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Y/n sat in her apartment packing as tears stained her soft Melanie skin leaving a white trail as they dried

She wasn't sure how long she was going to be in America but she knew it was going to be a while

Deep in thought she heard a few knocks on her door it sounded distant so maybe she was just imagining it but after a short while they continued again.

"Is no one gonna answer the door" y/n groaned wiping her face before heading to open the door, before opening the door she checked the peep hole cuz who the fuck is at her door at twelve in the god damn morning

And of course it had the best the last person she wanted to see at the moment

She dreadfully opened the door there stood jirou sobbing nearly having a mental breakdown

Before y/n could even say anything jirou had already began her sob story "I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but y/n I need you please I need someone by my side I can't do this alone."

"Now's not really a good time" not like her words mattered because No matter how bad she wanted to slam the door she couldn't.

she pulled the black haired female into a hug taking her to the couch to sit down and catch her breathe

"What happened?"

"I'm... pregnant" her breathe hitched as she began to cry even harder

"Wait what? How!? Who's the father?" She questioned not sure on what to feel

"It's- " she began before going quiet "nvm I'll tell you later" confused on why she had to tell her later she dismissed her questions and decided to listen to everything the female had to say

"I don't want you to hate me I'm really sorry for everything"

"Why would I hate you for being pregnant exactly?" She watched as jirou's eyes turned guilty as if she had done something terrible

"I didn't know who to go to and you're the only person who would be there for me no matter what." She purposely avoided the question.

"That didn't-"

"I'm so grateful for you y/n"

"Mhm.." a bit irritated by the emotion change she stayed quiet

"But... there is something I need to tell you." Her smile dropped yet again changing her emotion "please don't get mad but the father is..."

~You know~ She didn't even have to say it her eyes spoke for her

My stomach dropped in utterly disbelief was i really hearing this shit right now

"What? Is this some sort of joke?" I paused "am I a joke to you"

"What no- it's just the reason I ghosted you was because I"

"I honestly don't have time for this shit right now" I felt my blood physically start to boil all I wanted to do was cry I got up trying to walk it off but she wouldn't shut up

"We weren't planning for this to happen I swear"

"J-just stop please... just shut the fuck up" unsure on what to do I pulled out my phone dialing tamaki

His phone going straight to voicemail

"Come on bruh pick up the fucking phone" she was started to get impatient at this rate she began blowing up his phone

Until finally, he answered

"Hey what's up? Sorry... I was asleep"

"I don't give a shit if you were dying pick up the damn phone" the line went quiet " get your ass over here now"

Without saying anything else she hung up setting her phone onto the counter placing her head down trying not to overstimulate herself as she waited for the male.

𝓐𝓒𝓠𝓤𝓐𝓘𝓝𝓣𝓔𝓓; T. AMAJIKIWhere stories live. Discover now