Winds of Change

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Chapter 1 

 The air in the throne room hung heavy with anticipation as Wen Wuxian, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning entered, their footsteps echoing against the polished stone floor. They exchanged cautious glances, wondering why they had been summoned by Wen Rouhan, the leader of the Wen clan.

Wen Rouhan sat upon his ornate throne, his expression inscrutable as he regarded the trio before him. "Thank you for coming," he began, his voice carrying authority that commanded attention. "I have gathered you here today to make an important announcement."

Wen Wuxian arched an eyebrow, curiosity mingled with apprehension. What could Wen Rouhan possibly want with them?

"I have selected Wen Wuxian," Wen Rouhan continued, his gaze piercing, "to participate in an exchange program with the Lan clan's prestigious cultivation class."

Wen Wuxian's heart skipped a beat. He had expected many things, but this announcement caught him off guard. To study with the Lan clan, known for their strict discipline and unparalleled cultivation techniques, was an honor beyond measure.

Wen Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, betraying her concern. She knew all too well the expectations and scrutiny that came with being associated with the Lan clan. 

"And Wen Qing, you will accompany him," Wen Rouhan added, his tone leaving no room for argument.

 Wen Qing nodded solemnly, already preparing herself for the challenges and opportunities that awaited them in the Lan clan. 

 "And Wen Ning," Wen Rouhan said, turning his gaze to the silent figure standing beside Wen Wuxian, "you will provide support and protection."

Wen Ning nodded, his expression determined despite the unease gnawing at his insides.

 Wen Wuxian exchanged a meaningful glance with Wen Qing and Wen Ning. Though uncertain of what lay ahead, they were prepared to face it together, bound not only by blood but by the bonds of family and loyalty.

 As they left the throne room, the weight of Wen Rouhan's announcement hung heavy in the air.

As they made their way towards the hall, their path was intercepted by Wen Chao, his demeanor oozing with smugness and thinly veiled mockery. His lips curled into a sardonic smile as he addressed Wen Wuxian.

 "Funny how you've been selected, A-Xian," Wen Chao remarked, his tone dripping with disdain. "I remember you telling me just a week ago how much you despised the idea of attending the Lan clan's prestigious cultivation class."

Wen Wuxian's jaw tightened, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "Haha, very funny, Chao," he retorted, masking his true feelings behind a facade of nonchalance. 

 Wen Chao chuckled, relishing in the discomfort he had caused. "Indeed," he continued, his gaze shifting to Wen Qing and Wen Ning who stood beside Wen Wuxian, "funny to say for you too, A-Qing, A-Ning."

Wen Qing's expression remained stoic, though a fire burned in her eyes at Wen Chao's insinuation. Wen Ning, ever the silent protector, bristled with restrained anger, his fists clenched at his sides.

 Wen Wuxian shot a warning glance at Wen Chao, his voice laced with thinly veiled warning. "Watch your words, Chao. Mockery ill befits someone of your station."

As Wen Chao prepared to unleash another round of mockery, his words hanging on the tip of his tongue like venomous barbs, a commanding voice cut through the tension of the moment. It was Wen Xu, his older brother and the trio's respected cousin, his presence radiating authority and restraint.

 "A-Chao, stop this nonsense," Wen Xu admonished, his tone firm and uncompromising. "Stop mocking our cousins."

Wen Chao's smirk faltered, his confidence waning under the weight of his older brother's reproach. Though he bristled at being reprimanded, he begrudgingly fell silent, casting a resentful glare at Wen Wuxian, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning before he dismissive wave of his hand, turning on his heel and storming away, his pride wounded but his mischief thwarted. 

 Wen Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that someone had intervened to halt Wen Chao's incessant teasing. He exchanged a grateful glance with Wen Qing and Wen Ning, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united them in the face of adversity.

"Thank you, Wen Xu," Wen Wuxian said, his voice tinged with sincerity. "We appreciate your intervention."Wen Xu offered a reassuring smile, his gaze warm with familial affection. "Always remember, family stands by family," he replied, his words a testament to the unbreakable bonds that bound them together.

With Wen Xu's guidance and protection, the trio continued on their journey to the hall.

 Wen Xu's words hung in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the trio's minds. Wen Wuxian, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning exchanged puzzled glances, each grappling with the implications of Wen Rouhan's decision."I heard Father selected you to participate in the Lan Clan's prestigious Cultivation Class," Wen Xu continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern.


To Be Continued..

(Note: Some parts will be change..)

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