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"So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again."

Corrax entry 7:17

Remnant.... Home to many myths and legends, yet none as terrible as their prophecies... About the one who will walk a path that broke most... But not this one, for this one's rage will become the fear of the darkest creatures and the savior of humanity... This is the story of how that prophecy became a reality...
This is her story.

The story... Of the Doom Slayer... Raven Branwen.

Our tale begins with a final battle, a last stand against the evil... A final stand doomed to fail... Or is it?
Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon, endured himself that everything was ready to stop Salem from bringing forth the apocalypse. Everything was ready, the relic of destruction, the route and transportation to Salem's lair, and a big etcetera with the basic hunting essentials. He knew the team that would make this right, Team STRQ. Composed by Summer Rose their leader, Tai Yang Xiao Long the weapons expert, Raven Branwen the strongest fighter and surprisingly capable of being stealthy when the situation demanded such and her brother Qrow a master tracker like none other thanks to his Semblance. They had to succeed, everything was in place for the worst chase scenario at any point during this mission. Sure Tai could enhance his weapons with his Semblance, Qrow's Tracking Semblance could follow the trail of anything assuming he knew what to look for, Summer's Semblance allowed her to become a cloud of Rose petals and reform herself at any moment or place she needed to be and Raven's Semblance allowed her to do more damage the longer the fight lasted or the more damage she took and if the conditions were met she could basically win due to how absurd the scaling of said Semblance is... At the cost of her becoming a fully enraged berserker that needed to be calmed down, good thing Summer knew how to do that. To add more weight to the scale in their favor, Summer and Raven were deemed worthy of becoming the Summer Maiden and The Spring Maiden respectively. Summer could channel the power of the wind while Raven of the thunder, there was no way this would be a failure...
How wrong he was.

Raven: how the hell is this bitch still standing?!

Salem had just tanked a lightning bolt that would have killed 1.000.000 highly trained huntsmen. Raven pushed through the pain and tiredness and kept going for ranged attacks by creating waves of lightning with her sword.

Summer: just don't let up, don't give her another edge.

Said Summer using the relic of destruction to utterly destroy any Grimm who stood in her way.

Tai and Qrow were busy dealing with the Grimm that came from behind, slashing, shooting and doing all kinds of techniques to keep the Grimm at bay.

Tai: girls, hurry up will you?!

Qrow: were running out of dust!

This fight lasted for 9 hours by now... Tiredness was still present but was constantly being suppressed by adrenaline, their supplies were running out. It's time to wrap this up.

Summer: Raven!

Raven didn't answer instead she channeled all of her remaining strength in one final strike that there was no chance for Salem to dodge. And the Queen of the Grimm knew it, that lightning bolt passed through her defenses forcing her on her knees...

Perfect angle for a decapitation

With a resounding battle cry Summer stuck at Salem's neck, to her dismay, the explosion turned her axe into nothing but scrap metal and the relic of destruction had a very noticeable crack along the length of the blade. With barely any air left, Summer landed next to Raven and tried to take a breath. Something quite difficult due to her still racing heat.

DOOM: A raven out of hellWhere stories live. Discover now