agree? Evan asked. "Yeah, your r-" Suddenly a portal opens under Evan and Mark and sucks them in instantly.Then it closes immediately after. Mark and Evan land on their feet and look around to see an endless void with a path made of blood that leads to a castle in the distance. "What the heck just happened?" Mark yelled. "Did we get sucked into a monster portal?" Evan asked. "Yeah but from what I know, Monster portals don't appear on the floor. They usually face forward." Mark said. "Odd, well, either way, there is no way to get out of these dimensions without killing the creator of the portal. So let's get this over with. Evan said as he got out his knife. Mark then pulled out his sword and followed him.The two walked into the castle to see an army of goblins rushing at them. Evan bites a piece of skin off his thumb and presses it against the book. Suddenly all the goblins catch on fire as Mark sends an energy wave at them, Completely vaporizing the goblins. Mark and Evan keep on walking till suddenly Mark sees an arrow come his way and he swiftly doges. Evan looks up to see archers upside down on the ceiling firing arrows at them. Evan was about to cast a spell but Mark jumped up and cut them all in half and landed on his feet and looked at Evan with a smirk. Evan chuckled as the two kept on walking through the castle. "So…Evan…why did you become a guardian?" Mark asked as the two casually walked and cut through random goblins trying to attack them. "It's not exactly a fun story." Evan says. "If you don't want to tell me then you don't have to." Mark says as he picks up scrolls from the goblin's dead bodies. "It's fine. If you wanna know, I'll tell you." Evan says as he starts to clear his throat."Many years ago when I was a kid, my mother wasn't the best mother. She barely cleaned up, she constantly went on rants. Well..rants about every little thing. My father died before I was born and she was constantly stressed with work and taking care of me...I understand her frustration. And I became a guardian so I could help her out. When I heard Jack was doing guild tryouts I came as soon as possible. But his guild wasn't for me personally. What about you? Why did you become a guardian??" Asked Evan. "hmmm. When I was a kid… Jack and I used to always play outside and play fight. One day we walked home and saw my house cut in half by a portal. I saw my parents and my younger and older sister running away as hundreds of monsters came around. It was a B-rank portal…and…I watched my older sister and father get consumed by this weird slime-like monster. They were just bones afterward…the weird creature let out this odd gas, and the gas started infecting all the people around it…turning them into these… zombie-like creatures…My Mom ran away before she could get a breath in the gas…but my sister wasn't fast enough….she attacked my mom and me and Jack...took a metal pipe from the rubble and…took care of it. Jack ran home and his older brother was harmed and was given permanent brain damage…We then promised to become guardians and prevent events like that from happening to the best of our abilities. And judging by the 3 breach incidents…we didn't do too well." Mark said while opening one of the scrolls and being filled with tons of information. "I'm sorry to hear that. Your goal is noble. And I hope to see you fly up the ranks as soon as possible." Evan said. "I'd be lucky to be A rank," Mark said as they continued to walk. "How about we change the topic? I read these scrolls and I think I learned how to use a Knife and do this!" Mark said as he went invisible and back to being visible. "Oh. That's pretty cool" Evan says, trying to sound genuine. "This may help with whatever the creator of the portal. Speaking of the portal, what rank do you think it is?" Mark asked. "These minions are pretty weak. So I doubt it is anything above A rank." Evan noted as Evan and Mark approached a Large door at the end of the hallway. Mark and Evan pushed it open to see a large room with a sword stuck in a stone slab and pillars surrounding the sword in the middle of the room. At the other end of the room, There was a skeleton lying on a throne wearing a crown, a black fur coat, no shirt, Black pants, and no shoes. "Why do I feel like that the skeleton right there is alive and it's going to come to life?" Mark asked. "It's kinda obvious. This is the last room in this place and it's the only thing in the room besides the sword. Evan said. Mark and Evan give each other a glance as they slowly walk towards the skeleton. As they were walking Mark looked over at the sword and goes over to grab it only for Evan to slap his hand away from the sword. "Idiot! For all you know, that could be a cursed blade!" Evan yelled. "The fuck you mean cursed?" Mark yelled. "Weapons can be cursed or have some type of protection spell to stop people from touching them! You don't just grab random stuff off the ground!" Evan yelled "Pfft that sounds stupid" Mark said, "Ok then touch and see what happens!" Evan yelled. As they were talking the skeleton had gotten up from its throne and walked over to them. Mark and Evan quickly turned around and pulled out their weapons. Mark shoots out a wave of energy while Evan writes something in blood on his book and then shoots out a fireball from his hand. The attack landed but the skeleton took no damage from that attack. The skeleton then uses MahÅ to create an energy sword and shield. Mark ran up to the monster and swung his sword with all his might just for the skeleton to block the incoming attack. Evan writes something else in his book and then starts breathing fire out of his mouth. Mark jumped in the air as the skeleton was hit by the flames. After Evan stopped his attack, Mark covered his blade in lightning and swung his sword at the skeleton's neck. Only for it to do no damage. The skeleton then shields bashed Mark into the wall and charged at Evan. Evan created a bubble to shield himself only for the skeleton to cut right through it with the sword. Evan started panicking and tried to run but the skeleton was able to catch up instantly and land a deadly slice on his back. Evan fell over as the skeleton stood over Evan. The skeleton then lifted the sword in the air to stab Evan in the chest until suddenly Mark shouted. "Hey, lazy bones!" Mark yelled. The skeleton turned over to look at Mark. "why don't you fight like a man! Or…monster and take me on hand to hand!" Mark says as he tosses his sword. The skeleton looked at Mark for a moment and tossed its sword and shield to the side. And removed the fur coat. "Oh…I didn't think I'd get this far…I'm scared of your confidence…but I think I could kick your-" Before Mark could finish his sentence the skeleton moved so fast that Mark only saw a blur approaching him as it punched Mark in the stomach. Before Mark can react to the pain, the skeleton uppercuts him in the air, grabs his leg, slams Mark to the ground, spins Mark around, and throws him into one of the pillars. As Mark tried to get up but suddenly the skeleton punched Mark in the gut then grabbed him by the shirt and tossed him in the air. As Mark was falling he covered his leg in MahÅ and kicked the skeleton on the skull. Destroying the crown and cracking its skull. "HA!" Mark said with a smirk on his face. But his Smirk quickly faded as the skeleton let out a monstrous roar and kneed mark in the nose, launching him to the other side of the room. Mark's nose started to bleed as he was sent flying until suddenly it appeared behind Mark and punched Mark in the back of the head, sending Mark up and flipping in the air. The skeleton then fired a beam of MahÅ out of its jaw. The beam hits Mark. Mark started suddenly falling but before he hit the ground the skeleton ran up and Roundhouse kicked Mark towards the throne causing him to crash into it. There Mark sat. Lying upon a destroyed throne seemingly unconscious. The skeleton walked over to the sword and grabbed it as it dragged the sword against the ground causing sparks to fly all over to the place. The skeleton approached Mark and lifted the sword in the air. Evan saw this and stabbed his knife through his hand and let the blood fall onto the book. "ssenkrad fo neeuq eht rof sraey net" Evan said. Suddenly A giant head of a woman with long black hair appeared with black liquid flying out her mouth and eyes as she smiled widely. Suddenly two Large hands appear and grab the skeleton. The skeleton tried to escape as it felt its very soul being ripped apart. The skeleton looked at Mark who had disappeared. It looked up to see Mark holding his sword tightly and swinging his sword at it. "prominence sun!" Mark yelled as his sword was engulfed in flames and his sword cut right through the monster and cut in half. The woman laughed and dropped the melted skeleton's remains on the ground and faded away. "Holy crap! What the hell was that Evan? And why didn't you start with that!?!?" Mark yelled. "It's a dangerous spell. Using it will take 10 years off my lifespan." Evan said as he ripped rips off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around the wound on his hand. "What? You shouldn't have done that! There had to have been another way to stop it" Mark yelled. "If I didn't do what I did we both would have died. I made the right choice" Evan yelled. "Where did you learn to do that and how many times have you used it?" Mark asked. "I found it out in a library and I used it to save this girl I knew her name was Ava and sh-…wait… where is the exit…he was the leader of this dimension, right? Evan said nervously. Suddenly the melted remains of the monster started turning into MahÅ and shaped itself into letters. "The hell… it's forming a sentence." Evan said, "One part is in English…the other part is Japanese…and I think the last part is Chinese." Mark said. "I took Japanese tutoring when I was six. I think I could translate that part." Evan said. "I took Chinese classes in middle school and I remember some of it." Mark said as he laid back on a pillar out of exhaustion. The two helped each other read the full message and it read: "For those who beat the guardian I give you three choices. One of you may leave, You fight the infinite horde of enemies to escape together, or take the sword and have your life be a living hell". "Well I'm not picking up the sword that's for damn sure," Mark said. "Why can only one of us leave?" Evan thought to himself as a portal appeared in front of them. Evan and Mark try walking through it but they both get pushed back. "The hell?" Mark said. Mark put his hand through the portal and slowly walked halfway in. bit as Evan touched the portal Mark was suddenly pushed back out. "Hmm. it seems this portal can only let one person go in. and if we try to leave together we get pushed out…and I'm guessing by the message that if one of us goes through it closes permanently." Evan said. "Wait what about the infi-" Before Mark finished his sentence hundreds of portals open suddenly and faceless knights start coming out of them. "Me and my big mouth." Mark said as he pulled out his sword. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Akira woke up at one am in the morning and walked downstairs out of his room. He looked over to see Jack with his head down on the kitchen table, Natsu playing on his phone while sitting on the counter and playing on his phone, and Deimos sleeping on the couch. Akira walked outside to see Nyx sitting on the steps outside. "Oh hey Akira. I thought you'd be sleeping in on your break." Nyx said as she stood up. "I can't just sit around and do nothing. I need to grow stronger. So I'm going to train." Akira said. "But couldn't you just train with Jack?" Asked Nyx. "Jack is still stressed out about the incident and he doesn't want to be bothered." Akira said. "Well then where are you going?" asked Nyx. "I heard there was an S-rank guardian that everyone calls the most skilled swordsman in the world. I want to meet him." Akira said. "I thought Deimos was the greatest swordsman in the world? You know… because of how much people hype him up. I thought he'd be the most skilled and strongest." Nyx said. "No… he's the 3rd most skilled" Akira said as he started walking. "Wait then who is the second?" asked Nyx as she followed him. "Some woman named Ava. She's not in the UK right now. Rumors say that she's in South Korea right now." Akira said. "Also why are you following me?" Akira asked. "Meh, I'm bored. Also, I use a sword every now and then as well. And I'd like some practice." Nyx said. Akira didn't respond and only put his Mask on and kept walking. Akira and Nyx make it to the edge of the city, jump all the way down to Junk City, and keep on walking until they leave Junk City borders . As they walked out they were met by a large green forest. "I've never been outside Nobility City…or outside of the city's border." Nyx said excitedly. "There should be a mountain south of here. So let's hurry up," Akira said as the two kept on walking. After walking for about an hour until eventually, they eventually saw a large mountain in the middle of the forest." I'm guessing this is. Time to climb." Akira said. Nyx scoffs and summons Ra and hopes on top of it. "Wanna get on buddy?" she said with a smirk. Akira rolled his eyes under the mask then jumped on Ra and wrapped his arms around Nyx's waist as they started flying up. As they made it to the top of the mountain. As they made it to the top Akira quickly let go of Nyx, jumped off of Ra and walked around the top of the mountain with Nyx following behind. "Here, I have an idea. AHEM! 8th summon.Amphisbaena" Nyx says as she summons a red serpent with heads on both ends of its body. "What the hell is that thing?" Akira asked in genuine confusion. "This is Amphisbaena. I recently tamed this one. He can sense seismic activity, extend his jaw, and do other things, anyways we can use him to find this sword guy." Nyx said as she crossed her arms. "All right then, tell that…thing to lead the way." Akira said. Nyx snapped her fingers and Amphisbaena started slithering on the ground at high speeds. Akira and Nyx ran after it. They followed Amphisbaena for a while until it abruptly stopped. Nyx and Akira look around and see a middle-aged man with his right eye closed with red paint drawn across it, no shirt, ripped sweat pants, no shoes, a six-pack, white spikey hair, tan skin, And a red eye. "Who the hell are you?" He yelled. "I'm Akira, an A-rank guardian. This is my companion Nyx, she is a B-rank." Akira said. "HI!" Nyx yelled while waving her hands and smiling.The man grunted "I'm Maverick. The greatest swordsman. But you probably already know that." Maverick said as he approached them. As Maverick got closer Akira realized how tall he was. Maverick stood at around 7 feet 2 inches and as he stood in front of them, he looked down at them and scoffed. Why did you come all the way over here to see me again?" Maverick asked. "I came to ask you to train with me. I don't only want to get stronger but I want to improve my skills. There is someone I want to beat. And I think you can help me reach the peak of my potential." Akira said. "I'm just bored and wanted to get better at sword fighting. I'm not looking to be the greatest or whatever." Nyx said while playing with her hair. "Hmmm well if your goal is not to be the strongest then I won't train you Miss Nyx." Maverick said while staring into Nyx's eyes. "Ok ok…umm could you not stare at me?" Nyx asked. Maverick turned his attention to Akira. "I only train those who are willing to push themselves to their peak of their power. Now! To know I'm not wasting my time…I need you to show me what you got!" Maverick yelled. "In a fight, I presume." Akira said. "Well of course! You can learn a lot about people when their blades and fists clash." Maverick said while walking away for a bit then turning around. Akira pulled out his sword as Nyx quickly ran to the side to take cover. Maverick then pulls out a Nail and gets into a fighting stance. "Is that a Nail? Like a nail used for building?" Akira said in confusion. "Yep! If I used a knife I'd risk killing you, friend." Maverick said confidently with a toothy grin. Akira took this as disrespect and started the battle with Heaven's light. Akira zoomed towards Maverick but he was blocked by the nail. Akira was shocked as he saw that Maverick had inserted his MahÅ into the hail to make it more durable. Maverick slashed back with the nail but Akira blocked the attack.Despite that Akira was sent into a nearby rock. Akira's mask falls off and before Akira could react, Maverick flicked the nail at Akira. The nail went straight into Akira's skull causing Akira to drop his sword and fall on the floor and grab his head in pain. Nyx ran over to Akira to check if he was ok. "Meh. I've worked with worse. Sure I'll train you. Follow me." Maverick said as he started laughing and walking down the mountain. "How bad is it?" Akira asked. Nyx grabbed the nail and yanked it out. "OW Nyx what the fuck?" Akira yelled. "Sorry…" Nyx said as she reached for a bandaid and placed it on Akiras head. Akira rolled his eyes then moved his hair a bit to hide the bandaid and followed Maverick alongside Nyx. Meanwhile, Mark and Evan were fighting for hours with the knights seemingly never-ending. "We've had to have killed thousands of them by now! Is there any end to these tin cans? Mark said. Mark had almost used up all of his MahÅ and was sweating profusely. Both of Evans hands were bloody and nearly unusable. "I don't think I can keep fighting Mark…I think you have to go through the portal and leave me." Evan said. "No one is dying here! There has to be a way to win!" Mark yelled. Suddenly a knight swung his sword at Mark and pushed Mark back. Another knight tried to sneak behind Mark but Mark sliced him in half. More knights kept appearing as Mark ran through the crowd and cut them down one by one. Then he spun around and caused a tornado to pull them all close then used a quick draw to kill all of them at once. Mark fell on his knees out of exhaustion as more knights started coming out. Mark's nose started to leak blood as he Breathed heavily and crawled to Evan. "I have an idea, Evan…I think this is it…" Mark said. "Mark please go…it will be fine… we can't both die here." Evan said as the knights walked closer and closer. "Alright alright I'll go." Mark said reluctantly. "Thank you…Mark, can you do me a favor?" Evan asked. His voice sounded shaky as he pulled out a letter with his hands shaking and his blood leaking all over the mail. "Give this to my mom…when you get out… please?" Evan asked. "Nah" Mark said as he grabbed Evans wrist and spun him around and tossed him in front of the portal. Before Evan could react, Mark grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him closer towards the portal. "MARK! You said you would go!" Evan yelled. "I lied," Mark said as he shoved Evan out of the portal. Evan fell through the portal and landed back on the street on Earth. Evan looked around panicked as Jaden walked over. "Evan are you ok? Where have you been" Jaden asked. Evan fell on his knees and zoned out not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, Mark looked at his sword which was cracked and nearly broken so Mark dropped it on the floor, took off the bandages on the hilt, and wrapped it around his fist. Mark's eyes glowed blue for a moment and suddenly he saw faceless wizards all next to each portal. "I see, the wizards were invisible until there was only one person. Well, let's see if I can pull this off with little to no MahÅ," Mark said as he cracked his knuckles. Mark ran towards the crowd and punched through many of the knights, one knight tried cutting Mark in half but Mark grabbed one of the dead knights and used it as a human shield. Then grabbed it by the leg and bashed the nearby knights with their dead bodies then tossed it to the side to attack the wizards. The knights all formed a wall to protect it. Mark kicked right through them and was going to attack the wizards, only for all of the wizards to charge a beam of MahÅ and shoot it at Mark, sending Mark back against the wall. Mark felt himself get dizzy and got up slowly and started limping his way back. The knights surround Mark and start cutting him, shielding him, punching him, stepping on his foot, and stabbing him. Mark fought through the pain and threw punches left and right taking out the knights left and right. Mark slowly started walking towards the wizards as they combined their portals to create a knight that was 50 meters tall.. Mark used the small amount of MahÅ left in his body to charge up a punch. The knight brought his hand back and threw a punch. Mark covered his fist in MahÅ and their fists clashed with each other. The Large Knight was too strong and pushed Mark back and threw him into a wall. Mark's vision was blurry but he still got up despite that and started tripping over as he ran over to the knight. The knight threw another punch but Mark dodged and ran atop the knight's arm and jumped on the ceiling and then pushed himself back down and with the gained momentum, Mark punched the knight to the ground. As the knight tried getting up. Mark jumped on top of it and punched the knight over and over again with his right hand. Mark kept punching over and over to the point where his hand started bleeding and then breaking. Mark kept punching non-stop till his hand was nothing but a gory mess. The knight started to get up but Mark punched him again with his left hand. "I still have one more hand…and two more legs… I'm not stopping until I can't move or you're all DEAD!" Mark yelled loudly. Mark kept punching until his left hand was broken. Suddenly one of the wizards shot another beam at Mark, Mark was sent into a pillar and just sat there barely awake. The large knight started getting up as smaller knights started coming out of the portal. Mark slowly crawled away as the knights started walking towards him. "I don't want to die... yet I put his life above mine and sent him through that portal…he was willing to die…so why didn't I take that chance to live? All I wanted to do was protect everyone…and look where that got me" Mark thought to himself. "I hate myself, for trapping myself here, I hate myself for being such a selfless piece of shit." Mark said as he started crawling towards the sword in the stone." And I hate the monsters that took my sister away from me…and now my life." Mark says as he places his mangled hand on the sword and suddenly, time has stopped. Mark was confused and looked up to see a woman with long black hair going all the way down to her waist, a long black dress, black pupils, and a wide smile with her mouth closed. "Hello there," she said. Strangely her mouth didn't open yet Mark could hear her clearly as if she was talking out loud. "I am Eve. Nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're going to die, aren't you? Eve said as she looked behind Mark. "what or who are you?" Mark asked. "I'm a humanoid Monster. I thought you would notice the fact I'm talking without opening my mouth." She said as she laughed with her mouth still not opening. "I'd like to make a contract. I was sealed here by my own kind and I want to be free. I'll save your life and give you immense power and I want you to find the rest of this sword so I can reach my full power. And I'm not allowed to hurt any humans unless you want me to. Sound fair?" Eve asked. Mark looked up at Eve. still a bit unsettled by the fact her mouth hadn't opened." wait I'm still a bit confused," Mark said " Ok ok. I was sealed here many years ago by my own kind. You know…monsters! That sword right there is my body. That sword is broken and I need you to find the other pieces to restore my power.I will give you power and heal you and I won't hurt anyone you don't want me to hurt in the case I take over." Eve says. "Wait you can take over my body!?!" Mark yells. "Do you want to live or not?" Eve asked as she reached her hand out. Mark was even more unsettled by the fact that not only was she talking without opening her mouth, but despite sounding irritated, her smile hadn't disappeared and looked almost like she was forced to smile. "Deal," Mark said as he shook her hand. "Good boy," She says as she crouches down and kisses his forehead. Time suddenly continued and a humongous black aura surrounded Mark and pushed all the knights and wizards back. The aura disappeared and Mark stood there completely healed. Mark grew to 6 feet, his hair was slightly longer, And there was a vine with thorns circling around his right arm. "Wow…I feel stronger… not just that…I think I'm as…no… I am far stronger than Akira… I am stronger than ever." Mark said as he laughed hysterically. The knights charged at Mark but before they could react, Mark placed his hand on one of the knights. "Crumble" Mark said as the knight he touched started rapidly decaying until they were just dust. All the other knights started backing away. "Ah. So monsters can feel fear." Mark pulled out the sword from the stone and saw that 95% of the blade was gone and was basically a dagger. "Hmm, I guess that's what she meant by finding the rest of the sword. Fragments of the blade must be out there somewhere. All the knights charge at Mark only for Mark to swing the sword and create an energy wave that wipes them all out. The giant knight attempted to crush Mark with his foot, but as it tried stepping on Mark he punched the foot while his hand was covered in MahÅ. The punches' power was felt all throughout the Knight's body, causing the knight to explode. "I didn't forget about you idiots. " Mark said as he used quick draw and killed all of the wizards in less than a second. Mark chuckled as he put the sword behind him and looked at all the bodies. "Feels great right" Mark heard as he looked over to see Eve who was see-through. "Why do you look like a ghost?" Mark asked. "I haven't fully manifested yet. So only you can hear and see me," Eve said. As a portal opened. "That's your way out," She said. Mark walked through and he was back on earth. Mark took a deep breath and walked around the city. "I should probably tell Evan I'm okay! OH SHOOT what time is it?" Mark yelled. " Mark looked and it was eleven AM. Crap! I have to Make it to Mr Spruce's show!" Mark said as he started running.
End of Chapter 5

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