Chapter 11. The Truth

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Beach House, Rio De Janeiro

The world around her blurred and twisted, and in an instant, she found herself standing in the middle of a quiet alleyway, far from the warehouse and the shocked faces of her teammates. She leaned against the brick wall, trying to steady her breathing and calm the storm of emotions raging inside her.

Her mind raced with thoughts of what had just happened. She had revealed her secret, her magic, something she had kept hidden for so long. And to Dom, of all people. What would he think? What would the team think?

Severa slid down the wall, sitting on the cold ground as the reality of the situation sank in. She had no idea what to do next. The team needed her, but how could she face them now? How could she face Dom?

A soft rustling sound broke through her thoughts, and she looked up to see a stray puppy watching her curiously. The simple, mundane sight grounded her a little, bringing her back to the present. With a deep breath, she got up off the ground and turned to make her way home.

She stopped at the edge of the alley and glanced back at the puppy before sighing. "Screw it..." She turned back around and picked up the puppy before heading back to the beach house.

The puppy squirmed slightly in her arms but quickly settled, snuggling against her. Severa couldn't help but smile at the small, warm bundle. The walk back to the beach house was quiet, the sun setting and casting a warm glow over the city. She found comfort in the puppy's presence, a reminder that even in chaos, there were moments of simplicity and innocence.

When she arrived at the beach house, she found Edith and Theodosia sitting on the couch watching a movie while Narcissa was nowhere to be found. Edith glanced up, raising an eyebrow at the puppy in Severa's arms.

"What's with the puppy?" Edith asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Severa set the puppy down, allowing it to explore its new surroundings. "Found him in an alley. Figured he could use a home."

Theodosia reached out to pet the puppy, a smile spreading across her face. "He's adorable. What's his name?"

"Lucky," Severa replied, watching as the puppy wagged its tail enthusiastically.

The puppy trotted over to Edith, sniffing her feet before plopping down beside her. Edith chuckled, giving the puppy a gentle pat. "Well, Lucky, welcome to the chaos."

Severa sank into a nearby chair, exhaustion finally catching up with her. "Where's Narcissa?"

Theodosia shrugged, her eyes still on the puppy. "Lucius popped up and they've been upstairs all day."

Severa raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Typical. Those two can't keep away from each other."

Edith chuckled, her attention momentarily diverted from the movie. "They have a knack for disappearing when we need them the most."

Severa sighed, rubbing her temples. "Well, hopefully, they'll reappear soon."

The puppy, now named Lucky, seemed to sense Severa's stress and trotted over to her, nuzzling her leg. She picked him up, feeling a bit of comfort from the small, warm bundle in her arms.

An hour passed, And just as Severa was starting to wonder if Narcissa and Lucius would ever come downstairs, a door upstairs opened. Narcissa and Lucius emerged, looking slightly disheveled but otherwise pleased.

Narcissa's eyes immediately went to the puppy in Severa's arms. "Who's this little one?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"This is Lucky," Severa replied, a small smile forming. "Found him on my way back. Figured he could use a home."

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