Chapter 3

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✯ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 ✯

Leilani was always a girl who intrigued me. Since the beginning of the school year, I always wanted to socialize with her, which was not reciprocated.

She always managed to refuse all my offers or attempts at friendship, whether indiscreet or not. Lucky was I even when I managed to talk to her. As soon as I turned my head, she was no longer there. Someone could even believe that invisibility is her quirk and not Hagakure's.

So that explains my shock when I saw who was calling me. None other than her. Her brother, Faris, later explained to me that his sister was very bored and wanted to go out. I thought Leilani was the type of person who would much rather stay home than go out.

My astonishment was even bigger when he added "but not alone." Was she blinding us all that time?

In conclusion, I currently have to go to the address that was sent to me.

"What could I possibly wear?" I asked myself.

My eyes went through my closet to stop on an outfit that Sero gave me. A large beige T-shirt and brown shorts, which all have smiley patterns on them.

She'd probably think that I am even weirder than how she saw me before if I showed up there dressed to the nines. I think this is appropriate.

"So here I am."

I gulped one last time before pressing the doorbell button. They have a pretty big house. Where could Leilani's room be? Can she see me?

"What are you looking up there?" said Faris, leaning against the door frame.

Until today, I never knew she had a brother. How could I possibly know if we barely speak?

Think Eijiro, think!

"Oh, uhh good morning, even if we talked earlier, haha."

My classmate's brother raised a brow before laughing. He covered his face in an attempt to stop, but it just got worse.

"Sorry, sorry, just... Get in."

"No need; we are leaving," interfered his sister, running downstairs.

At first, I was admiring their clean and nice living room, but now... wow. I rarely get the chance to see Leilani in clothes that weren't the school uniform or the training outfit.

A short blue top, a pair of shorts, and a yellow cardigan orned with multiple flowers. That is how my classmate was dressed. Usually, she would make a big bun with her hair, but this time, they were tied in two high ponytails.

"Now, this is better," commented Faris, looking her up and down with a smile.

"Hm. Let's go"


That was the only thing I found to say. She said the same thing to me with less interest in her voice and walked out after wearing her shoes. Her sibling wheezed even more than before.

"Where are you guys planning to go?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to ask you." I said, taking out the small list of places we could visit. "Which places would she like the most?"

"Hmm, let me see."

Faris snatched it and jogged outside, stopping in front of his sister.

Hold up!

I could hear him ask her, "Choose 3 on this list. Your date did it."

By the same time I walked out, Faris dodged a slap from Leilani with a chuckle. It's surprising to see her like this: Before today, I could swear that she's the kind of person that wouldn't hurt a fly.

That girl always had a 'What the heck? Don't come near me' or a 'Are they normal?' look in her eyes. This time, she had a 'Shut up!' one, which is even what she said afterwards, followed by something in Spanish, I think.

Leilani lifted her eyes to me, as if she felt sorry. Oh, maybe she is just thinking, "Oh God, why did I have to get stuck with this one?"

"Are you really the one that litss the... the list that..." she began before taking a deep breath in and continuing. "Is it. Really you. Who made. This list?"

I nodded slowly with a confused smile. We usually used it—me and some other classmates in our class—when we wanted to just hang out together. Is it weird? That wasn't my idea anyway.


Bad liar.

On our way to the bus stop and the subway, it was mostly Faris who talked. When I say talk, I mean argue with or tease his sister, hum some songs, and ask me a few questions.

When his sibling asked him why he was "following us", Faris answered that he needed to use the subway too. Now we're inside of the station.

"Oh shoot! I think that's mine!" he exclaimed when we all heard the rumbling of the big engine. "I'll now be off. Have a great time little ones."

Little ones ?

He rushed downstairs, and we stayed silent for a couple of seconds. We still don't know where we are going.

"Here," she said, giving me back the list.

My eyes widened when I looked at it.

"When did you do this?"

She shrugged. 'Go for bowling!', 'to a coffee shop', and 'chill at the mall' were circled as the others were crossed. There were even numbers beside them, surely indicating the order.

"Let's go bowling then!!" I happily said.

Luckily, we are at the right station to get there. Leilani and I headed down. The subway was surprisingly not crowded. By this hour, we weren't even supposed to be able to find seats, but we did.

"When are we getting off?"

"Oh, don't worry, I am going to tell you when we need to."

I told her that because I saw she wanted to take out her white earphones. She smiled, and I did the same.

Some minutes later, we got out. The whole way was silent but not uncomfortable. While walking up, I glanced at her a few times, but her eyes were glued to the ground.

"There's also an arcade directly next to where we are going. Would you like going there too?"

"I don't know. As you want," she responded after shrugging.

Did she really want to go to the bowling alley? Maybe she just chose it because she disliked the others and thought this was between the less bad ones.

"Did you have any other place in mind?"

Leilani looked at me, and our eyes met. She looked back down before shaking her head.

"Hey umm..." I began, stopping some meters before the exit door, "Do you really want this? I am already aware that you didn't even plan this, and my presence must be disturbing, so if you want, we could just—"

I stopped as I noticed she was now staring at me, her eyes wide opened.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like your presence was disturbing." She sent her hand to her neck, and looked down.. "It's just that... I don't know. Just don't overthink about what I think because I will surely think about what you think, and... What am I even saying? Anyway. Sorry."

We stayed silent for a short while. Since when am I like this? Overthinking about every single detail? This isn't me. This isn't Kirishima Eijiro! I'm not acting manly at all!

"Don't worry about it. Let's enjoy ourselves, Fine with you?"

She nodded at me, and we finally walked out.

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