Chapter 7: A puzzling situation

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"Weird," SMG4 mumbled to himself, as he sat up in bed: "I don't remember covering myself last night..."
He got out and stretched a bit, as the events of the previous night came back to him.
"Shit, right..." He muttered, looking towards the door: "Well, let's see what faith awaits you, 4..."
Slowly, he marched towards the door and opened it, entering the common hall.
Much to his surprise, SMG3, SMG4 and SMG3 were standing there, chatting and writing some things on a notebook.
As soon as he got closer, though, he saw 4 drift his gaze away; he felt a bit ashamed and sat down next to 3, who gave him a look: "Finally you're up, we were waiting for you!" "Alright, now that we're all here, let's discuss what we we thought."

"Me and SMG4 were training in the front space of the castle, and things got a bit carried away, so we launched a bet, on who could defeat the other one first. Our powers collided, and a portal formed."

"Which is exactly what happened to us, except...If you ended up in our reality, shouldn't have we ended up in yours?" SMG4 asked, still side eyeing the other 4: "I guess we should have, but remember what happened with us? Luigi and Mario were there to keep us to the ground, they were right next to us, which meant that  something changed."

SMG3 and SMG4 looked at their swapped counterparts and saw the looks in their eyes; they were trying to stay positive ever since they got there, but it was clear that nothing was working out in their favour, so the cracks began to show.
"Hey...what if we take a break today?" SMG4 asked, standing up and grabbing Eggcat.
Everyone in the room looked at him with a puzzled expression: "I know, I know, I said I wouldn't be helping much and that we haven't made any progress so far, but...this situation is taking a toll on you; let's just take a break for today and we'll resume tomorrow." SMG3 smiled genuinely for once and got up as well: "I don't mind a vacation day, to be honest. Hey, 3, wanna give me a tour of  our castle?".

SMG3 chuckled and got up, looking at the the others: "Hey, what about-" before he could say anything, 3 dragged him out and left the two SMG4 alone.

4 got up last and fidgeted a bit with his hands: "So, where do you want to go? Want to...grab a coffee at your shop? Perhaps go to the Internet graveyard? If we're swapped, then it means you rule the grave-" "Hush, let's just go to my café and serve the customers.
With that, he went to the exit door and left.
SMG4 sheepishly followed, unsure of what the day had in store for him.


"And this is my room, where I record videos for my channel. Sometimes, me and 4 hang out here."
3 looked around the bedroom, covered in purple hues and merchandise of himself; well, his nicer counterpart.

"...About what happened yesterday with Chris and Swag-" he stopped as he saw the puzzled expression on SMG3's face: "Right, Simon and Cool...they talked about a...breach in the multiverse. Do you think...there's really a multiverse out there? Different versions of us?".

SMG3 sat down on his chair and pondered for a moment on the question posed: "Well...considering that we're face to face, speaking, they weren't lying. They must know something we don't".

"I'll make a mental note to ask Chris back at home..." SMG3 stated, sitting on the bed: "...Hey, are you feeling okay? After...everything, you know."
He could see the dry stare in his friend's eyes.
Were they...friends? Of course they were, they had to be after all that went down.
But maybe SMG3 didn't think it the same way: "...When you guys go back home, how will we keep in contact? I'd like to talk to you guys ever so often...".
"I don't think we'll be able to keep in contact, you know? If we did breach the multiverse, when we return to our world, communications will be cut off."


SMG4 prepared another coffee to serve to his customer, a warm cappuccino.
Tari thanked him and payed, sipping the drink carefully, to not burn her tongue.
As she looked around, she saw the other SMG4, leaning against the counter and fidgeting with his finger: "Is he okay?" she asked to her friend, sipping more of hos cappuccino: "Don't know, don't care. We're taking a break from research today, so I brought him to the cafè."

Tari looked at him and grabbed her coffee, getting closer to him: "Hey, SMG4. How have you been holding up?" she asked carefully: "...Uhm...Fine?".
Seeing that she wasn't getting any responses beyond that, she adjusted her beanie and pressed further: "I know you're anxious and stressed, but it's going to be okay. Our friends are here to help you."

In response, SMG4 grunted: "I don't help thieves".
4 sighed and walked outside the cafè, sitting: "4...come on, I know that he did wrong, but 3 tried to steal your diary every other time and you didn't bat an eye!"
"SMG3 never got close to getting the diary out of my hands; that loser had it under his bed, ready to uncover all of my secrets."


It was clear that SMG4's attempt at a "day off" hadn't worked, at least not for him and 4, especially with all the tension that surrounded them.
As for SMG3 and SMG3, they had been fine, recording some videos and discussing some theories on a possible multiverse.

When they returned back at the castle, however, they found the front door open: "What the...? I didn't leave it open, perhaps Luigi snuck inside?" SMG3 muttered: "Or maybe we have another interdimensional visit." 4 grunted; as they entered the castle, they saw him.

Standing in the front of the main room, was Mr.Puzzles.



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