00: the accident

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00: the accident

Soo Bin had always been a cautious driver. She obeyed traffic rules, used her signals diligently, and never exceeded the speed limit. Yet, on that fateful afternoon, none of her careful habits could prevent what was about to happen.

It was a crisp autumn day, the kind where the leaves painted the streets in hues of red and gold. Soo Bin was driving home from work, her mind occupied with thoughts of the upcoming weekend and the art project had proudly displayed at her father's school. She had promised the students present there a celebratory dinner, eager to hear their animated recounts of the day's events.

As she approached the intersection near her neighborhood, the traffic light turned yellow. Soo Bin hesitated for a split second, then decided to proceed through the intersection. Just as she was halfway across, a car from the opposing direction sped up, blatantly running the red light.

Time slowed to a crawl as Soo Bin's eyes widened in horror. She slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The impact was sudden and jarring, metal crunching against metal with a deafening noise. The force of the collision sent her car spinning sideways before it came to an abrupt stop, smoke billowing from the hood.

When Soo Bin finally managed to gather her senses, she found herself slumped against the steering wheel, dazed and disoriented. Pain seared through her limbs, and she winced as she tried to move. Blood trickled down her forehead from a gash caused by the impact, but her mind was more focused on the throbbing ache in her chest.

Sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder as help rushed to the scene. Paramedics swiftly arrived, their voices a blur as they assessed her condition and gently extricated her from the wreckage. Soo Bin was placed on a stretcher, her vision swimming as she was loaded into the ambulance.

The journey to the hospital was a blur of fluorescent lights and urgent voices. Soo Bin drifted in and out of consciousness, flashes of the accident replaying in her mind like a nightmare. She tried to stay awake, clinging to the hope that she would be okay, that she would make it back to her children.

Upon arrival at the emergency room, Soo Bin was whisked away for immediate medical attention. Doctors and nurses surrounded her, their movements a whirlwind of efficiency and urgency. She was quickly assessed for injuries — a fractured rib, bruised ribs, and multiple cuts and bruises adorned her body, evidence of the violent collision.

Hours passed in a haze of pain and medication. Soo Bin was stabilized and moved to a room for further observation and treatment. The hospital room was sterile and quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos of the accident scene. Tubes and monitors beeped rhythmically around her, tracking her vital signs and administering necessary fluids.

As evening descended outside the hospital windows, Soo Bin lay still on the hospital bed, her thoughts drifting back to her children and the unfinished art project waiting at home. She wondered if they knew yet, if someone had called her husband to inform him of the accident. Guilt gnawed at her — she should have been more careful, more vigilant.

Just then, a nurse entered the room, her face kind yet professional. She checked Soo Bin's IV drip and adjusted the blanket over her legs. "How are you feeling, Mrs. Gae?" the nurse asked, her voice gentle.

Soo Bin managed a weak smile. "Sore," she replied hoarsely. "But I'll be okay."

The nurse nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "You're lucky, you know. It could have been much worse."

Soo Bin swallowed hard, the reality of the accident sinking in. She had indeed been fortunate to escape with injuries that, while painful, were not life-threatening. She closed her eyes briefly, silently thanking whatever luck had spared her from a more tragic outcome.

"Is there anyone we should contact for you?" the nurse asked kindly, jotting down notes on a clipboard.

Soo Bin hesitated, her thoughts drifting to her family once more. "My dad...Mr. Lee," she murmured. "They should know I'm here."

The nurse assured her that they would make the necessary calls, and Soo Bin relaxed slightly, grateful for the small comfort. She settled back against the pillows, exhaustion washing over her as the pain medication began to take effect.

As the hospital quieted down for the night, Soo Bin drifted into a fitful sleep, her dreams haunted by fragmented memories of the accident. She clung to the hope that tomorrow would bring clearer thoughts and perhaps even a visit from her loved ones, reassuring her that despite the crash, everything would eventually be alright.

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