02: blood is not the word.

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The hospital corridor was unusually quiet that night, the only sounds echoing softly were the distant hum of machines and the occasional shuffle of footsteps. Soo Bin walked along the corridor, her mind still reeling from the day's events. It had been a long and trying day, filled with pain and uncertainty after the car accident that had landed her in this hospital room.

As she walked, Soo Bin couldn't help but notice a small figure huddled on the staircase nearby. Curiosity piqued, she approached cautiously, her footsteps silent on the tiled floor. As she got closer, she saw that it was a young girl, no older than seven or eight, her face streaked with tears and her shoulders shaking with sobs.

"Hey there," Soo Bin said softly, kneeling down beside the girl. "Are you okay?"

The girl looked up, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "My mommy..." she started, her voice trembling. "The doctors said they can't save her. Daddy's with her now..."

Soo Bin's heart sank at the girl's words. She could only imagine the pain and fear the child must be feeling, facing the imminent loss of a parent at such a tender age. But she knew she had to be strong, not just for herself but for this little girl who needed comfort in this moment of despair.

Taking a deep breath, Soo Bin gently put her arm around the girl's shoulders, offering what little solace she could. "I'm so sorry to hear that," she murmured, her voice filled with empathy. "But you know, sometimes... blood is not the word."

The girl looked at her quizzically, her tears still flowing. Soo Bin smiled softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from the girl's face. "It means... sometimes we can find family and love in places other than just blood relatives. It's about the people who care for us, who are there for us no matter what."

The girl blinked, processing Soo Bin's words. Slowly, a glimmer of understanding appeared in her eyes. "Like my daddy?" she asked tentatively.

Soo Bin nodded warmly. "Exactly like your daddy. And maybe even here, in the hospital, with the doctors and nurses who are trying their best to help your mommy."

The girl sniffled again, leaning into Soo Bin's comforting embrace. "Thank you," she whispered softly.

Soo Bin hugged her gently, feeling a pang of sadness for the girl's impending loss but also a sense of gratitude for the chance to offer a small ray of hope. They sat together on the staircase for a while longer, Soo Bin lending her quiet strength as the girl processed her emotions and came to terms with the difficult reality facing her family.

Eventually, the girl's father appeared at the top of the stairs, his eyes tired and grief-stricken. He rushed down to his daughter, scooping her up into his arms with a heartfelt embrace. Soo Bin stood up, giving them a small smile of reassurance before quietly making her way back to her hospital room.

As she walked, Soo Bin couldn't shake the heaviness in her heart from the encounter. It reminded her of the fragility of life, of the bonds that held people together in moments of despair. And yet, it also reminded her of the strength that could emerge from even the darkest of circumstances, the resilience of the human spirit to find solace and comfort in unexpected places.

Reaching her room, Soo Bin closed the door behind her and sat down on the edge of her bed. She glanced out the window at the quiet night sky, feeling a sense of calm settle over her. In that moment, she reflected on the profound truth she had shared with the young girl:

Sometimes, blood is not the word.

As Soo Bin sat on the staircase comforting the young girl, little did she know that just a few steps away, on the adjacent staircase, Yo Han stood silently listening. His footsteps had carried him to this quiet corner of the hospital, seeking solace from the chaos of his own thoughts.

He had overheard Soo Bin's comforting words to the girl about family and love, and despite the seriousness of the situation, a soft chuckle escaped his lips. It was the kind of chuckle that reflected both amusement and admiration for Soo Bin's earnestness. In that moment, even without seeing her face, he felt a curious stir of interest.

Yo Han leaned against the wall, his gaze directed towards the ceiling as he contemplated the scene unfolding just a few feet away. He had heard of Soo Bin from Mr. Shin, his employer, who had spoken highly of her intelligence and strength. Yet, here he was, witnessing another facet of her character—compassionate, empathetic, and wise beyond her years.

As Soo Bin continued to comfort the girl, Yo Han couldn't help but admire the way she effortlessly connected with someone in need. There was a genuineness in her voice, a sincerity that resonated with him deeply. It was rare to find such authenticity in the circles he frequented, where appearances often masked true intentions.

Lost in his thoughts, Yo Han didn't realize how much time had passed until he heard the girl's father approaching. He straightened up, glancing briefly in Soo Bin's direction before quietly retreating down the staircase. He didn't want to intrude on their private moment but made a mental note to remember this encounter.

Back in his room, Yo Han couldn't shake off the image of Soo Bin and the impact of her words. He had always prided himself on being observant and detached, yet Soo Bin had managed to intrigue him in a way that was both unexpected and undeniable. There was something about her presence, about the way she carried herself with grace and compassion, that left a lingering impression.

As he settled into bed, Yo Han found himself replaying the scene in his mind—the sound of Soo Bin's voice, the warmth in her eyes, and the genuine concern she had shown for a stranger's well-being. It was a stark contrast to the superficiality of his usual interactions, where motives were often hidden behind polite facades.

Tomorrow, he knew, he would see Soo Bin again. And this time, he hoped, he would have the chance to meet her properly and perhaps uncover more about the woman who had unknowingly captured his interest with just a few simple words.

With that thought, Yo Han closed his eyes, letting the image of Soo Bin's compassionate smile linger in his mind as sleep slowly claimed him, knowing that tomorrow would bring a new chapter in their unexpected connection.

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