Chapter 2 part 1: arrival

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"All birds flock back to their nests"

Dark Star made its final approach to Beacon's helipad, the transmission that Elena sent to the world managed to shake most of the passengers while Ruby and Yang simply thought she was that awesome. They couldn't help themselves, Qrow told them just about everything in regards to her fighting style and how she often used her emotions to fuel her moves, how she could basically take on a horse of Grimm by herself if she had the chance, how she was basically the terror of Bullies... And Dark Star herself added about how she was basically wanted by every girl in the school as well as some of the boys who didn't have luck getting a girl while the ones who already had a girlfriend or were trying to get one were jealous beyond the word itself... When she landed she basically said goodbye to Raven in her own way.

Yennefer: see you around you Ursa bitch.

Raven: see you around miss "I want to marry a Nevermore".

Both of them laughed and gave each other a fist bump before leaving the drop ship.

Ironwood: welcome back Raven

Raven turned serious again when facing Ironwood giving a slight, but not invisible to his eyes, bow as a sign of respect.

Ozpin: you've changed...

Raven: staying the same is boring.

Qrow: yeah and I guess you've seen some nasty shit...

Raven: so much so you would be puking yourself out already little bro.

Said Raven with a lot of smugness before receiving a hug from Qrow.

Raven: I missed you too Qrow...

Qrow wiped some of his tears away.

Qrow: you got no idea how much...

Raven: come here and cry it out already, you probably can't think straight.

Qrow wiped his tears again

Qrow: yeah well... I don't have time to cry right now...

Ozpin: we can tell her later, for now I'd like to know who was that Hell Priest at Patch. With it gone we can start making a proper communication relay without being interrupted by reports of kidnappings in the settlements beyond these walls.

Raven returned to her serious face and pulled out Lionheart's head which was still in the same way as when she ripped it from his neck.

Ironwood: by Oum Raven, do you want to give us a heart attack?

The sound of Ironwood saying that while sounding both surprised and freaked out drew everyone's eyes to the scene... Lionheart, a respectable man who was an idol to most teachers, became the very thing that cost them too many lives to count.

Raven: I'm just presenting the proof that this pathetic asshole was indeed the Hell Priest, one of three.

Glynda: wait, there are more Hell Priests?

Raven: yep.

Qrow: I can already tell she isn't joking.

Ironwood: alright then, who are they?

Anyone who was nearby was watching and stopped doing whatever they were doing to listen closely.

Raven: Adam Taurus and Cinder Fall

The name of the leader of the White Fang made every single Faunus shake, the leader of the now terrorist group was also a Hell Priest... The few ex-members of the White Fang were too ashamed to look straight at anyone.

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