When you think of stories, you think of magic, fantasy, portals to different worlds, fairytales, ect.
Well, this Tale is different.
It involves magic, but not in the way you believe.
This tale involves Ice magic, Water Magic and Demonic Magic.
And this tale starts in the Ocean Empire, the Jewelled Sea's.
Sit back, get comfy, and enjoy this tale.
"Welcome, Skylar!" Theena said, as the Mountain Queen flew over to her ocean.
"May the Mountain's Wind bless you, Theena. How have you been?" Skylar asked, her arms outstretched for a hug, which Theena gladly gave.
"Good. Are you ready for our meeting?" Theena asked. Skylar nodded.
"Of course I am, my dear friend. How about we get started." She responded. Theena led the Mountain Queen to her Palace, to the meeting room.
"So, our topic is how we can improve our empires' alliance." Theena said. Skylar nodded.
"Well, me and the Elders talked about this, and what do you think about Embassy's?" The Mountain Queen suggested.
"I love that Idea!" Theena said. Skylar nodded.
"Gorgeous, well. We can build our Embassy's another time, and I'm glad this will work." She said. The Ocean Queen nodded.
"And now our next topic is about our actual Empires." She continued. The mountain Queen nodded, before a breeze whispered him her ears.
"Wait, what? A demon?" The Mountain Queen asked.
"Huh? A demon? I didn't mention a demon." Theena said.
"No, the Mountain Winds told me. A demon is coming... Apparently." Skylar responded.
"A demon? Like Xornoth in Empires SMP?" Theena asked. The Mountain Queen nodded.
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." She said. The Ocean Queen nodded.
It was nothing to worry about...

The tale of two
SpiritualDiscontinued! Me and a close Friend of mine made our own Empires SMP. mine was inspired by Scott (The mountains) Hers was inspired by Lizzie (The ocean) Queen Skylar of the Snow Peaks, and Queen Theena of the Jewelled seas are best friends but what...