True Love's Miss

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"Oh, great! NOW what are we supposed to do?!" Elsie shrieked, legs trembling. Standing before her, Weronika, and Neo was a large, dark wolf. They knew it was Sophia, but from the way she snarled and growled, was it the Sophia they knew?

"Bet I could take her!" Weronika cracked her knuckles.

"Numbskull!" Elsie gave her a look of disbelief. "On second thought..." She shoved Weronika forward.

"Hey! What the—?! Watch it, shrimp! I ain't ready yet!" Weronika looked over her shoulder and snapped.

Neo said nothing, merely sighing and rolling her eyes as she pulled out her phone.

"Neo! Now is not the time for selfies!" Weronika snapped at her. Neo, however, ignored her, pulling up her internet tab and scrolling through it.

There is an old English myth that if someone who truly loved and trusted a werewolf called it by name that it would turn back into a human.

Neo's eyes flickered up from her phone to meet Sophia's wolfish ones.

Sophia stared back at her intently, unblinking. She licked her lips. N-Neo-sama...? You know the legend too, don't you...?

It wasn't why Sophia had transformed, but she could not deny that the thought was a guilty pleasure and fantasy she indulged in often. Even right then and there, she could see it so clearly, closer to being a dream come true than any she'd had before...


Neo would look at her and smile softly, slowly at first, but it would grow steadily, and eventually, even Weronika and Elsie would notice.

"Uhhh, Neo? What are you doin'?" Weronika would ask, mildly disgusted. What kinda bestiality romance setup is this?

"Yes!" Elsie would nod sharply. "What are you doing, Neo? What are you thinking?" she demanded. But Neo would have eyes only for her DJ...

Sophia... I know you... Blue would meet gold, and understanding would pass between human and animal. Sophia... MY Sophia... My loyal lap-dop, wild wolf, peerless protector... You who knows and understands me better than ANYONE.

Y-yes! Th-that's right! Neo-sama... You saved my life all those years ago... Now I am in debt to you, and will pay you back in full. I know you, and I will save you too, someday... Oh, Neo-sama! Sweet, dear, beloved Neo-sama! My savior, even now!

Neo would smirk as she reveled in the secret only she and Sophia shared. She would step forward.

"Neo!" Now a note of genuine concern entered Weronika's face and voice. What if Sophia went feral? Much as Weronika wanted to defeat Neo in something, she didn't want to watch the other girl get ripped to shreds and eaten alive! Plus, I want to be the one to beat her! Not Wolf-phia!

"Neo!" Elsie would reach out as well, grabbing at Neo's sleeve. Will you really associate yourself with a monster, a fiend, like that?! She is even more awful as a mangy mutt than as her pathetic human-self!

But Neo would glide effortlessly out of Elsie's clutching fingers to continue approaching Sophia, kneeling down in front of her so that their eyes could meet while they were at eye level. They were nose to nose, Neo acutely aware of Sophia's breathing, and vice versa. Only silence would fill the room as tension hung in the delicate balance between the woman and the wolf.

I know you... "Sophia." Come back to me. Not the wolf, but the girl.

Ohhhh! She said it! She really, really said it! Said my name! Like that! Sophia had been summoned, wanted, and who was she to deny her mistress' call? If Neo willed it, Sophia would make it so. I am loved! And I... trust her... as I have trusted no one else before... even my own parents, my pack! But you, Neo? Oh, what I wouldn't give for you to be my owner, my alpha, my mate, my EVERYTHING!

And fur would shrink back into skin as Sophia's body shrank. The tail would recede, and so would the claws. Her body would force itself back into an upright position, and her wolfish smile would become human, yet still equally adoring, as her head became human again.

Neo would smirk at her. There you are, Sophia! I knew you were in there somewhere. Maybe the others doubted, but not I. We know each other too well. We are bonded and bound by fate! And I am glad you are back. As impressive as your wolf form is, it is not the version of you I want.

Ohhhh! Neo-samaaaa! The only thing that could've made it even better was if Neo had given her a True Love's Kiss.


While Sophia gazed up adoringly at Neo, waiting hopefully, tail wagging slightly, Neo's gaze returned to her phone.

Other methods of reverse-transformation include throwing the human clothes of the werewolf at the werewolf. Neo smirked. It was a little less romantic, but if it did the trick!

She departed from the room and came back a minute later. In one hand was her fur coat that she wore onstage. In the other was Sophia's wolf hoodie. Smirking, she held them up. Elsie looked perplexed and Weronika scoffed, but once again, Neo glided right past them.

"Neo... What are you...?" Elsie began.

"How the hell's playing dress-up gonna help, dumbass?" Weronika snorted.

"Pull yourself together." Neo flung the clothing at Sophia, and she yipped as she was smacked in the face by two jackets. One of them smelled like Neo-sama! She instantly began to roll all over it, scenting it, trying to also smell like her beloved Neo-sama.

By the time she was done, all that remained was a very human and very naked Sophia.

"O Boże!" Weronika cursed and covered her face while, for a moment, Elsie could only stare with an open mouth. Neo simply stood there with her arms crossed and face neutral. Then after a second, a wicked smile spread across Elsie's face and it was her turn to whip out her phone.

"No, wait!" Sophia was mortified, trying to cover herself with the two jackets, face bright red as she held up a hand to Elsie. Elsie only snickered coldly as she opened up the camera app. This was gonna be hilarious!


Ahhhh! Neo-sama again! Coming to my rescue and my aid! My savior! My hero!

"Don't tell me you actually care?" Elsie whispered back with a snort, a rare moment of defiance towards Neo.

"I care about the reputation of Abyssmare," Neo replied coldly, and Elsie shut up at once. Fair point. Was Elsie really going to risk being responsible for tanking their reputation if she was ever caught blackmailing Sophia like this?

She grumbled, but put away her phone, nonetheless. Weronika had since uncovered her face, but now her eye was twitching. Why were her unit-mates so freakin' weird?! Sophia, meanwhile, continued to gaze up at Neo adoringly, still clutching their jackets against her naked, human form. Neo ignored them all, turning away and departing from the room again now that the werewolf issue was resolved. Well. It wasn't quite what Sophia had envisioned. (Weronika would've called it True Love's Miss). But hey, at least Sophia still had her beloved Neo-sama's jacket!

AN: I just had to write this out, LOL! Just search "grandma vs werewolf reddit" to see the original post, LOL!

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