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- I'm so sorry.
She stood back up and brought her hands to her face.
- please stop apologizing to me, it's ok, I'm your trainer for some reason, I need to be able to take it.
She pulled her hands back and looked at him.
- please let me help you up.
- little one please stop, I'm a big boy.
He refused her hand, getting up on his own.
- alright now, let's see if you can do that whenever you aren't pissed at me.
- which is only one minute of every hour.
- well let's use that minute quickly because there is not time to be wasting.
He moved to the side.
- see if you can hit that tree with the surge of light again, just like when you teleport, empty your head out of any thought but the goal just concentrate.
- ok, ok...

It had been a few weeks since y/n began to train with Jungkook, quite a few side skills had shown within the two weeks, most of them were aimed at him every time he infuriated her.
He had a cut on his cheek that she had given him one morning after he pissed her off so badly she used her speed to tackle him down, his back hit a tree, causing a branch to fall down on his face from the impact of his body.
They had been bickering left and right for the two weeks that they had been around each other.
- good morning.
Y/n rolled her eyes when she heard Jungkook's voice, as soon as she closed the door of her room.
- (growl) already time for you to annoy my life.
- never to early to be graced by my presence little one.
- woo, lucky me.
He smiled at her sarcastic comment, while watching her walk away from him.
- we will be going on an adventure today little one.
- what, an adventure?
- are you a parrot?
- asshole.
- so I have been told by you plenty of times.
Jungkook said with no emotion showing on his handsome face, he only looked done with everything.
- we are wasting time with this unnecessary argument.
He reminded her.
- we are wasting time from breakfast, the more time we waste, the less time we have to eat.
- you are just a...
- so you have told me too.
- don't read my mind.
- I wasn't, you call me the same insults every day y/n.
- ughh, you are so infuriating Jungkook, I just wonder what did I do so wrong that I'm getting punished by dealing with you every damn day of my life.
- that's the same I could say, dealing with you ain't easy.
She turned abruptly making him stop in his own tracks.
- you don't have to you know, we can stop whatever it is that we are doing.
- I would love that but I have to train your ass.
- I don't understand why is so hard for us to be around each other without wanting to kill one another.
- because you are an jackass an asshole, you are full of yourself which is shit, you think that everyone around you needs to bend over backwards for you, your highness.
- if that's the case I will make sure that you bend over for me.
He said making her mouth just shut.
- now that you shut up let's get breakfast.
He said walking off, she just watched his back until he stopped and turned.
- coming or what?
She wanted to kill him.
- (loud growl)
She followed him finally catching up with him.
- great you could join me...
- hush...
She lifted her hand so he would stop talking.
- please stop talking.
She asked before resuming her walk.

- why me?
This pattern was something recurring in their daily basis, she wanted to choke the life out him more times that she could ever count in a day.

Weeks later the two were in the gym sparring, with his help she had become better at hand to hand combat, also had learn to teleport, she could do it without having to be mad, but that was hard whenever he was around.
- come on y/n, show me what you got, I know you want to rip my head off my shoulders.
- asshole...
She mumbled.
- love those compliments that you always give me y/n.
- I'm going to zip your mouth shut.
She tried to catch him by surprise but, he was too fast for her.
Until all y/n saw was him falling on his knees.
- what, are you giving up?
She said with a scoff.
- y/n...
Her name was barely audible as it slipped out of his lips, all her eyes saw was his hand on his chest, his face contorting with agonizing pain.
- Jungkook!!!
She moved so fast, that she hadn't realized that she was by his size.
- is the pain again?
- (head slow nod) please...
- put your arm around my shoulder, I'm taking you to see Hobi.
- i... can't... move...
He mumbled, barely being able to even move his lips.
The feeling of being split open from the inside was the only way that Jungkook could use to describe the pain that was taking over his body.
- ok... ok...
She lifted his arm however she could.
- we are moving...
She emptied her head of every possible thought besides the one of making it to the infirmary.
- you... can... do
His head dropped forward before he could finalize the sentence.
- ok... I got you...
She closed her eyes, when she opened them, she had done it, the were in the infirmary.
- Hobi...!!!
She called from the spot where they had appeared.
- Hobi... please!!!
Hoseok came out from his office.
- y/n... is that you?
He pulled the curtain back to find her with Jungkook who was passed out weighing her door with his dead weight.
- please Hobi... he is in pain again.
- come on let me help you.
Hobi flicked his wrist making Jungkook's body float until it landed on a small bed, his massive body taking over tha small bed which was working overtime to hold him, Hoseok pulled the curtain back.
- is he going to be okay Hobi?
- he will, wait here, I have to work on him.
- please Hobi.
- I'm glad my sister's son has someone beside me to care for him.
He said with a smile squeezing her shoulder before walking behind the curtain.
She let her exhausted body drop on a chair in a corner of the infirmary.

- I didn't know that hauling him over here was going to leave me drained.
- using your powers and skills drain your energy y/n.
She looked around because she could swear that she could hear Jungkook's annoying voice.
- is he awake?
She said out loud.
- no.
Hobi said from behind the curtain.
- what the hell is happening?
She said out loud.
- what do you mean?
Hobi was confused.
- did you talk to me just now?
- yes I told you that he wasn't awake.
- I think I'm going to need you to check me too Hobi.
- why, are you in pain?
- no but I'm losing my mind, I heard his voice in my head.
- That's possible when he is in this state.
- really, he can talk even if he is out like this?
- he might be asleep but he is aware of what's happening around him, he knows that I'm healing him, he can hear you, so is possible that he found a connection to your mind in his sleep.
- there is a lot that I need to learn still, I spend half of the time confused as hell.
- well that's because you spend most of the time arguing with me instead of paying attention to what I'm trying to teach you.
- woah,  even like this you find a way to be an asshole.
She said still not believing that he had found a way to talk to her while in his dream sleep.
- I have to find a way to annoy you even though I'm not physically there with you.
- I should have let you at the gym, maybe you will be dead by now and stop annoying my life.
- do you believe your own lies y/n? I saw your teary eyes.
- how did you see me?
- little one, I'm a wizard, amongst all the skills, powers and abilities I possess.
- you are such a unique...
She caught her sentence half way.
- why did you stop? Say what you were going to say.
- I don't even know what you are...
- I am an anomaly darling...
He said with a dark, empty and sad voice, my mother could not figure it out.

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