4.Phone number

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Jimins POV

There started my love story... there wasn't a day where I didn't look for him or dream about him. And I also found that that he will graduate this year...so I only got 2 months time to convey my feelings to him...! What if he rejects me...? I will make him fall in love with me!

After school I waited in the bus stop until jungkook finishes playing basketball and there he comes to the bus stop in his glory. How can someone be this handsome?! I act like I'm minding my own business when he comes and sits beside me. "Oh...you are the person who bumped into me and fell down few months ago right!"he asks. Oh my! He remembers me!! Yessss!!. Okay I should act cool. Chill jimin. "Yeah it was me! You are?" "Jeon jungkook and you?" He extends his hand for a handshake. "Park jimin" the moment I touched his hands im a goner.
Just when I was about to have a good conversation with him the bus came. Stupid bus! "It was nice meeting you jimin" "it was nice meeting you too jungkook hyung" he smiles and gets on to the bus while I get on too. I almost forgot we live in the same neighbourhood!
The bus stops while me and jungkook get down. "Oh you live around here too?" "Yes my house is down the street. Do you live around here too?" I fake my curiosity. "I live down the street too. I guess we are neighbours after all jimin" he says. "I think so! We can be good neighbours" I laugh. He laughs too. He walks with me to my house and just when he was about to say bye my mother comes out of the house and sees him. "Oh jimin is that your friend? Invite him for dinner!" Thank you so much mom!! I love my mom so much! "Jungkook hyung why don't you and you parents come for dinner?" "Sure I'll inform my parents and we'll be there tonight. Thanks for the invite". He was about to leave but I stop him. "Hyung can I have your number so I can contact you much easier" "yeah you can" he gives me his number!!! I'm so proud of jimin!

Jungkook and his parents came to dinner. His parents were super friendly. I took jungkook on a house tour and I was showing him my bedroom. "Oh you can see my bedroom from your bedroom!" He says. Yes, I can see you if you open your goddamn window instead of closing it all the time I wanted to say but I don't wanna come out like a stalker. "Yeah we can be good friends" I laugh. "Oh we sure can" and it was time for jungkook and his parents to leave... "let's go to school together tomorrow jimin" I internally squeel when he said this. "Sure I'll be waiting for you! Good night jungkook" "good night jimin" he says and leaves.
I go to my bedroom and see if jungkook opens his window and he doesn't...and just when I was about to give up and sleep I heard a sound. He opened it! He waved a bye to me and proceeded to sleep. I then took my phone and saved his number as "Love♥️"

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