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The cold breezing of the winter wind made Akira shiver under the duvet, she pulled the soft, cold fabric up to her chin and drew in her knees.

her teeth chattered slightly from the cold before she heard her alarm go off, she reached out from under the duvet and immediately turned off her alarm. she growled slightly annoyed knowing what day it is, the portal has reopened just like every year.

They call it "chatura", which basically means portal. Every year the portal re-opens taking food or animals from the campsite, never has a human fell into the portal.

akira stretched out with shaking legs before getting out of bed, she dressed herself and brushed her teeth. The toothbrush vibrated on her gums as she thought about the coming afternoon.

Since Akira's parents abandoned her, she now lives alone in her own tent in a different camp, but with the same portal.

As the day continues everybody did their usual job, there are farmers, breeders, knitters, hunters, and the lowest people who get the least respect: cleaners, and Akira is a cleaner.

As a cleaner it's Akira's job to keep camp clean, which means she also got to clean up animal feces, which are disgusting.

Akira just finished cleaning up feces that the cows left on the path, even though she was tired she really wanted to get an higher rank and gain more respect. She'd love to become a farmer or knitter, or maybe a hunter if possible.

As afternoon struck the camp it got hotter outside, hearing the screams from the second in command, Akira kept going as fast as possible, not noticing that the portal was about to open. She looked up with a sweaty face and stared down the second in command "Get up." He demanded and Akira rose up not leaving his gaze. She walked towards the portal following the second in command. She stood far in the back looking in-between the head gaps of people infront of her.

They dropped in food, supplies and cattle, but the portal didn't close, which is weird because when the people are happy they close the portal.

Akira heard whispers around the portal from the leader and his second in command, but also camp members.

"Everybody calm down, this will be fixed easily." The leader spoke, everyone stared him down with confused faces as he continued. "They want a member from our camp, Who volunteers to help the chatura people?" The leader looked around as he saw one single hand rise into the sky, it was Akira.

"Aah, Akira! Come come." He stated moving his hand for Akira to come towards him, everybody stared Akira down whispering stuff she wasn't able to hear.

"Listen carefully child, whatever they do, don't give in to them. You understand?" Akira nodded and so did the leader, Akira looked down into the orange and black portal as she looked back to the leader. He nodded again and not long after, Akira dissapears into the portal without a sound.

Not long after, Akira woke up into a new world. It looked so much more different than her own camp, this camp looks bigger.

"Aah! You must be the new addition." A australian voice spoke behind Akira, she turned around and got greeted by an woman with long brown hair that perfectly falls onto her shoulder, she was leaning on huge axe. Akira didn't answer but really wanted to, even though she was stuck in the silence.

"Aah yeah sorry, I'm Nova, and who are ya?" She spoke as she stuck out 1 hand, "ohh uhh i-im Akira." Akira slightly took Nova's warm hand into hers, shaking her hand 1 time before letting go if it.

"I'll show ya our king, follow me." Nova nodded her head towards the castle that lies on the hill, it's surrounded by 4 watch towers and a wall. When they walked into the big golden gate, she saw the beauty of an wooden village lying infront of her. Akira's eyes widen as she looked around the village as they started to walk up the hill.

"So tell me, what is on the other side of the portal?" Nova broke the silence as she held her axe on her shoulder. Akira's gaze met Nova's and silence fell again for a few seconds.

"Not much." The calm voice of Akira spoke as she looked around again. "Not much? Cmo'n there must be atleast 1 thing." Nova looked confused as Akira thought deeply. "Well the only thing that's different is probably that we are a small camp." Nova looked with confusion as to say 'is-that-really-the-only-cool-thing?'.

Nova knocked onto the big door with gold and diamonds sprinkled allover it. Not long after the big doors opened with a creak, Akira crinched on the sound and 2 big muscular men with masks and spears stood in the doorway.

when they saw Nova they turned aside so they could continue, the moment Akira passed them one lifted the spear and put it on the ground with a loud iron bang, Akira was shocked by this and quickly walked towards Nova who was already walking further.

Nova took a glance at Akira and dropped a little grin. Akira noticed that in the corner of her eye and looked at Nova who already looked back forward. Akira looked back and saw an pair of 2 doors open again where they saw an older man sitting on a throne, he stood up when he saw Akira and walked towards both of them.

Akira took a step back while Nove again layed her axe around her neck and leaned into it, Akira looked at Nova and she nodded back to Akira with acceptance as probably the king walked over to Akira.

"Greetings child of the humans." The king spoke with an British voice, Akira looked with a shock at the king and wanted to speak but couldn't get the words out of her mouth. "Don't you worry child, everything will be clear." The king again spoke with such an royal voice.

"Whe-where am I?" Akira asked wondering where she landed. "Aah, Nova hasn't told you yet didn't she? Well, welcome in Enderlox."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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