Fleeting Peace

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Chapter 2

The journey from Qishan to Gusu was long and fraught with tension. Wen Ying, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning found themselves under the unwelcome company of Wen Chao. The air was thick with unease, each step echoing the unspoken frustrations of the group.

Wen Ying's thoughts churned with a mixture of anticipation and dread. He knew Wen Chao all too well—the arrogant cousin whose presence was often more a hindrance than a help. Wen Chao's smug demeanor and lack of consideration were enough to set anyone on edge, and Wen Ying was no exception. The knowledge that they were already running late did little to ease his anxiety.

"I can't believe we're late because of him," Wen Ying muttered under his breath, glancing sideways at Wen Qing. She gave him a sympathetic look but said nothing, her eyes flickering with a similar frustration.

Wen Chao, oblivious or indifferent to their plight, sauntered ahead with an air of entitlement. His leisurely pace was infuriating, but Wen Ying knew better than to voice his irritation. Any confrontation would only delay them further and possibly provoke Wen Chao into making things worse.

"We should be quickening our pace," Wen Qing finally said, her voice calm but firm. "We're already late as it is."

Wen Chao chuckled, his tone dripping with condescension. "Relax, A-Qing. The Lan Clan can wait. They should be honored that we're even gracing them with our presence."

Wen Ning, ever the silent observer, tightened his grip on the small bag he carried. His eyes darted nervously between his sibling and Wen Chao, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Wen Ying placed a reassuring hand on his cousin's shoulder, offering a silent promise to keep things under control.

The path to Gusu was picturesque, with rolling hills and blooming flowers that usually would have brought Wen Ying a sense of peace. Today, however, the beauty of the landscape was lost on him. His mind was preoccupied with the looming encounter at the Lan Clan and the potential for Wen Chao to disrupt everything.

The gates of Gusu came into view. Wen Ying's heart quickened at the sight

Wen Qing stepped forward, her posture straight and confident. "Remember," she whispered to her brother and cousin, "we're here to learn and to represent our clan. Keep your wits about you, and do not let Wen Chao's behavior affect you."

Wen Ying nodded, taking a deep breath. The gates loomed closer, and with them, the unknown challenges that lay ahead. As they approached, he silently hoped that Wen Chao would, for once, manage to restrain his arrogance.

As they entered the gates of Gusu, the Lan guards couldn't hide their surprise at the sight of Wens, a rare occurrence within their esteemed walls.

-Time Skip-

Inside the Cloud Recesses, where serenity was revered above all, chaos brewed in the form of Wen Chao's disruptive presence. Lan Qiren, known for his strict adherence to rules and decorum, found himself facing an unexpected challenge as Wen Chao boldly barged into the Cold Springs Room.

The tranquility shattered as Wen Chao's booming voice echoed off the walls, drawing the attention of all present. His arrogant demeanor clashed harshly with the solemnity of the Cloud Recesses, and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the room.

"It's so lively here! I heard that Gusu Lan Sect's classes are open to everyone, so I came here to broaden my horizons," Wen Chao announced, his words dripping with entitlement and disdain for the sanctity of the Lan Sect's teachings.

Lan Qiren's expression darkened with displeasure as he faced the brazen intruder, his usually calm demeanor tinged with an unmistakable edge of irritation. With a voice that brooked no argument, he addressed Wen Chao, his words laced with thinly veiled reprimand.

"Wen Chao, this is neither the time nor the place for your disruptive behavior. Show respect for the rules of the Cloud Recesses, or leave immediately."

The tension in the room thickened as all eyes turned to observe the confrontation between the esteemed Lan elder and the impudent intruder. 

Wen Ying's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he watched his cousin's reckless behavior unfold before him. Every fiber of his being screamed with the urge to intervene, to silence Wen Chao's arrogant outburst and salvage what little dignity remained for their sect.

"Wen Chao, what the heck! You're embarrassing our sect!" Wen Ying's internal frustration mirrored his thoughts, but outwardly, he remained composed, unwilling to further escalate the situation.

Beside him, Wen Qing and Wen Ning stood silent, their expressions a mix of discomfort and shame. They, too, understood the gravity of the situation and the repercussions that could follow if they were to openly oppose Wen Chao's actions.

As the tension in the room thickened, Wen Chao's laughter faltered at the sound of a scornful murmur. "Oh, look, there's a pig that came to listen to the teaching," the voice sneered, cutting through the air like a blade.

Wen Chao's blood ran cold as he scanned the room, his gaze settling on a figure draped in purple robes—the unmistakable attire of the Jiangs. A surge of indignation coursed through him as he locked eyes with the disdainful speaker, none other than the Yunmeng heir, Jiang Wanyin.

With narrowed eyes and clenched fists, Wen Chao stepped forward, his voice dripping with venomous intent. "You dare insult me, Jiang Wanyin? You forget your place!"

The room fell into a tense silence, the air heavy with the anticipation of conflict as the two heirs faced off, each fueled by pride and animosity inherited from generations of rivalry. 

As tension thickened in the room, Lan Wangji, his usually calm demeanor strained by Wen Chao's disruptive behavior, prepared to intervene. However, before he could take action, a surprising voice cut through the turmoil—Wen Ying's.

In a decisive move, Wen Ying stepped forward and seized Wen Chao's arm, his grip firm and unwavering. "Wen Chao, stop this. You are causing drama. We are here to learn, not to start a fight," Wen Ying admonished, his voice carrying a rare authority that demanded attention.

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air as Wen Chao, taken aback by his cousin's unexpected intervention, found himself at a loss for words. The room watched in stunned silence as the usually boisterous Wen Chao fell silent under Wen Ying's reprimand.

Wen Qing and Wen Ning exchanged surprised glances, their astonishment mirrored in the faces of those around them. Never before had they witnessed their cousin assert himself with such confidence and poise.

Lan Xichen, relieved by Wen Ying's intervention, offered a subtle nod of gratitude as he observed the scene unfold before him. Wen Ying's gesture of respect and apology spoke volumes, alleviating some of the tension that had gripped the room.

With a graceful bow, Wen Ying addressed Lan Qiren, his voice imbued with sincerity. "I am Wen Ying, courtesy name Wuxian. This is my cousin Wen Qing, and Wen Ning. We are honored to be here," he said, his words carrying the weight of genuine contrition.

Wen Ying's introduction was met with a measured nod of acknowledgment from Lan Qiren, his expression softening slightly at the display of humility. Though the disruption caused by Wen Chao still lingered in the air, Wen Ying's earnest apology served as a balm to the frayed nerves of the gathered disciples.

In a silent exchange of understanding, Wen Ying signaled to Wen Qing, who stepped forward with a small offering—a gesture of goodwill and a tangible symbol of their desire to mend the rift caused by Wen Chao's actions. With a bow of her own, Wen Qing presented the offering to the Lans, her expression a mixture of remorse and determination.

Wen Chao, though visibly annoyed by the turn of events, begrudgingly held his tongue, recognizing the futility of further resistance in the face of Wen Ying's diplomatic efforts.


To Be Continued..

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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