Howling at the Moon

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As... troublesome as it was, having a werewolf unit-mate, Abyssmare was adaptable. They had to be, represented by wild animals, untamable by nature. The way the human half of the DJ unit saw it, if they were going to be saddled with someone like Sophia, the least they deserved was to reap some rewards along the way.

"Oi! Soph!" Weronika grinned wolfishly. "Shapeshift into your furry form, why don't 'cha?"

"F-f-furry f-f-form?!" Sophia stuttered and shrieked, outraged and embarrassed.

"You heard me!" Weronika continued brazenly. "I'm bored! So be a good lil pupper and do some tricks for me!" She spun her finger in a circle.

"W-W-W-Weronika...!" Sophia's hands clenched into fists.

"I'll beat Neo's ass if you aren't entertaining enough!" the brutish girl continued with a taunting warning.

"W-W-W-Weronika...!" Sophia shrieked, and Weronika laughed inwardly. Her plan was working! Whether Sophia was actually afraid Weronika would beat Neo up or not, the key part was that rather than beg for mercy, or beg to be beaten in Neo's place, Sophia was growing angrier...

"Or maybe I'll help Elsie suck up to Neo!" Weronika continued, tapping her chin, putting on a look of mock thoughtfulness.

Sophia make a strangled snarl of jealousy. They knew Weronika would never suck up to Neo, but Elsie would. Even though it was in a different way, she was just as down bad for the leader, face, brain, and voice of Abyssmare as the DJ was. Sophia's fingers curled into claws. Even just thinking about that little white weasel, the rat, the snake, made the DJ want to kill someone! Rip a head off, or tear a throat out!

"All right, here we go!" Weronika cracked her knuckles. "NOW it's time to party!" A dark wolf charged at her. She took the blow head-on, winding both of them. They wrestled to the ground, fur thrashing against flesh.

"Ahhhrrarrarrarrarr...!" Sophia growled, trying to twist around and bite or claw Weronika. Weronika growled and snarled right back at her, holding her in a headlock to avoid Sophia's snapping jaws. Sophia eventually wiggled free, but Weronika had already anticipated that she would. She gave a breathless laugh as she thought fast, planning her next attack.


"Only took me like half a minute!" Weronika bragged, flexing, referring both to the time it took her to subdue Sophia, and to trigger her transformation in the first place. Elsie scoffed while Neo—as usual—was expressionless.

"Please! I could do it way faster than you!" the shortest of Abyssmare said snootily.

"Pfft! But Sophia hates you even more than she hates me!" Weronika snorted, thinking back to which of her taunts acted as the straw that broke the werewolf's back. It wasn't threatening to beat up Neo, but to allow Elsie to grow closer to her.

Grinning viciously at Weronika, Elsie raised a hand to her mouth, then screamed. "SOPHIA! HELP ME!"

"O Boże!" Weronika clutched her ears while Neo—of course and somehow—remained stoic, arms crossed. The only indication of her irritation was the way her eyebrows lowered by three millimeters. Elsie howled piteously a second time and 10 seconds later, the trio of humans heard claws scrambling against the ground. Five more seconds and dark purple fur finally became visible. Sophia may have hated Elsie, but she certainly wouldn't refuse to help a unit-mate in need if she was in danger.

"God damn it," Weronika rolled her eyes disdainfully, trying to hide how much Elsie's shriek had startled her. "You got those... werewolfphia ears and I don't and even I could tell that Elsie was just faking! I bet even Neo would agree with me, for once!"

"Mmmm," Neo said, eyes glued to the wolf curling protectively around the littlest of Abyssmare. She growled at first, though the moment she realized that the other two surrounding Elsie were just Weronika and—more importantly—Neo, she shut up immediately.

"And how would you know what Elsie sounds like when "fakes it", hmm?" Elsie teased, winking an amber eye at Weronika as she ran her fingers through the fur on "werewolfphia's" head.

"CUZ YOU DO IT ALL THE TIME, IDIOT!" Elsie was nothing BUT a two-faced snake!

"Sei molto gentile!" Elsie crooned, ignoring Weronika. "You ran so fast when Elsie called!" Weronika cast the werewolf another scowl.

"When're you gonna stop fallin' for it?" she demanded. Sophia seemed to be enjoying Elsie's scritiches too much to hear her, or care.


While Elsie and Weronika continued to argue over who could make Sophia shapeshift faster, Neo smirked to herself. They all knew she could get it gone in under a second. Maybe Elsie's time was faster than Weronika's, but it still took her two cries to actually get Sophia to come to her. Neo knew that for her, it would only be one.

Besides, more important than the speed is the completeness, she thought. Who reached the connection—the crux—of wolf and woman more deeply? Well, if you asked Neo, that answer was obvious too...

"Come on, Sophia!" the vocalist cried suddenly, waving an arm in the air in a commanding gesture. Her DJ nodded once, flipping her wolf hoodie on at the same time. A second later, a beat kicked up. A few measures into the song, Neo heard the telltale scratches of Sophia on the turntables. Neo's head moved to the rhythm, after she began to sing, Sophia eagerly awaited her part when she would harmonize with her other half.

Halfway through the song, Sophia's voice—and body—began to change. Neo smirked to herself. Even though it took her longer than Elsie or Weronika, Neo and Sophia could feel that this transformation was the natural and intense of the three. It was a rehearsal for just the two of them, and upon Neo's command, Sophia was instructed to let loose, be as wild as she could be.

Good girl, the diva thought, smirk widening as Sophia tossed her furry head back and sang her heart out. Practically howling at the moon...

It was a literal callback to the birth of Abyssmare. Neo and Sophia met in person for the very first time, performed together for the very first time, and Sophia was so moved by the music that she transformed right then and there for the very first time. That was why their unit logo and mascot was a wolf. It wasn't just the DJ, but how her skills came alive thanks to her vocalist counterpart.

Now they danced together again, wolf and woman. If anyone had asked Neo, she would've gestured to herself and her DJ, belting and howling their hearts out. Was it not obvious? When it came to calling upon the wild wolf of Abyssmare, Neo was the best.

AN: Randomly remembered their bdays and randomly got inspired to actually write fics for them, so here's the next one!

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