𝐈 | 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐨, 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐨

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It's been three days since Spencer came into Obscura and he's been staying with Clint. It's been slightly...well it's not been good really.

Spencer hasn't eaten anything. All the food that's in the kitchen isn't to his taste. So Clint decided to go grocery shopping for new food that would suit him

"Kid!!" Clint called. Spencer popped up from the couch with a slightly tired expression. "Listen, we're gonna go shopping to see what types of food, you humans like." Clint explained.

Spencer groaned tiredly, wanting to sleep. Clint grabbed a small cloak from the hood rack. "Don't give me that.." Clint says. He puts the cloak on Clint and puts the hood on him. "There. No one will suspect you're human." Clint says. Spencer lay his face down against the couch. Clint sighed and picked him up in a football hold. "Let's go.." He told him. Spencer groaned tiredly once lore.


Ravencross Market. A place where demons, creatures, and werewolves can shop to their heart's content. The shoppers stopped when they saw Clint standing there menacingly. "Keep close kid.." Clint told him. Spencer nodded and held his hand. Clint leads him inside the marketplace. The shoppers quickly got out of the way and avoided eye contact with him.

The two stopped at a fruit stand first. The werewolf shopkeeper trembled in fear at the sight of Clint. "You like jawberries kid?" Clint asked as he pointed at the red berries. Spencer took a look at them. They look like regular strawberries. Spencer poked the berry and it hit his finger with their sharp teeth. Spencer yelped. He immediately shook his head no. "Hm..next stand.." Spencer took the strawberry off his finger and followed Clint to the next food stand.

The other one was meat. There was an imp demon shopkeeper with this one. "Want to try something straight from the underworld?" He stammered. "I have Goat meat." The demon showed the inflating gross meat. Spencer wanted to gag at the sight. He looked at Clint and shook his head no again.

"Alright then.." The two left the stand. The demon shopkeeper couldn't help but sigh in relief that the two left.

Clint and Spencer looked all around the market, but nothing seemed edible to Spencer. Clint was starting to get a little bit annoyed. "Are humans always this picky?" He murmured. "Kid, you got to like something from here.." Clint scolded.

Spencer looked around and a certain stand caught his eye. It had dusty curtains and some spiderwebs. An old woman, with purple skin and nappy grey hair, was sweeping around the stand. At first, he decided not to go to that stand, but then he saw something. Something wonderful. A bag of chips is on display. Spencer quickly went over to the stand and rang the bell. The old woman looked up to see Spencer. "Oh, hello dear." She smiled sweetly at him. Spencer pointed at the chips that were on the shelf. The old woman looked where he was pointing at and took the bag of chips. "Here you are, dear." She says, handing the bag to him. Spencer reached out to grab them until Clint spoke up. "Hold on.." He took the chips and read the label. "Pot...ato..." "Ah. Yes. Potato chips. No one wanted them because they think it's cursed.." The old woman says. "I suppose people can have..misunderstandings when you're old and alone.." She says continuing to sweep.

Spencer felt so bad for the lady. He nudged Clint's side and motioned towards her. Clint sighed in annoyance. "Alright..how much for the bag of potatoes.." Clint asked, pronouncing potatoes wrong. The old woman smiled and laughed a little. "Oh, you're too sweet. It's only 1 shilling." She says. Clint takes out a gold coin and places it on the counter. "There..happy?" He asked Spencer. Spencer nodded and immediately took the chips to eat them. "What the— KID! You can't eat them now! That doesn't count as food!" Clint barked as he tried to take the bag of chips away from him.

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