chapter 9

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Students scurry and flee away from the entrance, terrified of Anadil. Right now, so am I.

"Ani... Anadil what's going on? Let's.. talk," I'm not good at this. What is she trying to do? Her cold, threatening demeanor doesn't break.

"I'm going to kill her," she whispers. At first, I assume she's exaggerating, but everything else says otherwise. I tilt my head to gesture for Dot to leave. She scurries away in fear. Of Anadil?

"Anadil. Put the dagger down. Please. She's not here," I say. I've never seen Anadil act like this before. She's always the voice of reason, the calm breaking into my unrelinquishing fury. It's unsettling to see her wanting revenge.

"I'll find her. I'll make her pay." She raises the dagger to the ceiling, her finger glowing brighter than ever, and spins, staring at the sky in deliriousness. "So much pain... and for what...?" She stops, looking at me. And all she looks is tired.

"I'm right here, Ani. I will make sure she will never hurt you again. I know she already has. So much. I can stop it from happening again. Trust me." I don't know why I'm saying any of this. She's just my henchman... I just don't want her to kill someone at the school and leave me with no competition, that's all. I walk towards her ever so slowly. She shakes, I see her eyes begin to well up.

"I'm so tired, Hester," She talks slowly, and her voice is soft. When she moves her arm, I can see a flash of bruises beneath her sleeves. It causes a pain in my gut I don't want to describe.

"I know. I know you are. But I'm right here," I whisper. I walk towards her and take the final step. I take the dagger from her hands, ever so slowly, and let it clatter to the ground. And before I can use any better judgment, I wrap my arms around the smaller girl, holding her close to my chest. I listen to the sound of her breathing, and pretend I can't feel a singular tear pressed against my shirt. "It's okay," I whisper. I put my head on top of hers, her face buried in my chest.

I feel her body go limp against mine. I panic, pulling her away from me. Her eyes are closed and her face is paler (somehow?). I realize she hasn't taken her medicine in quite some time. And for the second time, I put an arm behind her knees and one behind her back. I gently carry her warm body to our dorm room, kicking the door open, and then shut.

"What happened to Anadil? Is she okay? What was she doing? Why does she look like a ghost? Why-"

"Shut the fuck up Dot, please," I whisper scream. I lay Anadil on my bed, as gently as I can.

"That's not her bed-"

"I just said to shut up." I pull the covers to her chin. "She'll be okay," I say to Dot. Not like it'll give her any piece of mind. I take out Anadil's medicine and gently open her mouth, giving her a capful. She swallows it, thank god, and I watch her shift in my bed. I don't want her to get more sick from her contaminated sheets. Maybe I'll get Lesso to wash them.

"Where's Sophie?" I seem to be asking that a lot nowadays, which is a good thing.

"In the common room. Either studying or planning out outfits, no one really knows!"


"So... Hester! Would you... tell anyone! If I do or do not sneak out and have a... sleepover! In.. someone else's room?" I stare at her.

"No, you can gladly leave."

"Thank you!" I watch as the somehow-a-Never takes a bag of her belongings and skips out the door, shutting it behind her this time.

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