Chapter 3

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Shinyo made it to his classroom as he sat down at his seat, which was placed in front at the window side.

"Few, made it." Shinyo sighed in relief, but got a feeling he was missing something..

"Umm... Why did you dragged me here exactly?" Boboiboy asked in which Shinyo looked at his side to see the man Ayakaze saved moments ago.

They both looked at each other in silence before Shinyo broke it  out as he panicked 'Oh no! I dragged him out of panicked!' He thought to himself.

Boboiboy just stands there waiting for an answer until a teacher came in.

Shinyo panicked more as he didn't know what to do.

"Oh Shinyo, who's this brother of yours?" The teacher asked

Usually they all can tell which was who based on the color of their outfit or cap, or the difference between their personality. But Boboiboy wore an orange vest paired with an orange cap, which was new

"Ah- Ah!" Shinyo stuttered as he couldn't form some words "This... Is my cousin! Yeah! Can he stay here for a while? He should have head home, but doesn't know where. And also we can't escort him since it's school time?" Shinyo struggling to  explained

The teacher thought about it before she agreed for Boboiboy to stay just for the day.

"You can sit on the empty seat, of the absent student for a while." The teacher says, as Boboiboy obliged

He sat down behind Shinyo as he rested his head on the table. He saw shinyo puts his hands together as if he's praying and he bowed,in act to say sorry

Boboiboy just smiled softly and rested his eyes. This day sure is interesting...

Few hours later Boboiboy woked up on a bell ringing, his Thorn self suddenly held his wrist as they both went to the canteen. A part of him wanted this to be a dream

His Thorn self sat him down between his Thorn self and his Solar self.

"So you're Boboiboy right?" His Earth self asked in which Boboiboy replied with a nod as he eats the food, the brothers gave

"Why did you falling into the sky?" His Lightning self asked

"I don't know..." He replied truthfully as he continued eating. He didn't really remember what happened, all he know was the sound of bombs and some screaming calling out his name.

"You all didn't introduce yourselves yet." Boboiboy trying to change the subject as he smiled. Thinking of what really happened in which he couldn't really remember much hurts his brain and somehow his smile remind the brothers of Toshiro

"My name is Toshiro, it's based on a Japanese name which is related to a meaning of earth. I don't know why our father named us into Japanese to be honest" Toshiro introduces

"Oh! And I'm the youngest between my triplets. Which is Rai, the Oldest" Toshiro added as he held his hand out to point at his Lightning self "And Ayakaze the middle" He now switches and points to his Wind self

"That's Kaen, the fourth child" Toshiro pointed at his fire self. Which was pronounced as Cain by the way

"That's Kaito the Fifth child. Kaen and Kaito are twins." Toshiro pointed at his Water or Ice self which was sleeping. "As this was Shinyo and Akimitsu." Toshiro pointed at his Thorn self and Solar self

"Hmm.. I see..." Boboiboy says as he smiled

"Who's your friend?" Someone goes to the brothers as he sat down. "Oh! That's Boboiboy! We saved him from falling moments ago!" Shinyo replied as the boy formed an 'o' on his lips in understanding

"Nice to meet you Boboiboy! My names Gopal! Shinyo's bestfriend!" Gopal greeted.

Boboiboy greeted back with a 'hi'. He needs to get used to this, he thought to himself


"As you can see earlier I have the wind power." Ayakaze says

"I HAVE COOL FIRE POWERS!!" Kaen exclaimed

"AND THIS IDIOT RIGHT HERE HAD WATER POWERS! BUT ALSO ICE!" Kaen added as he poked Kaito repeatedly. Kaito got annoyed and shoved Kaen's hands away

"I have Earth powers, and my Niichan right here have Lightning." Toshiro joined as Rai only huffed


"Oh! I can turn things into food!" Gopal says proudly. Boboiboy just laughed and they all continued on chatting

Finally the bell rang and Shinyo once again dragged Boboiboy as they both went to his classroom. Boboiboy just sat on the chair, also did Shinyo as he talked about his plants and Boboiboy happily listened.

Some hours passed the school have ended. Boboiboy also met Ying and Yaya as they happily greeted Boboiboy, Yaya asked him about his injuries in which Boboiboy reassured Yaya it's not that bad.

The brothers included Boboiboy walked back home. But in the middle of walking, Boboiboy seems to weaken as he was far behind to the brothers. He let's out some huffs in tiredness, and the worst part was they didn't walked that far. You can still see the school from they were standing

"Are you okay?" Toshiro asked in a worried tone, Boboiboy nods in response as he smiled. "I'm fine, just a bit tired that's all" He reassured his Earth self

And based on Toshiro's expression, he seems to not believe him one bit "Tired? But you just slept the whole class!" Shinyo said in a worried tone

Toshiro huffs a breath as he walked in front of Boboiboy, he kneeled down his hands on his back signalling Boboiboy to ride on his back

Boboiboy refused at first but Toshiro insisted, the more he refuses the more Toshiro seems to be mad. Boboiboy let's out a breath as he climb on Toshiro's back

"Is it really okay? Am I not heavy?" Boboiboy asked still worried "Pfft! Don't worry!! Toshiro Niichan was the strongest in all of us!" Kaen exclaimed as he let out a laughed

"HE EVEN ONCE LIFTED A TRUCK!" Shinyo added as he smiled innocently. The brothers happily talked about how Toshiro was the strongest and how he was in charge of them even though Rai was the oldest.

They talked and laughed on the way home, Some of the brothers goes to the shop as they helped their beloved grandfather.

Toshiro excuses himself along with Rai, Kaito, and Akimitsu as they got home. Toshiro let Boboiboy rest on the sofa as Kaito lays down resting on Boboiboy's lap. Boboiboy also fell asleep

"Why are we trusting that guy?" Rai questioned the behaviour of his little brother.

"Yeah! What if he's an enemy?" Akimitsu added supporting Rai

"He's injured. And besides, he kinda looked like us. I wonder if we're related" Toshiro explained as he looked at Boboiboy

"I'm still wondering why he fell out in the sky." Akimitsu pondered, he somehow couldn't get it off his head. He needs answers

The trio trouble makers got home as they make a scene, but instantly got quiet as they saw Boboiboy resting in peace (op- that came out wrong, i meant resting peacefully). And also felt Toshiro's death glare

They spend their hours Rai was on the sofa sitting beside Boboiboy, as he scrolled on his phone. Solar was on the small sofa reading a book, while the troublemakers was playing games on the Television. Toshiro was preparing a dinner for them to eat.

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