Chapter Two

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It was later that day when Pete started getting worse again.

Vegas' worried eyes met his husbands as the younger began coughing. His thin frame shook like a leaf in the wind. "Are you okay?" Pete nodded his head grabbing onto Vegas' hands to ease the olders worry.

"I'm fine. You worry too much about me." Pete grinned and Vegas leaned in caressing his cheek. "You're important to me. I have to worry about you." The brunette leaned into Vegas' touch closing his eyes.

What am I supposed to do when you're gone? No don't think like that. You still have so much time.

Vegas looked at Pete trying to imprint the younger's face into his memory. Every mole and scar. All the details of his face.

Do we though?

Pete held onto Vegas' hands but then his eyes glazed over. He burst into a coughing fit making Vegas' eyes blow wide.

"Pete?" The brunette shook his head extending one hand while the other covered his mouth. "I'm fine." He managed to whisper before his shoulders shook again.

This time crimson liquid came drizzling down the gaps of his fingers.

"I'm getting a doctor." Vegas ran out of the room, tears gathering in his eyes as he explained the situation to a young doctor.

In the room Pete was on the bed chest heaving up and down as he was clearly having a hard time breathing. His eyes were welled up with tears as he looked at Vegas, a drop of blood down the corner of his lips.

"Pete? Oh my god, Pete." Vegas was held back by a nurse from getting to his husband who was not getting any oxygen into his lungs.

"Sir, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Sir we can't do our job if you're here."

Vegas had tears streaming down his face looking at Pete's face. His husband was turning a deathly shade of pale as another nurse was trying to put an oxygen mask over his face.

He was kicked out and the door shut behind him making the raven-haired stare at the wood in shock. The salty liquid gathered at the bottom of his chin.

"What happened, Mr. Vegas?" The ravenette felt someone tugging at his sleeve and he closed his eyes. Looking down at Majo he tried to gently get her hands off him.

"Nothing. Nothing Majo. What are you doing here?" Vegas moved to sit on a plastic chair with Majo following him. "Did something happen to your husband?"

Vegas clenched his fists and tried to calm himself down. She's just a kid. He gave a small nod.

Majo's eyes changed again and Vegas was convinced he wasn't hallucinating. "Have you thought about what I said, Mr. Vegas?" He shook his head, a bit confused.

"Don't you wish that you could save your husband?" It all hit Vegas then. The ravenette dropped his head into his hands. "Majo, please. I don't-"

"I'm telling you, you can."

His head snapped up at the change in her voice. It had gotten deeper, less childlike and more feminine. Her playful expression had disappeared too.

Vegas was beginning to lose his cool. "You can't just go around saying that-"

She glared at him and the hairs on his arms stood up. "Listen to me, Vegas! I am telling you it's possible to save your husband, I can make it happen."


"You just have to give me something back in return." The smirk on her face made him feel uneasy. "Make a deal with me."

Pete's door opened and suddenly that child-like gleam in her green eyes were back. "Think about it, mister. Meet me at the garden tonight." And she skipped down the halls

But he didn't care enough to linger on her change as he practically flew to the doctor. "How is he, Dr. Yang?"

A sigh. It was never good if a doctor sighed.

"He's doing alright for now. We gave him some medicine and he's sleeping right now. His breathing is back to normal and so is his heartbeat. But..." Vegas' eyes teared up.

"He doesn't have long. I'm sure you've heard this before but your husband's body is no longer able to fight the tumors. He's too weak and I would say he has...two months at most."

Vegas' world stopped spinning. His vision was blurry and everything became fuzzy. He could no longer hear Dr. Yang anymore.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, everything coming back to normal. His tears grazed his skin before falling onto the freshly mopped linoleum floors.

Dr. Yang gave him a sympathetic smile before leaving.

Taking in deep breaths and trying to calm himself, Vegas walked into his husband's room. It felt like someone had a rope wrapped around his heart, tugging at it as hard as they could.

Seeing the bed engulf his once bright as sun husband absolutely shattered him.

Vegas gave a questioning look to the younger as he showed up with a speaker in his hands and wet hair. "What are you doing?" He laughed.

Pete placed the speaker down and a song began blasting from the device. Vegas tipped his head back laughing at the ridiculous moves his husband was pulling.

"Come on. Join me. Don't be boring." Vegas shook his head. Pete placed his hands on his hips before pulling the older up. "No~" the older whined.

"Come on." He pulled out the puppy dog eyes and Vegas groaned. His head rolled before landing on Pete's shoulder. "That's blackmail." The brunette squealed when he felt someone bite his shoulder.


Vegas' hands fell onto the younger's waist pulling him close as their lips smashed together.

Wiping his face, Vegas couldn't believe that the man he was in love with was going to disappear from his life in two months. It felt surreal even thinking about that.

"I can make it happen." Majo's voice rang in his ears.

Call him stupid for believing an eight year old who said she could cure cancer. But Vegas was desperate. He was grabbing at anything he could.

Checking the time Vegas then grabbed Pete's hands. He had two more hours until he could meet Majo.

His fingers rubbed over the back of Pete's hands. I'll do anything for you, Pete.


Fun fact: Majo is actually witch in Japanese.

Isn't that so cool!! Does that make more sense now?

If anyone is confused plz comment and I'll clear things up for you :)

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