pt 12(1) 21+

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Yn put off her white tee.she is in only blue shorts.
Tae:so big mammy.he put her on his lap and touch them.yn is front and tae is back.he squeeze them hardly.
Yn: ummm tae
Tae:( innocently) yes mommy.
Yn understand that what she did so she bit her lower lips to suppress her mo*ns.he is now playing with ni**le by his finger.yn put her hand in her mouth. Getting more close to tae. Accidentally sit on his anaconda.
Tae: ummm mummy don't know why It's feel too goot( good) he squeeze them so hard with his both hand.yn put her head on her shoulder bcz the pleasure.
Yn: tae( wishper)
Tae: (like yn) yes mummy
Yn:Don't u dare to touch another girl ok
Tae: otey mammy. I bill (will) only touch u. It's so soft mummy.
Tae some times poking ni**le sometimes pulled ni**ple.
Yn: ummm ahhh tae stop now
Tae: umm little mole( more) plz mummy
Yn get up from his lap.her check is red like tomato.she ran away
Tae; mummy but bubu? U didn't wipe my hair yet
Yn:( shouting) come I'll do it here.

2nd part
Tae's head is in yn's forearms. Tae is hugging her like kola.yn is slowly unbutton her nighty.
Tae: mummy fast
When yn is done unbuttoning look at tae and see he is pouting
Yn: now what? What r u waiting for?
Tae: not like this. Yn: then how?
Tae take off her full nighty now she is only pan*y.tae also took off his tee just in short
Tae: without waiting he start suck nipple hardly.yn held his hair and pulled him more close to her bubu.
Tae is su* king and playing with another one.yn is trying so hard to suppress her mo*ns but failed miserably.
Yn: ummm tae so good. Ummm baby don't bite them hardly
Tae bite it lightly then again strat su* king.
After sometimes yn is sleeping but tae is su* king till mid night continuously one after another.
In the morning
Yn wake up and see his bear is sleeping peacefully while hugging her.his mouth is open. When she try to sit tae whining and put her ni** le again and srart su* king.
Yn: ummm tae. My ni** ple is hurting a little love.( while caressing his heir)
Tae: mummy soly( sorry) but its so solf.feed me mole( more)

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