Chapter 4

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✯ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 ✯

Unlike earlier, the bus was full. Full to the point that Leilani, me, and many others had to stay up. Because of that, we stayed close to the back door. Her and I were now sticking close so that she could know when we were getting off, as she now doesn't.

Faris' sister's gaze was presently concentrated on the window, as if she was looking at something in particular that was following the bus.

The ride lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. At a moment, the bus was less full, so we had the opportunity to sit. Now, we just had to walk a little bit.

"This may be random, but what do you like?" I asked, expecting an 'I don't know' again.

"Hmmm... I like, uhhh... flowers, dogs, and bunnies?"

"Is that a question?" I asked, chuckling.

She slowly shook her head with a funny smile on her face, looking at me as we walked.

"Any other things?"

After hesitating again, Leilani revealed to me that she also loves singing, slush with or without ice cream, music, and Jibaritos which is a Puerto Rican meal, kind of similar to hamburgers, but the breads are plantains.

"My mom usually makes some for birthdays. Hers are the best. They are like, this size!"

She mimicked its size with her hands. Since we left her home, this is the first time I have seen her eyes sparkle. What a relief.

"What about you?"

"Me? I like spending time with my friends and working out! One day, I plan to become like my idol, Crimson Riot! Do you know him? He's so, so strong! I also like meat in all its forms."

"Never heard about him, sorry."

I told her it was okay, even if that surprised me. He was so strong that I'm pretty sure his strength could be equal to or even greater than All Might's!

"Here we are!" I announced by pointing at the place.

I opened the door for her as she entered, seeming embarrassed and surprised at the same time, but still thanking me.

When I asked her for the second time if she would like to go to the arcade next to us, Leilani gave me the same answer. A shrug followed by "I don't know."

Is she always like this?

"Soooooo, are you good at bowling?" I asked with a sly smile, bending my head towards her.

She rolled her eyes and put a smile on her lips as well. I think that this is a good sign?

After fighting for a long minute, I was the one who successfully ended up paying for both of us. I just can't let her do it, even if, when remembering their house, she must be rich.

Finding the correct pair of shoes took us another couple of minutes. Then, we began.

"Were you just trying to fool me earlier?" I asked after her third strike in four tries.

"I didn't answer, so no."

My mouth dropped. She chuckled but directly made a weird face after, sending her hand to her tongue to remove... a strand of hair?

"What in the..."

We looked again at each other and burst into laughter.

That's how a whole hour passed. Before, I wouldn't believe that bowling is an actual sport, but now, my respect to all bowlers.

As we are now done, Leilani and I are now on our way to the mall.

"Do you have somewhere in particular you want to go to?"

Even though I already knew her answer, I still tried asking her. I am pretty sure she thought the same, because we stared at each other for a few seconds before she looked away, chuckling.

"Sometimes, when I go to the mall with my family, we like to go to clothes, accessories, or toy stores and try everything to finally leave with just one or nothing. One because my mom feels 'guilty' about giving hope to the workers. At least, that's what she says."

What a family.

"Sooooo, would you like doing that?" I demanded.


"If you want."

Should I be happy she said another thing, at least?

"Ok, if you see an interesting shop, tell me then."

She nodded at my sentence. We continued to walk while Leilani was looking around and I was looking at her. To see which place draws her attention, of course. Otherwise, why should I? There's no reason for me to do so. Then, for an unknown reason, Leilani softly smiled, her face still not facing me.

She's so adorable.


I was the one who uttered that in shock toward my own thoughts. The "what" I said wasn't really the one you say when you don't get someone; it was more like the one you say when a random man announces to you that your flight was delayed or canceled.

I think that's why Leilani looked at me with a confused look.


The fact that my head was clearly turned in her direction weirdly made me even more embarrassed. I quickly turned it, scratching the back of my head.

"It's nothing, haha. Have you seen anything nice?"

I can feel her stare at me!

"Yeah, but I don't think you will like it; it's kind of..."

"I'm not important... I mean, my opinion isn't important. I mean... Where is it?"

For a moment, I thought she was pointing at me, but Leilani was pointing behind me. If she was behind me, would it be said the same way? She was pointing behind me. Who invented languages seriously?

I now understand why Leilani thought I wouldn't like the place. She was pointing at the accessory shop, Claire's. I never entered there, but even from outside, it looks like it's more for girls.

As long as she enjoys her time...

When she asked if I was ok with that, I assured my classmate once again, and we went in. I guess I will just watch her because I don't know what else I could do.


I turned to see three small tubes in Leilani's hands. Maybe those are lipsticks.

"If you don't mind, can you choose one?"

"What are those?" I asked.

"Lip balms."

I didn't mind asking what their use was and began thinking. There was a yellow one, a pink one, and a light green one. What can be her favorite color?

I ended up picking the pink lip balm. Yellow or green will look weird on her face. Or maybe not. Leilani looks like the type of person on who everything could look good.

"You know that lip balms and lipsticks are different things, right?"

I shook my head, and a smile appeared on her face. Was she waiting for me to ask? I'm such a clueless man

"Lipsticks are colorful, and lip balms are less. This is more to keep my lips hydrated because I hate having chapped lips, which I get often."

As she stated that, Leilani pointed at her lips, and my eyes directly followed her hand.

They, too, are pretty.

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