Chapter 6

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We told them what to do and showed them. They all did what we told them to. They all decided that they didn't want to stay in the county so they all packed up their things and left. We decided that we was going to stay a little while longer before we left so we could get some time and calm down.

We all said our good-byes and went our own paths. A few days later packed up and left the county to see if any other counties were messed with. Well epidemics spread quicker than you think. "Why didn't we head out of town sooner?", Bubba asked as he threw his sleeping bag in the passenger seat of his truck.

"I don't know bubba", I said as I did the same. "Don't you think we need to study the zombies if we are going to survive?" ,bubba added. I replied, "That would be the best thing to do." We finished loading up our trucks and started heading out.

We got half way out of town before we ran intoa zombie. It started heading straight for the trucks. We dodged the zombie andkept going. There was another one a good ways up so be decided to trysomething.

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