Chapter 4: A wacky day (part 1)

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When SMG4 woke up, he immediately noticed 3 wasn't next to him and immediately got concerned, as he hopped out of bed and went out of the room to search for him.
As soon as he got out, he understood why SMG3 wasn't in his bed: he and SMG4 were having a highly heated fight, with the first being held in a chokehold by the second.

"Enough, both of you!" SMG3 tried to separate the two guardians, only to be shoved aside by a punch that made him fall to the ground.
SMG4 immediately grabbed him by his arm and lifted him up, asking if he was ok: "Sort of...4 can be so stubborn at times..." he realized what he said and turned to SMG4: "I mean- my 4. My partner-" "Ehehe, it's ok, mate, no one understands you better than me."

SMG3 smiled at him: "So, how did you two sleep tonight? I hope Luigi didn't wake you up, ahaha!" "We slept just fine! Though, we wanted to start working on finding a way to get back home-".
"Awh, so soon? Stay a while more, I love having two punching bags of the idiot!" SMG4 exclaimed, as he punched 3 right in the face, who in turn fell flat on his back; 4 went to help him up, as SMG3 slammed his partner in the head: "Let's just...focus on helping them. Maybe we could go ask SMG1 and SMG2, they're basically experts on the-!"
The meme guardians were startled as they heard a loud noise coming from outside; they exited the castle, only to find a military tank standing right in front of the entrance door.

What seemed to be Swag came out of the tank and looked around for a few moments, before his eyes settled on the four guardians: "Oh, so Cool was right... Why can't our job be simpler..."
3 and 4 looked at each other, before SMG3 waved at the soldier: "Hey Simon, it's uhm...nice to see you! What brings you and Cool here?"

"We received a call about a breach in the multiverse-" "SO WE'RE HERE TO TAKE CARE OF THE ANOMALIES!" Cool exclaimed, pointing the tank's gun right at SMG3 and SMG4: "WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!" SMG3 exclaimed, backing up: "Yes." Cool simply replied, before shooting right at the boys, who dodged the shot at the last second: "MY CASTLE!!" SMG3 shouted, as the hit from the tank had destroyed the castle's door: "COOL, STOP! THESE AREN'T ANOMALIES, THEY'RE-" as SMG3 tried to explain the situation, Cool jumped off the tank, holding a bazooka in his arms: "Why, SMG3, my old pal, my friend, my amigo, my buddy, my compare, my silly boy...I don't give a shit about your explanations lmao. Simon blow their asses up."

Simon simply sighed as he prepared the tank's gun to fire, targeting the two guardians who were running around panicking: "OI, IDIOTS!" SMG4 yelled, as he was standing right in front of the entrance of his coffee shop: "Hurry up if you don't want to die!".
The two, followed by SMG3, ran quickly towards the entrance and into the shop, as 4 opened the entrance to his secret lair: "How the hell did those two military assholes find out about you two?!" he exclaimed angrily, as they all took a breath: "Didn't Simon mention something about...a breach in the multiverse?".

The 4 SMGs looked at each other in disbelief, before SMG4 finally spoke up: "So you're telling me...there are more versions of us out there? Not just you and SMG4?" "Ugh, and here I thought this crazy adventure couldn't get worse...what do we do about those two up there?" SMG3 asked, his tone full of frustration.
SMG3 and SMG4 looked at each other, then back at their counterparts, before smiling and nodding: "Take off your clothes!" "Let's blow them the fuck up- EXCUSE ME WHAT."

The four guardians looked at each other in disbelief, with their mouths open wide: "Dude, I always knew you weren't straight, but damn, your bisexuality is showing-" "NOT IN THAT SENSE, IDIOT! I MEAN WE CAN EXCHANGE CLOTHES AND PRETEND TO BE EACH OTHER!"

SMG3, SMG4 and SMG4 all took a moment to process the information, before exclaiming in unison: "Ooooooh yeah that makes more sense."
One quick wardrobe change later, and SMG4 and SMG3 now looked identical to SMG4 and SMG3 and viceversa; they had even exchanged their caps, as all the logos were different and would have been a dead giveaway to their plan.
"Alright, ready to kick some military ass?" SMG3 asked, as he received approving nods from the three: "Let's show them who's boss!"

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