Never Happening

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Legend was up early but stayed in his room...until he heard yelling. He walked out and heard what the loud voice was saying.

It was Moses. "Dom, I don't care if it's for the band or whatever. I don't want to talk to some nosy reporter. What is he even going to write about? There is no way I'm talking to him. We are saying nothing!"

"No one even cares, Moses." Legend was sure that was the keyboard player talking. Uh, it was early...Derek Stout. Right. "I mean seriously, we should just go public, Moses!"

"Fuck you! That isn't happening." Moses yelled. "Get out."

Legend had moved closer just to hear the argument.

"Moses...Why not?" Derek sighed. He could hear the sadness in his voice.

"When we started, you knew my stipulations. My rule. Nothing has changed and you remember that you signed that contract. You say a word and you are sued for slander, Derek!"

Mosses sounded very angry. "We have practice tomorrow and get that reporter out of my house!" A door closed and he heard footfalls and he moved into a study? Sure. Books and a desk. He was in the study.

The band members passed him without being noticed. He listened though.

"Fuck him, Derek. You deserve better." Dom was talking.

Derek sighed. "I knew when I got involved that was the rule. I just wanted more." He sounded like he was crying.

"I tried to warn you. Moses doesn't get involved and he's very protective of his privacy." Dave pitched it. "Sorry. We warn everyone and you know that."

Derek inhaled. They were farther away. "I knew that. I did. I was hoping I was enough. That's all. I thought maybe..." The voices were muffled after that.

Legend was curious but he wasn't getting caught. He walked back to his room. He never saw the band or Moses for like two weeks. This sucked. They were never home or they were recording. He met with the agent for lunch one day.

Legend ordered and watched Cody Stevens. "Is this what I am to expect?" Legend was frustrated.

"What part?" Cody smiled.

"Well, being ignored. No one talks to me. No one. I can't get close to Moses. I talked to Dave for just a second but he seemed flighty. I don't want some exposé, Cody. I just want a regular interview. I'm not looking for dirty laundry or skeletons. Just a decent interview. I got nothing. Two fucking weeks of nothing!" Legend was ready to end it.

"I know. I will talk to the band. Again. They follow Moses and he doesn't want them talking." Cody shrugged.

Legend just nodded. He got that. He ate his salad in peace. He wasn't getting his interview. "I can just talk to one of them, make it sound like the others were busy? I will be kind. I promise. Talk to them."

"I will. I am sorry, Legend. This wasn't supposed to be a bust." Cody sounded frustrated. "I.."

"It's fine. Not the first time either. I can scrap it and leave by Monday and start with some other band. No biggie." Legend finished his meal and went back to the house.

He spent his day writing in his book. He wrote music and lyrics. He loved music. He had books of it but he never showed anyone. No one knew. He started this book in middle school. At first, he thought he wanted to be in a band but learned how tough that job could be and decided against it. And he couldn't sing.

It was dark in the house at midnight and quiet as he sneaked back to the baby grand calling his name. He played his new song and made adjustments. It sounded sad, haunting. It wasn't on purpose, those were his feelings currently.

He was a little sad and lonely here except when he met his surfing buddies. He went every couple of days with them. But he never did any work for the magazine. Two weeks were wasted out here waiting for an interview. He called Amy and she agreed that he could leave on Monday. He could try a new assignment. He got nothing here.

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