Wastelanders Needed!

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Hey guys, it's me again! This will probably be one of the last few stories I'll be making.

Not because I'm leaving or anything, but because I don't want to just keep making things like these all willy nilly and not work on any of them. So I just want to at least try to work on a few of my stories.

Besides I had this idea for a while now, and I just wanted to post it

BTW, this is a separate thing I'm doing from my other fallout story

Anyway, with that out of the way. I need some characters for the story. Six slots are available! And the form is down below

And if you aren't too familiar with Fallout, there's a pretty short video to introduce you to it, doesn't cover everything but just the basics⬆️

But I'll still explain some stuff on here




Race: (Reference is down below!)



Weaponry: (Fallout takes place in like an alternative history future, so you have your normal Bullet Guns, and your Laser and Plasma Guns! And also Psionics and Cybernetics. So yea, go nuts!)



Here are the available Races to choose from


Humans are descendants of those who survived the nuclear apocalypse that devastated the world

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Humans are descendants of those who survived the nuclear apocalypse that devastated the world. They inhabit various regions across the post-apocalyptic landscape, including tribes, settlements, and vaults.

Humans are diverse in their beliefs, factions, and abilities, ranging from ordinary wastelanders struggling to survive to powerful individuals like the Brotherhood of Steel, The Enclave, The New California Republic, or Caesars Legion who seek to shape the future of the world.



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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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