Chapter 4: Atlas Corporation

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Izuku's POV
As I open my eyes, I see a ceiling fan moving and I get up look around and found out that I'm in some sort of guest room.

It's been a while having a bed this comfy. I open the curtains and it's night time. I must have been past out as I remembered I can still feel Angelise's kiss on my cheek. I'm honestly embarrassed but feel happy. But I'm not gonna get distracted from that. As I turn on the TV.


*Setting: A sleek newsroom with bright lights and a polished anchor desk. The news anchor, sits poised in front of the camera.*


**News Anchor:** *(smiling)* Good evening, viewers. Our top story tonight: a mysterious sighting that has the city buzzing. Witnesses claim they've seen a man-sized Freedom Gundam armor in action. Yes, you heard that right-Gundam, as in those iconic mobile suits from anime. But is it real, or just an elaborate hoax?

*(Cut to footage of a chaotic scene: a sludge villain attacking a middle schooler. The camera shakes as the Gundam hovers in mid-air.)*

**News Anchor (voiceover):** Earlier today, in the heart of Musutafu, a sludge villain targeted young Katsuki Bakugou, a middle school student. But before disaster struck, our unlikely hero emerged-a colossal Gundam, gleaming in the sunlight.

*(Cut to shaky smartphone footage showing the Gundam shooting the sludge villain with precision.)*

**News Anchor (voiceover):** Witnesses describe it as a fusion of technology and myth, a walking fortress with wings of freedom. But here's where it gets interesting: opinions are split. Some believe it's a quirk-an extraordinary ability manifested by an individual. Others insist it's military tech, a secret project brought to life.

*(Cut to an interview with a witness, a fruit vendor. civilian#3, civilian#6)*

**Fruit Vendor:** *(excitedly)* Oh, I saw it, dear! The Gundam swooped down like an avenging angel. My apples went flying, but Katsuki was safe! Bless that metal warrior.

**Civilian #3:** *(excitedly)* That's awesome. I can't believe a real life Freedom Gundam from Gundam Seed Series! Infront of us!

**Civilian #6:** *(excitedly)* As a Mobile Suit Gundam fan I say go get em Hero!

*(Cut back to News Anchor at the anchor desk.)*

**News Anchor:** But skeptics remain. They argue that Mobile Suit Gundams are pure fiction-products of anime and manga. After all, we're not living in a sci-fi universe, right? I mean, next thing you know, Godzilla will be rampaging through Shibuya.

*(The screen splits, showing two experts via video call.)*

**Expert 1:** It's fascinating. If this is a quirk, it defies all known limits. But we've seen stranger abilities. Remember the guy who can turn into a sentient puddle? Quirks evolve.

**Expert 2:** Nonsense! This screams military experiment. The precision, the design-it's too advanced for a high schooler's quirk. Besides, Gundams are science fiction. We're not rewriting physics here.

*(Cut to a split screen: one side shows the Gundam in action, the other side shows a Gundam model kit on a teenager's desk.)*

**News Anchor:** So, viewers, what do you think? Is our city guarded by a Gundam-wielding hero, or is this a clever PR stunt? Let us know in the comments below. And remember, whether it's quirk or military tech, one thing's for sure: Musutafu's got a new guardian.

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