Chapter 01

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Chapter 01 - Felix

Strands of stringy, bleach-damaged hair are woven through my fingers. I swear I can feel them snapping off, it's rather off-putting.

Tipping my head back on the cold tile I look up, eyes scanning the pale blue ceiling—there's a cobweb and what seems to be blackmould in the corner.

I shut my eyes, trying to not focus on the mouldy ceiling and instead on the warm mouth wrapped around my dick. But I just can't. At this rate, I'll die of old age before I finish. In a last-ditch attempt to feel something, anything, I look down at the woman. Her teary blue eyes make contact with mine, mascara running down her cheeks in cracked, black rivulets.

At this point, I can't help what happens, when her face begins to blur in my mind. Her blue eyes melt to a deep brown, and the dry stands of hair threaded through my fingers feel soft and are a rich chocolate shade... she changes into someone else, someone I've spent years convincing myself I hate.

I may hate her, but my dick sure doesn't.

Within seconds whatever her name's face is gone and all I can see is her, and it works like always. My dick stiffens, fingers tighten, abs twitch and hands begin setting a rhythm.

I finally feel what I'm chasing, a ball of warmth begins forming in the pit of my stomach, but it promptly stops growing when my phone starts buzzing.

"Fuck's sake," I grumble, fishing my phone out of my pocket with my free hand. "Keep going." She does what I ask without complaint, looking pleased. My thumb slips over the cracked screen without my eyes reading who's calling. A deep groan rolls from my gut when her hand does something with my balls. "What do you want?" My voice comes out rough, thick with lust, laced with annoyance.

The woman blowing me gags. She speeds up, clearly sensing an opportunity to fuck with me. Pity she couldn't have shown this much enthusiasm ten minutes ago.

"Felix, what are you doing?" Finnegan Leclerc's voice tumbles through the speaker.

"I'm kinda bus– no teeth! Fucking hell," I yank her off my junk by her hair reflexively. She seems amused, I don't quite understand what her game was but I'm not sticking around to find out. Fucking sadist. "I'm free now. What do you want?" I tuck the phone between my cheek and shoulder whilst tugging myself back into my trousers and walking out of the bathroom.

"Fe, come on–"

"Don't call me that and don't text me again," I snap, not even bothering to glance over my shoulder at the busty blonde.

"Were you getting a blow job? You– you're kind of unbelievable," he laughs. His laugh is usually so light—Finn as a person is always so light—but today's it's tense and it makes me stiffen up. Something's not okay. "Look, sorry to interrupt, but you gotta come 'round to my place right now."

Getting out of the dingy apartment I make sure to lock the door behind me, because I'm not looking to get whatever her name is killed. The way Finn speaks shows me that he's very serious and I'd be lying if it isn't making my stomach twist in knots as I try and figure out what exactly it could be that's so wrong. Finn's the type who is positive to a fault, the type who looks on the bright side until the very end, who won't accept defeat until the game is over.

I remember a match we played back in high school, we were getting destroyed, down three-nil, but Finn was smiling at halftime. He told me to lighten up because it's not over until it's over.

We won.

So, if he sounds anything less than at least mildly positive then something is very wrong.

"What's wrong?" I question, jogging to my car and climbing inside quickly. My heart begins to race when I hear a sob in the background of the call. "Finn, just tell me what's wrong."

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