An Old Friend

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Soul was a Death Sythe.

Maka one of the most powerful beings to ever walk to halls of th DWMA.

They had gone their separate ways since Maka decided she couldn't fight with Soul anymore. Not because she didn't want to be with him, but because he could get hurt because of her.

Soul took Spirits place at Lord Deaths side, since Spirit couldn't fight anymore with his age.

Maka went on missions without any orders from Death. She had gained popularity and had Soul.

On her way back home one day from a mission Maka passed by some old apartment building. It reminded her so much of the apartment she used to share with Soul. 'Soul' she thought, 'it's been a while' Maka wondered what he was up to now. She hadn't spoken to him in ages. She left because she didn't want him hurt....yet leaving basically killed her. She didn't bother to try and talk to him because she knew it would be too remember.

The day Maka left Soul seriously contemplated suicide. How could he live if his Meister was gone? Not to mentioned the girl he loved? Soon enough Kidd and every one else convinced him that he should stay. Yet he sometimes cried himself to sleep when he heard news on Maka. He so badly wanted to talk to hear her lovley voice. Yet he knew she wouldn't agree. He knew that she had her reasons to leave and if it made her happy, he wasn't going to stand in the way of that. No matter how much it killed him.

All this went on for years until one day they saw each other once more. You can call it faith, luck, a sneaky BlackStar, you can call it whatever you like.

In the end it all leads to the same thing.

BlackStar had gone over to Soul's new house one day and well he told Soul that they should have some sort of house warming/Halloween party. Soul saying that sounded cool agreed.

BlackStar was the only one in the group who knew how to contact Maka. The only reason he never told anyone is because Maka pleaded him to not say a word. Somehow BlackStar had managed to convince Maka to attend the party. Although Maka didn't know it would be at Soul's house. All she knew was the address and to wear a costume. She was super skeptical about it at first and she was weirded out by the idea of going to some random house at night but she decided to trust Star.

When the party came Maka didn't really know what to wear and she spent so long just picking a costume. She hadn't seen anyone from the group in ages. She talked to BlackStar but hadn't seen him. She told the lady in the store she was going to a costume party and she would meet with an old friend. The lady said she had the perfect costume that would go with Maka's curves and edges. Yes, she had developed quite the body throughout the years. She was toned but not ripped and she had a nice butt and just the right amount of chest that suited her just fine.

Soul on the other hand had had his costume for a while. He was gonna dress as a vampire. Not the ones portrayed in things like twilight. His teeth went well with the idea and all the had to do was get some normal clothes. With red paint for the bite. Soul didn't have to wear contacts since his eyes were naturally a beautiful crimson. Although he did decide it would be a good idea to wear a small red and black mask that only covered the upper have of his face.

Maka arrived at Soul's house  wearing a cat-ish costume. It was a black dress with car ears and a tail with a black cat full face mask, although it had a punck rock sense to it she looked innocent and sweet. When Maka found Star she was astonished by how much he had grown. And by how much his godly complex had dissolved. Star lead Maka to the middle of the room and told her she could get punch and snacks. He told her to wait for him and that he would get Tsubaki. Maka really had missed Tsubaki and complied with Star's commands. BlackStar never went to go to get Tsubaki, though. No he went and told Soul that he wanted punch and that he had to go talk to the D.J. He asked Soul if he could go and get him some.

Maka stood there and just waited. Soul aproched the punch bowl and noticed Maka. Although he didn't recognize her with the mask and she didn't realized he has him either.

"Hey I like your eyes!" Soul yelled over the music.

"What? Oh thank you! I love yours!" Maka yelled back although she couldn't really see his eyes with his mask but she though it was the polite thing to do.

"Your eyes remind me of an old friend!" Soul was yelling really loud but Maka could bearly hear him.

"Yeah? Who!" The moment Maka yelled that out the music stopped and Star grabbed the mic. Everyone turned to look at Maka and she turned red in embarrassment.

"OK so everyone I have a dare for you I need you guys to get the person on your right and take them to the dance floor...or whatever it's called! Enjoy the beat of this next song and don't wimp out losers!" BlackStar yelled with a cheeky grin.

"Well I can't refuse a dare. So Would you do me the honor of the next dance?" Soul asked

"Sure." Maka replied with a light chuckle

Sure enough the next dance was a slow dance and well they got into position and began their dance.

"You know I had a friend once, like you. We wou-" Maka began but was stopped by Soul.

"Take off the mask, please." Soul looked at Maka's eyes and he remembered his Meister. Maka was a bit taken back by his command.

"I'm sorry it's just your eyes are so much like an great friend of mine and I miss them..."

"This friend...did she mean a lot to you?" Maka asked being as smart as she was she figured and realized that it was Soul. Her first instinct was to pull away but she had missed him so much she couldn't bare to part with him once more.

"How did you know my friend was a she?" Soul asked but Maka had no time to reply. Soul crashed his lips to hers and they poured all their emotions into that kiss. All the years of crying and agony were gone. All the tension and resent they felt (if any) towards each other just vanished in .2 seconds.

"Maka I missed you so much. Oh god if only you'd talk to me. All these years I saw you become so powerful. I was afraid to see you again. Maka please please please don't ever leave me again. Please." Soul rambled on pulling her into a tight embrace. His words were jumbled together in a frantic manner almost as if he felt she would disappear any minute and he had to get it out before she did.

"Calm down Soul, I missed you too. And don't worry I promise I won't leave again. Look, I left because I wanted you to be safe and if I left you wouldn't have to protect me. But when I did I felt like I was dead...and I can't stand another second without you. I love you."

"I love you too"

They shared one more blissful kiss and continued to dance the night away.

Mean while a proud BlackStar stood in the corner of the room enjoying the view of his best friends happiness. When his girlfriend, Tsubaki, comes along and asks

"Did Soul actually get over Maka?"

To which BlackStar responded

"No. Trust me he hasn't. I don't think he ever will."

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