Chapter Four

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"How are you feeling my love?" Vegas asked caressing the back of Pete's hand. "Better." The younger smiled. "I'm glad."

A knock on the door grabbed the couples attention as Vegas got up with a kiss to Pete's head. He opened to door being met with Dr. Yang.

"Hi doctor?" He was a bit confused but let him in. "Good morning Mr. Vegas, Mr. Pete. Sorry to intrude so early but I have some news for you." He put his hands into his coat pockets. Vegas' heart dropped.

He got used to only hearing negative things when Pete's doctor utters those words. Vegas could tell that his husband was a bit worried too.

"Don't worry, it's not anything bad." Dr. Yang chuckled. "I was just here to inform you two that we will be putting Mr. Pete on new medication. This new drug will help reduce what happened last night. But before we administer it, we need your written consent."

Vegas looked to Pete, the two having a conversation with his eyes. Of course Pete has to be the one to agree. After all it's going in his body.

A minute later and Pete nodded. "Great. My nurse will drop by in five minutes or so with the papers and we will get that started." Dr. Yang smiled bidding farewell and leaving.

Vegas noticed how his husband was playing with his fingers getting a bit concerned. "What are you thinking about, love?" He placed his hand over Pete's.

"Nothing. I'm just scared that the new medicine will have terrible side effects like the last one." Vegas gently rubbed his thumb against the younger's knuckles.

The last medication that his previous doctor had put him on took a huge toll on Pete. Although it reduced the growing rate of the tumor, it left Pete deathly skinny. He couldn't eat at all but despite that he was still hunched over the toilet everyday.

Vegas hated lying to his husband and so he kept his mouth shut. It would be useless to feed his lover words they both knew were false.

Like Dr. Yang said, his nurse dropped by a few minutes later with a clipboard in her hand. She made them read and sign everything. Thankfully the side effects of the drug was not that bad.

Pete looked out of the window letting his head rest on the pillow. "What are you thinking about?"

" nice it would be to go outside." The brunette smiled. "I think I forgot what the sun felt like."

"Don't worry. We'll be able to get out soon. I'll take you to the beach then so you can feel the sun all you want."

Pete's eyes got glassy. "Do you really believe that?" Vegas parted his lips to say something but he stopped himself just giving Pete a nod.

"I love your optimism." Pete chuckled dryly. "But I don't think so. My body is slowly giving up, I can feel it."

"Hey, don't say that." Vegas reached up to gingerly wipe the tear that slipped past his love's eyes. "You're so strong, Pete. Don't think like that."

The brunette bit on his lip trying not to upset his husband more. "I'm sorry." Vegas shook his head. "You have nothing to apologize for. Just don't say things like that again, okay?" Pete weakly nodded.

Vegas leaned in to place a small peck on his husbands lips. "Good."

You'll make it Pete. I'll make sure you do.


Lowkey shit cuz I've been stressing. We tried studying today, it was more of a gossip sesh. I think I got like half a PowerPoint finished💀🤡

I'm so cooked for my history final 😖

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