pt 14 (18+)

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Yn is unbu**oned her shirt and tae is impatiently waiting for her.
Tae: mummy hully ( hurry) up
Yn is unbu**oned her 1 st two bu**ons.unclasps her br*.
Yn: now don't tell me u want me to undre** fully
Tae nodded his head and give her puppy look
Yn:who can resist my bear
Then yn become half ne*ed just in her trouser. Tae giggle seeing his fav meal.he cupped her melons and squished them. Yn left a soft moa*s
Yn: ummm baby plz
Tae:plz what mummy.( niding her ni**le by his finger)
Yn: yn cup her melon and put ni** le into his mouth
Tae: ummm mummy( moaning little)
Yn: (stroking his hair) ummm
Tae su*king melon with a sound.then he put a strawberry cream on both melons.yn is blushing mess.can't eye contact with him but here our shameless bear li**ing evey inch of her melons.he put a little piece of strawberry on her ni** ple then bite the strawberry with her ni** le.
Yn:(held his hair tightly)ahhhhmm tae like this plz
Tae again bite her ni**le he is continuously su*king two melons.then he pullen her ni**le hardly by his teeth
Yn:umm god tae just rip my ni**le from my melons
Tae pulled her ni**le more hardly by his teeth
Yn: (hide her ni**le by her hand) yeah u little br*t u r really going to rip it
Tae :mummy u said that
Yn: shut up
Tae: solly mummy.i though u r telling me.lemme see
Tae peck her ni**le solly softie then li*king the area.
Yn: love lemme wipe ur hand first
Tae while sucking another melon give his hand.yn wipe his hand which is full of creams. She take off his shirt also.his eyes become heavy.
Yn turn the couch into little bed.there is a drawer. Yn open and see a duvet. She made him lay down and put duvet on him.
Tae:(sleepy tone) mummy
Yn: i am here love.( then yn put one n***le in his mouth he su*king slowly indicates he'll fall a sleep soon. In the mean time he fall a sleep with open mouth.
Yn get up slowly.fresh up and just wear tae's long shirt which is her mid thigh.under just p**nty.
Yn:my poor n**le.few days ago u seems too tiny now see it's feel like u become eiffel thin white shirt they r showing. Then yn see her pa**y become wet. She is so embarrassed herself then take off it.clean herself and see the siner sleeping peacefully while doing the sin.
Yn: It's so embarrassing. Then she also lay beside him while hugging her like a koala.
Tae:(sleepy)mummy love u. While also hug her like a kola.
Yn:love u too my love.kiss his forhead. Then realized her shirt already get over till her stomach. She bite her lower lips feeling embarrassing. Look at tae who is sleeping peacefully.
Yn: cool yniee cool.he is baby ok.also u r under duvet.there is no prb.
Then she sleep like that

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