01: end to begin

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Soo Bin lay still on the hospital bed, her eyes half-open, gazing at the sterile white ceiling above. The steady beeping of the monitors filled the room, punctuating the silence that enveloped her. Tubes and wires connected her to various machines, their presence a stark reminder of the fragility of life.

She had been here for weeks now, hovering between consciousness and oblivion. The accident had left her with severe injuries—broken bones, internal bleeding, and a head injury that doctors were cautiously optimistic about. They had warned her family that her chances of survival were slim, but Soo Bin defied the odds, clinging to life with a tenacity that surprised even the most seasoned medical staff.

In the quiet moments when she was alone, Soo Bin's mind wandered through the labyrinth of her memories. Images flashed before her—fragments of a tumultuous past, moments of joy overshadowed by deep-seated pain. Her childhood, marked by loss and loneliness, seemed like a distant dream now. She had grown up under the care of Shin Jung Woo's father, a man who had taken her and her younger brother Gae Bae Kyung in after their parents' tragic deaths.

Jung Woo, Shin's son, had always been a thorn in Soo Bin's side. His arrogance and disdain for her were palpable, a constant reminder of her inferior status in his eyes. Despite being adopted into his family, Soo Bin never felt truly accepted by him. His presence in her life was a constant source of friction and resentment.

As Soo Bin lay in the hospital bed, she struggled to make sense of the turmoil that had defined her existence. The accident had not only shattered her body but had also unearthed buried emotions and unanswered questions. Why had life been so cruel to her? Why did she feel so alone, even amidst the bustling hospital corridors filled with compassionate strangers?

In her darkest moments, a whisper echoed in the recesses of her mind—a voice tinged with darkness and desperation. "Satan, now save me," she found herself uttering, the words a plea born of despair. It wasn't a prayer to the devil himself, but a cry for salvation from the depths of her anguish.

She didn't expect an answer, nor did she fully comprehend the implications of her words. But in that moment of vulnerability, as she teetered on the edge of consciousness, Soo Bin grasped onto the only lifeline she could find.

Days turned into weeks, and Soo Bin's condition gradually stabilized. The medical team marveled at her resilience, attributing her slow but steady progress to a combination of skilled intervention and sheer determination. Yet, beneath the surface, Soo Bin wrestled with inner demons that refused to be silenced.

One afternoon, as sunlight filtered through the hospital window, Soo Bin found herself visited by a nurse named Ji Eun. Unlike the clinical efficiency of the other hospital staff, Ji Eun exuded a warmth and compassion that touched Soo Bin's wounded soul.

"How are you feeling today, Soo Bin?" Ji Eun asked softly, adjusting the blankets around her.

Soo Bin managed a faint smile, her voice hoarse from disuse. "Better, I think. Thank you for asking."

Ji Eun nodded, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "You've been through a lot. It's okay to take your time to heal."

For the first time in weeks, Soo Bin felt a glimmer of hope stir within her. Ji Eun's words were a reminder that amidst the pain and uncertainty, there were still moments of kindness and compassion to be found.

As days passed, Ji Eun became a steady presence in Soo Bin's life—a source of comfort and encouragement during the darkest hours of her recovery. She listened patiently as Soo Bin shared fragments of her past, the wounds that still haunted her, and the flickers of resilience that kept her going.

"I used to believe in God," Soo Bin confided one evening, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now... I don't know anymore."

Ji Eun sat quietly beside her, offering a reassuring squeeze of her hand. "Sometimes, faith is not about believing in something external. It's about finding strength within yourself, even in the face of adversity."

Soo Bin pondered Ji Eun's words, her thoughts drifting back to her plea—her whispered invocation of darkness in a moment of desperation. Had she been wrong to reach out for something beyond her grasp? Or had that fleeting moment of defiance sparked a deeper understanding within her own soul?

The hospital room became a sanctuary of introspection for Soo Bin—a place where she confronted the shadows of her past and glimpsed the contours of a future yet unwritten. Each day brought small victories—a whispered prayer for strength, a smile shared with Ji Eun, a moment of clarity amidst the haze of medication.

And then, one morning, as the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of possibility, Soo Bin opened her eyes with a newfound resolve. The journey ahead was still fraught with uncertainty, but she faced it with a quiet determination born of resilience and self-discovery.

"Satan," she whispered to herself, a wry smile playing on her lips, "thank you for showing me the strength I never knew I had."

As she gazed out the hospital window, Soo Bin embraced the dawn of a new beginning. It wasn't about divine intervention or bargaining for salvation. It was about reclaiming her life, one step at a time, armed with the courage she had found within herself.

And amidst the bustling hospital corridors, where life and death danced in an eternal tango, Soo Bin began to write a new chapter—a testament to the power of resilience, the healing touch of compassion, and the indomitable spirit that refused to be extinguished.

In that hospital room, amidst the beeping monitors and the gentle hum of life-saving machines, Soo Bin found her own salvation—not in darkness or despair, but in the quiet triumph of a soul reborn.

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