pt 16 (21+)

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Yn:why i am feeling like riding him o noo
Tae:mummy cupped it harder
Yn is her inner dress and tae is just in his trouser
Tae:mummy put off my trouser also
Yn is unh**k his trouser and put them down.he is in bo* er now.yn unintentionally rub his anaconda tae mo@n
Tae:mummy like that plz
Then yn come in her sence.
Yn: no what i am doing. He is a yn just sleep. Baby lets sleep
Then yn put off her dress also only her br@ and p@nty.
Tae:mummy buy more red
Yn: why baby?
Tae: u r looking beautiful in red mummy.i don't know why but i feel like biting ur every inch
Yn:( blush) lets go to sleep
Then they r sleeping under the duvet.tae is cupped her melons and squished it
Yn: ummm baby
Tae: so soft mummy.lemme play
Tae is squish her melons by his two hands from the back and yn is holding his head and moaning mess
Yn loose her control
Yn start kis*ing his chin.then she kis*ing his lips.first the kis* was passionate but the kis* become rough.
Tae is eating her lower lip and yn is s*cking his tong*e.
Tae:(breathing heavily) so good mummy.i want mole( more)
Now yn is hover above him and held his chin ki*sing him hungrily. Tae held her waist tightly
Yn ki*s his neck collarbone chest belly button everywhere. Give him hi*key under his ears and collarbone.
Tae: i bill do the same mummy wait
Then tae s*ck her earlobe. Neck collarbone cleav*e belly button. Give her hi*key under ear neck collarbone bellybutton.
Tae: now its time for my babies
Then he bite her ni** le is little hard.yn mo@ns pain with pleasure
Tae is su*king her melon little aggressively.
Her melons become red due to continuously su*king.
Yn put off her p@nty also his bo* er.
Tae: mummy u dont have anaconda? Then how could u pee?
Yn:(embarrassed) i am a girl tae.girl's don't need it
Tae: but mummy
Yn: u r talking too much.then yn start j*rking his anaconda
Tae: ummm mummy fast
Yn j*rking fast and also rub her bud roughly
Tae notice it and start to rub her bud
Tae:mummy something is coming. Don't pee
Yn:shut up u idiot, just do it
Then yn made him sit between her legs and tell him push his anaconda inside her
Tae:but mummy mine is big.u may get hult( hurt)
Yn:held his anaconda and push it inside her
Yn:ummmmmm ( painful mo@n)
Tae: omg so warm mummy
Yn: thru*t love
Tae is thr*sting into her
Yn: fast baby
Tae: otey mummy.
Tae is t*rusting her inhuman speed. Bcz he gets to know main pleasure. He is enjoyed it.
Yn push him and he lay down then yn is riding him
Her melons is jiggling
Tae: ummm babies jiggling like that ummm
He start to bite her ni**le
Yn feel too much pleasure.
Tae: mummy i wanna pee maybe
Yn: just relies love
Then yn and tae c* m together
Tae: wow so good. I want more then they start again. After two rounds
Tae: mummy one mole ( more) plz
Yn: breathing heavily no means no
Yn: let sleep. Then she fall a sleep after cleaning them
Tae: looking at her.It's an amazing game. I bill play often of my mummy
Oo my babies ( melons)why al (r) u sleeping. Then he start su*king pinky pinky babies.

#hope u all like it.forgive my grammar mistake. If u like then don't be silent vote and comment #

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