To Light the Flames

321 19 14

|Blood and Minor Torture Warning|


I could hear it, even without my mask. The sound of the clocks turning back time. Each tick in my ears felt unnatural. I look up to the dark red ceiling above me and Demon Steve. There was no sky here, but the sky is where we need to go. I could feel the wind rush around us as it moved in a counterclockwise spin around us. My brown cloak lifted as we sped back in time. Unsure of where to go all I can think is who. Who is a light spirit? Who would be the first? Maybe from there, I can end this boiling nightmare. Exhausted tugged in my chest as I pulled us back farther and farther through time.

I needed to find Light Steve.

He was the first, he must be. If I can take us there maybe I can better find a point in time when the Guardian realized the Light Spirits' existence. I could trace that feeling until we found the Steve who was the next Light Spirit. I have to do as he says... Or I won't make it. I need to make it through this. For Sabre, for my brothers, for my dad. All of them. I can't save them and fight with them if I'm dead.

The burning ground disappeared and was replaced with cool grass. The sensation of burning left my boots and feet. Heavy chains still dragged onto the beautiful grass below me. The smokey area was replaced with a clean cool breeze. The sky became brighter with a blue sky. Clouds ran across it with the blowing wind. A sense of peace fills me in the place. This was the Spirit world.

No one could see the two of us though, even with the relief of that burning realm to a peaceful one here... I know it's only temporary. My exhaustion still lingers as I keep us here. The burning chains around my wrists stung like a bee sting. I looked out to the distance to see the Guardian. He was talking with Light Steve. Demon Steve listens closely as steps over to them. Only once did the chains on my wrists and ankles tugged at me did I follow. More than anything I just wanted to stop. To breathe... even for a few minutes.

"I've created you to be a Light Spirit. Light Steve you are a protector of this realm and represent Light itself." The Guardian explains to him. Light smiles a bit. His hair was a lot longer than it usually is. He looked so much younger and smaller... it's a surprise to see him like this.

"I... I understand Guardian." He mutters softly. The Guardian steps next to him one of his wings wrapped around him.

"Let me show you, show you this realm and the Steves who live here. I'm sure they will be more than happy to meet you." He smiles and begins to talk away with him. Demon Steve forced me to follow as my steps felt heavy and slow. After a while, he stops.

"Take us further. Further back. We need to see the creation. Not their conversation." He commands me before tugging at the chains. I held back a groan with a sharp breath. Which only caused more pain from the cuts that ran down my back. That Blue Steve... that Elder Blue Steve... didn't take too kindly to me after the others got out safely.

I could only nod in response. I focused on pulling us back further as the sound of a ticking clock filled my ears. The air shifted and moved with us as time sped backward around us. A sense of nausea rushed off me from how often we had been spinning in and out of time. I waited until Light was no longer there. Until it was only the guardian who stood. I stopped and struggled to stay on my feet. My vision went blurry for a few moments as I caught my breath. I looked up and saw I was not the only one out of breath.

The Guardian was too.

I looked over at him. He just appeared here in a storm of lighting. He was up on one knee holding his face as mulberry blood dropped down. His hood was down too. Demon Steve smiles.

"I remember this... It was the first time we fought against each other. I left a mark on him that he will never forget." He laughs at his words. I remained silent.

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