Chapter 6 - The plan

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Abandon Wearhouse

After Dom finally caved and let Severa go, they got back to the plan, but not before Mia explained what they were even planning for.

"So you're telling me y'all are going to rob the most powerful man in all of Rio?" Severa stood next to Han, shocked by what she was hearing. 

"Exactly," Mia affirmed, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "But it's not just about the heist itself. It's about sending a message. This man has oppressed this community for far too long, and it's time someone stood up to him."

Severa's eyes widened, a mixture of slight fear and determination flickering across her face. "And you think y'all can pull this off?"

Mia nodded, her gaze unwavering. "With the right planning and execution, we can do anything. Besides, we have something he doesn't: unity. Together, we're stronger than any one person, no matter how powerful."

Dom, leaning against the table with his arms crossed, chimed in, his voice tinged with confidence. "We've been waiting for the perfect opportunity, and this is it. We've got the skills, the intel, and now, we have you, Sev."

Before She could even reply, Roman stepped in. "Wait, I get having her around for something good to look at," Severa raised a brow. "But can she do a robbery? Screw that! Can she even drive?!" Severa knew little about the man but she already wanted to punch him in the neck

Severa clenched her fists, her patience wearing thin. "Listen here, Forehead," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "I may be new to this, but I didn't come here to be underestimated by some chauvinistic prick."

Roman's smirk faltered, taken aback by Severa's fiery response. "Hey, I was just asking a question," he retorted, trying to regain his composure.

Severa stepped forward, her gaze fierce. "Well, here's your answer: I can do whatever the hell I set my mind to. And if you doubt me, then you're in for a rude ass awakening."

Mia stepped between them, sensing things getting tense. "Alright, that's enough," she said firmly, shooting Roman a warning look, while Dom cleared his throat. "Severa, you in or out?"

Severa glanced at Dom, feeling torn. She hadn't signed up for this crazy heist. She came here for him, not for some risky fucking job. But when she looked into his eyes, the thought of losing him again was unbearable.

The thought of being that little girl again, waiting day after day for a letter, waiting for him to come visit like he promised. Remembering how she cried herself to sleep every time he popped into her head, the feeling of not knowing if he was alive or not. 

She couldn't do that again, She wouldn't do that again.

"I'm in," she said, trying to sound confident despite her doubts. Dom smiled, a glimmer of pride shining in his eyes. "That's my girl," he said softly, his words sending a surge of warmth through Severa's veins.

His Girl.

"All right, so our target's name is Herman Reyes," Brian began as they moved toward a nearby table. "And he runs the drug scene down here" They huddled around the table, leaning in to listen intently.

"He's never been busted because he never leaves a paper trail," Brian explained, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

Gisele chimed in, her voice confident. "No paper trails means no banks," she observed, casting a quick glance between Dom and Brian. "And no banks means cash houses." Brian gave her a nod.

"That's right" Brian affirmed, unrolling a map of the city. "Ten of them, to be exact" he added, gesturing across the map as if weaving a spell. "Scattered throughout the city."

But before Brian could elaborate further, Dom cut him off. "And we're hitting them all." Everyone froze and just stared at Dom. "All of them?" Dom just looked over at Tej and nodded.

"All of them," Dom confirmed.

Severa almost laughed seeing Roman's eyes widen. "So, you bring us to a whole other country, just so we can rob the guy who runs it?" Roman waved his hands in frustration. "I thought this was business, sounds personal to me," he complained. Mia sighed, realizing arguing with Roman wouldn't get them anywhere.

"I got love for y'all, but personal isn't good for business," he said, backing away. "I can't do this, homie." Severa raised an eyebrow at Dom and smirked. Was he really going to let one of his team walk away, just like that?

He shot her a smirk back before addressing the group. "So, what we're talking about here is $100 million."

Severa had to stifle a laugh as she saw Roman freeze and then quickly pivot. "Y-You say what?" He swiftly turned back, attempting to regain his composure with a forced smile. "See, sometimes I be overthinking, man" he chuckled nervously.

 just shook his head before continuing, "That's right, $100 million, everything we take," he paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, "we split even" Severa had to tighten her grip on the table to steady herself.

"That's a little over 10 million each..." she remarked, noticing everyone's faces change from worry to shock. 10 million was a huge amount of money, and if she changed muggle money to Galleons, it would be multiplied by five.

Roman and Tej chimed in simultaneously. "Count me in."

Gisele shook her head. "You can't pull off 10 heists on the same mark." Han nodded in agreement beside her. "Once we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest."

"Exactly," Severa said, turning to Dom with a quizzical expression. "What do you mean by 'exactly'?" Dom just smirked at her and repeated himself. Severa narrowed her eyes at Dom, waiting for a more substantial answer. "Dom" she pressed, her tone firm.

As everyone else walked off, Severa found herself alone with Dom at the table. She turned to him, at a loss for words. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

Unable to contain herself any longer, tears welled up in Severa's eyes and began to fall down her cheeks. It was all too overwhelming. She hadn't seen this man in over 20 years, and since walking in here, she had been holding back a flood of emotions. Now, they poured out uncontrollably.

"Dom..." she whispered, and he pulled her into a hug, his hand gently rubbing her back.

In Dom's embrace, Severa felt a sense of warmth and security wash over her as if all the turmoil of the world outside had faded away. She nestled into him, her head resting against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

For a moment, they simply stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, finding solace in the quiet intimacy of the moment. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing them to savor the closeness they had been denied for so long.

"I missed you so much..." she heard him mumble something but she to far gone in the hug, Just being near him after so long was how she imagined Narcissa felt when she got letters from Lucius, love.

She Still Loved Him

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