Chapter 1: True Colors

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Izuku and Izumi are both excited to examine and reveal what their quirks are. Izumi goes first while Izuku waits for his turn.

10 minutes later. Izumi got out and approached her parents with a big smile.

Izumi: Mommy, Daddy I got a quirk.

As Izumi showcases her powerful Telekinetic quirk in front of them.

Inko: That's wonderful honey. As Inko smiles.

Toshinori: That's great my baby girl. As Toshinori raises her up.

Then the doctor called Izuku Yagi.

Doctor: Izuku Yagi, your up next.

As Izuku stands and enters the doctor's office. Inko, Allmight, and Izumi watching and waiting for Izuku for his results.

Inko/Toshinori/Izumi(thought): I hope he has a quirk.

As the Doctor examines Izuku's body he noticed something extraordinary. As he checks on his computer he was shocked and amazed at the same time by the results of Izuku's power levels. Then the Doctor approached Izuku.

Doctor: Izuku I'm happy to say that you have the most powerful quirk you've ever possessed. Even more powerful than your sister's quirk!

As Izuku was confused about his excitement he answers.

Izuku: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: My boy, your quirk is Mutant Omega Techno Organic Transformation Quirk!

Izuku: Wait, Really!?

Doctor: Yes it's true, It says your quirk's name is Gundam Summoning!?

Izuku: Gundam Summoning? (Eyes Widened) Wait Gundam as in Mobile Suit Gundam like the Anime Mobile Suit Gundam Series!?

Doctor(excited): I believe so, it also says you can summon a Gundam wearing it like a suit of armor you can change more than one. You can have many Gundams!

Izuku: Whoa, that's insane!

Doctor: You're family is gonna be so happy when they hear the news that you have the most powerful quirk in you.

As the Doctor tries to open the door. Izuku stops him by grabbing and tugging his arm.

Izuku: Wait doctor, before you open the door can you do me a favor?

The Doctor tilted his head about Izuku's sudden request.

Doctor: What is it my boy?

Izuku: Can you make a fake diagnosis of me being quirkless?

The Doctor's eyes widened and shocked by what was Izuku's is saying.

Doctor: But why!? Why would you request that sort of thing!?

Izuku sighs and changes his expression with a serious face and cold eyes. The Doctor is even intimidated by his seriousness.

 The Doctor is even intimidated by his seriousness

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